meet the Ajani (new race)

Homebrew and House Rules

My youngest son has been dying to play an exotic race. Looking through the ideas in the ARG, nothing really caught his eye. He saw a picture of Ajani Goldmane from Magic: the Gathering and thought he looked really cool (just like the 10yr old he is).

So, on a whim, I worked up some stats for a race of lion-folk. But as I got going, I realized it was actually workable. I wanted to share what I've come up with so far to see if there are any thoughts/suggestions for any improvements to my initial idea. In honor of Ajani Goldmane, I named the race the Ajani.

Tall and proud, this lion-like humanoid typically stands a full head taller than a human.

Racial Traits:
+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence: Ajani value strength, both physical and in personality, but they generally don’t place much value in knowledge and scholastic pursuits.
Ajani: Ajani are humanoids with the ajani subtype.
Medium: Ajani are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Ajani have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Ajani can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Predatory Nature: Ajani receive a +1 racial bonus to Perception and Stealth, and they always treat these skills as class skills.
Defensive Training: Ajani gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against humanoids of the gnoll subtype.
Intimidating: Ajani receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.
Natural Weapon: Ajani are equipped with sharp teeth that they can use as a natural weapon. This bite is a primary attack (or secondary attack if wielding manufactured weapons) that deals 1d4 points of damage.
Hatred: Ajani receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the gnoll subtype due to special training against these hated foes.
Languages: Ajani begin play speaking Common and Ajani. Ajani with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin and Sylvan.

Description: Ajani (singular and plural) resemble large humanoid lions. Male ajani are generally larger and more muscular than the females. Much like the lions they resemble, ajani males sport a thick mane of hair that they frequently style and/or decorate, while the females lack a mane.
Fiercely proud and territorial, they live in small prides led by a dominant male. They prefer to live in open grasslands and savannahs, where they maintain a nomadic lifestyle following the herds of grazing animals that provide for their needs.
The ajani tend to use small-group tactics when hunting or fighting, coordinating their attacks to overwhelm their prey/opponents. When forced to fight individually, ajani (males especially) often switch to intimidation tactics, preferring to either face a demoralized foe or avoid the fight entirely. The ajani are not cowards, though – they simply see no practical reason to waste resources and risk harm if a confrontation can be avoided.
The ajani are frequently at odds with gnolls, with whom they compete for food and living space. Whenever possible, gnolls will capture ajani to sell as slaves to fight in arenas. As a result, interactions between gnolls and the ajani are almost always hostile. Their relations with the other humanoid races are typically cool – they tend to intimidate and scare other races, so the ajani prefer to keep to themselves. Those who do befriend an ajani find they have a loyal and powerful ally at their side.
Ajani tend to favor classes that play to their strength – barbarians, rangers and fighters are common choices. Oracles and druids are also popular paths for an ajani to take. Sorcerers and bards, while less common, are occasionally found among the ajani. The other classes are rarely seen among the lion people.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Love it, very flavourful and catches the theme of "Lionfolk" perfectly.

Looks pretty balanced. A little on the weak side, but that's mostly 'cause I don't like hatred and defensive training. I feel it is often too narrow. On the other hand, in a campaign centered around gnolls, that +4 ac is huge.

Id give them something else flavourful instead of defensive training. Maybe an ac bonus when adjacent to multiple foes. Or a spell like ability to shape metal if you want to reference Mirrodin. I think that's where ajani is originally from.

I had originally given them Natural Armor (+1) for thick hide, like the gnolls have, but I didn't want the Race Points to get too high - currently at 10.

I agree that Hatred & Defensive Training are very circumstantial. We're about to start a RotRL campaign, so it probably won't factor in much, unless I throw in a little side-scenario or two (which I'm considering, especially early on).

I'd also thought about Cornered Fury (bonus to attacks & AC if less than 1/2 HP and no conscious allies within 30')... that's 3RP

Any thoughts on replacing defensive training with cornered fury?

As a player I'd much prefer cornered fury.

I'm seriously leaning towards giving them both.

Tall and proud, this lion-like humanoid typically stands a full head taller than a human.

