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PFS credit: You will receive PFS credit as if playing a pregen for a sanctioned module after each chapter. The sanctioned modules for Carrion Crown are tiers 2-4, 6-8, 7-9, 9-11, 11-13 and 13-15. You will receive 1 PFS level per chapter. There is a total of six chapters.
Expectation: One post a day. Roll20.net (linked above in bold) will be used for maps, tokens, and images. Players have option to use combat dice in Roll20 or messageboards, but end results need to be posted here.
- Core Rulebook
- Advance Class Guide Playtest
- Advanced Players Guide
- Advanced Races
- Ultimate Combat
- Ultimate Magic
- Ultimate Campaign
- Bestiary I-IV
- Inner Sea World Guide
- Pathfinder Society Field Guide
- Carrion Crown Player's Guide

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Posting a test message to join game.
Which one of your aliases are you playing? Remember to use "Post As" with your proper alias. Also, please pick an avatar picture for your character, so we may easily identify them.
Everyone, please state your class, race, alignment and character name. I will need a fully fleshed out character by Friday midnight, March 7th. Wednesday's deadline, March 5th, is to determine these four criteria.
Please ask if you need help. Several of my alias have a standard character sheet format, but feel free to use your own design. The sooner you decide allows others to create a new and different role that will benefit the party.

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nightdeath here. What do we have on the table so far?
Also is hitpoints full at lst level. I assume PFS style for HP gain.

Cryhavoc28 |

Hello everyone, Just wanted to post a preliminary message. I will be adding my character details shortly. He is a human sorcerer with the seeker archetype and the arcane (wildblooded: sage) bloodline. Being a sage, he will be using int. as his main stat and the seeker archetype will allow him to use the disable device skill. It has been quite a while since I have had the opportunity to play and I am looking forward to gaming with you all!

Cassandra Corvellis |

Looking at an Arcanist (Advanced Class Guide Playtest). Willing to switch things up depending on rest of party makeup, but that is my original preference.

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Recycled from another campaign
Drasven Hammers:
Dwarven Warpriest of Gorum

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Yes. These submitted characters will cover all necessary roles. I am waiting on possibly two more individuals, but if no submission is received by Wednesday midnight, March 5th, then this group of four is set as the basic roles are covered. (The sorcerer has trapfinding.)
Please note that non-core races will have a significant social disadvantage (-5 to -20 to charisma checks) as the Player's Guide states the Ustalav people are superstitious and very wary of outsiders. This is the trade off for selecting a more powerful race.
Since three of the four players have classes from Advanced Class Guide Playtest, Paizo's updates to those classes will go into effect after each chapter. There are 6 chapters in the campaign.

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I know that we are having another two more players but Should I bring a heavy melee?
A figher or a barbarian to suit the party?

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lol as a dwarf....Charisma is an iffy thing. Can I just beat them back to the ground and un-undead them that way? :P

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Drasven is now properly updated and equiped as a Warpriest of Angradd

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Please have your character sheets completed in your alias by this Friday. No need to send them to me. I will be rolling a random relationship with your character and two other party members. For example, Player A will know Player B & C. Player B will know Player A & D. Player C will know Player A & E. Player D will know Player B & E. Player E will know Player C & D.
PC B=A+D: 2d100 ⇒ (53, 39) = 92 friend of a friend + reputation alone
PC C=A+E: 2d100 ⇒ (20, 61) = 81 hunting buddies + tavern buddies
PC D=B+E: 2d100 ⇒ (36, 57) = 93 reputation alone + former enemies
PC E=C+D: 2d100 ⇒ (38, 15) = 53 tavern buddies + former enemies

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So A Dwarven warpriest
A Changeling Monk
A Nagaji Ranger
Human Sorceror (Seeker)
Human Inquistor.
Not a bad mix.

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Hence the negative social reaction modifier. I want one player to be "unknown stranger" to the entire group whereas everyone else has some type of a relationship with two other members.
Everyone please roll a 1d100. Lowest roll will be player A. Second lowest player B, etc. Highest roll is the unknown stranger.
Players with well developed backgrounds will be receiving a boon to be determined. It is mandotary in almost all PbP campaigns, and I will do my best to incorporate them. Most importantly, it will give other players more opportunities to interact with you. If you chose to forgo a background, I will generate one for you which is NOT my preference with this link Background Generator.

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I think noncore races are setting the group up for big RP failure. This was a bad decision by me and would lead others too heavy of a RP burden to interact with NPC's. Noncore races may not be able to handle a challenge of negative reactions everywhere they go, possibilities of being run out of town as the monster, strung up, spit on, branded, or general being treated badly.
However, any human has the option of replacing skilled trait with home brewed trait. Mixed Bloodline. Pick another nonhuman racial trait. You qualify for feats, classes and spells belong to that race.
Please accept my apologies. The hardest part of PbP is finding a balance of RP opportunities for all. This new rule makes it easier given the campaign setting as it is unlike PFS where nobody cares about race selection and diversity.
Please adjust your character sheets. Hope to see your backgrounds soon. See Windom's for a high bar.

Windom |

Wow thanks for the higher bar comment! Please feel free to read his background, it is a fun dark story.
I agree with the DM. CC is a horror based game which is RP heavy. I was just personally playing in a CC game that fell through and we had one noncore race (fetchling) out of a group of humans. She had to stay at home and hide (away from the windows even) while everyone ran around the city doing errands and her share of the work. Needless to say her posts did not look too fun (my opinion).
OK here is a treat for everyone to put you in the mood. Nosferatu with the music of Type O Negative; personal all time favorite movie. For those not familiar with the CC setting, this is as close as it gets.

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Drasven Hammers:
Dwarven Warpriest of Gorum
CC is a horror driven game and yes Core would be better.
Else I think all of the non core races better like wearing hoods, and lotsa make up via disguise skill.Now for my roll 1d100 ⇒ 3

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I see a likely stranger in a half elf martial artist. Fits the sterotype pretty well. :P

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Those new to PbP should read the guide linked in the posting convention (thanks nightdeath) in campaign tab.
I need 1d100 rolls from three more players.
Backgrounds not received by 12 am MST will be rolled and missing their boon.
Full character sheets not posted by 12 am MST will not be participating in the campaign. The original deadline (outside of these message boards) was March 1 then extended to tonight. Time to play a fantastic bloody and creepy campaign.
Gameplay thread will be up late tonight. Please make your character introductions in a tavern setting, The Laughing Demon, on Saturday and then our story begins...
I am looking forward to facilitating this story, but YOU are the stars. Let's see how you shine, my beautiful and unique snowflakes. ; )

Windom |

Same problem
I do not think it is a new gm error as so much a technical messageboard glitch.
Are you able to edit the other tabs?
Only suggestions are to post in the messageboard somewhere looking for advice for the fix, or contact the webmaster@paizo.com

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The day began badly. You were interrupted in the course of your normal activities to be informed of the death of Professor Petros Lorrimor. For some of you, the sadness of the loss of a friend. For others, more of a passing acquaintance. For all of you, that brief shudder of remembrance that for all of us, one day, death will come calling, and our friends will receive a message informing them of our demise.
The message came as a personal one from Lorrimor's daughter, Kendra. Some of you may remember her as a small child, always inquisitive and boding fair to become an impressive scholar in her own right. She writes that some 15 years ago, her father had retired from the University of Lepidstadt and had made his home in the town of Ravengro, although still making research trips and the odd lecture tour. He met his demise in a tragic accident whilst conducting research in the environs of Ravengro, and in the copious instructions that he had left, requested that you each be summoned to attend his funeral and to hear the reading of his Last Will and Testament.
And so you have come, from the far corners of the Inner Sea and beyond, drawn by conflicting emotions: respect, curiousity, admiration, even fear...
The day and time of the interment is now at hand. Kendra's message requested that you come to The Restlands, as the town burial ground is known, and meet her at the gate. She hinted that perhaps some of you might feel moved to act as pall-bearers for this, his last journey.
After the ceremony, Kendra has offered the hospitality of the family home. A wake, of course. The formal reading of the will. And of course you will be welcome to stay a while before you return to, well, whatever you were doing when this missive arrived.
Here is a map of Ravengro
You'll have time to explore in due course, and I shall use the letters as reference to the various locations of interest. For now, The Restlands is indicated by P, off the map to the north of town.
You have all arrived precisely at the time you need to present yourselves at the Laughing Demon tavern the evening before to attend the funeral. So please describe yourselves as you arrive... you may have travelled with friends who are also invited, or you may discover that people you know are standing there as a small crowd gathers to await the appointed time.

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Not sure not sure what happened but it seems all post are eaten up..... However upon my post, it seems that this shows up un my campaign page

Windom |

Walking into the tavern nobody would look twice or with immediate concern to the man that enters. He is tall, just shy of six feet, has a nice physique, just shy of imposing strenght, and he looks wiry, just shy of being gaunt. He has longer brown hair, shaved face, and aura of average about him. Gray breeches and a white tunic under a lite charcoal colored overcoat, all neatly worn and buttoned, his shoes are polished and shiny. This looks like the man women try to bring home to mother.
He will go hang his overcoat on the rack by the fireplace as he politely greets the bar maid with a good evening and goes to find a vacant seat. Sitting at a table with some open spots, and some occupied he greets the current inhabitants.
Good evening, if this seat is awaiting an acquaintance of any of you please just say the word. It is beginning to get chilly out there.
After ordering dinner, a pint of bitter, bread, and whatever meat is being cooked tonight; he will hope to join in friendly conversation at his table.
Now that you say it, yes that is a funny thought but why not, people have personalities why could not a horse. You say it was a generous horse, how so?
As others step up to the vacant seats at the large table he will stand, each time, to greet them with a firm handshake (or small bow for any ladies), he has a surprising deep take control calm voice. Introducing himself as Windom of Kavapesta, he will try to bring any new comers into the table's already humor soaked debate.
What say you friend, have you every heard of a generous horse?