Racial Traits:
+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence:
Ajani value strength, both physical and in personality, but they generally don’t place much value in knowledge and scholastic pursuits.
Ajani: Ajani are humanoids with the ajani subtype.
Medium: Ajani are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Ajani have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Ajani can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Predatory Nature: Ajani receive a +1 racial bonus to Perception and Stealth, and they always treat these skills as class skills.
Cornered Fury: Ajani become even more ferocious fighters when the battle becomes desperate. If an ajani is reduced to half its hit points or fewer and has no conscious ally within 30 feet, it gains a +2 racial bonus on melee attack rolls and to Armor Class.
Intimidating: Ajani receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.
Defensive Training: Ajani gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against humanoids of the gnoll subtype.
Natural Weapon: Ajani are equipped with sharp teeth that they can use as a natural weapon. This bite is a primary attack (or secondary attack if wielding manufactured weapons) that deals 1d4 points of damage.
Hatred: Ajani receive a +1 bonus on against humanoid creatures of the gnoll subtype due to special training against these hated foes.
Languages: Ajani begin play speaking Common and Ajani. Ajani with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin and Sylvan.

If my math is correct, this makes them a 14pt-buy (cornered fury is 4pts, not 3) - not too bad, especially considering that two of the traits (hatred and defensive training) are pretty circumstantial... Not quite as powerful as aasimars and tieflings, but better than the core races. Opinions?

So is it unreasonable to give both defensive training & cornered fury?

Another alternative would be to keep defensive training & add weapon familiarity - after looking at each of the core races, it appears all but humans have some type of weapon familiarity. Given, the usual pictures of Ajani Goldmane, the two most likely options would javelin/spear & the hooked axe...

Defensive Training is very situational so no, I wouldn't say its too much.

The point system is for eye balling at best. For that campaign, I'd run it for sure as a balanced race. Steal feats and such from catfolk for added flavor.

Yeah, if I ever decide to have alternate racial traits, I was thinking about having claws and camouflage:savannah as options to start off, along with maybe the sprint option from the catfolk.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

You might also call it Leonin or Nacatl, as that's what Ajani is.

Stat-wise a lot like Nagaji, with a Bite instead of NA, and a racism towards gnolls. Seems fine.

+1 on munching bits from catfolk, truth be told as I read through this I wonder why have them have their own subtype instead of throwing them with the lot as humanoid(catfolk)

no claws? intended or just the evil Race Point Counter Monster stopped you? would be climatic to add something corelating to that steppe-nomadic life as well

also +1 at treating the race point count lightly; looking at core races even we might land with a mere 8-point human or a dwarf with..i'd rather not count if it's over 20 yet?

Dark Archive

It doesn't have to equal 10 RP. If memory serves, aren't Dwarves 12 RP and Drow and Tieflings 14? Keep it close, sure. But no need to be bound to it.

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The "evil Race Point Monster" (copyright pending, lol) was only a general guideline I used to make sure I didn't get carried away.

After re-reading the catfolk entry, though I had an idea I played with the last 45 minutes:

Catfolk Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Wisdom: Catfolk are sociable and agile, but often lack common sense.
Catfolk: Catfolk are humanoids with the catfolk subtype.
Medium: Catfolk are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Catfolk have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: In dim light, catfolk can see twice as far as humans.
Natural Weapons (Ex): A catfolk has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.
Cat's Luck (Ex): Once per day when a catfolk makes a Reflex saving throw, he can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted.
Natural Hunter: Catfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks.
Sprinter: Catfolk gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
Languages: Catfolk begin play speaking Common and Catfolk. Catfolk with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.

Alternate Racial Traits
The following racial traits may be selected instead of typical catfolk racial traits. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.
Big Cat: Although most catfolk resemble the smaller felines, there are some tribes that are more akin to the larger feline species, such as lions and tigers. In addition to the minor differences in physical appearance, these catfolk receive a +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. This replaces the catfolk's normal racial attribute package.
Cat's Claws: Some catfolk have stronger and more developed claws than other members of their race, and can use them to make attacks. Catfolk with this racial trait have a pair of claws they can use as natural weapons. These claws are primary attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage. This racial trait replaces natural hunter.
Clever Cat: Catfolk's generally friendly disposition doesn't preclude craftiness. Some of them see social obstacles as games to be played and won. These catfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. This racial trait replaces natural hunter.
Climber: Catfolk hunters excel at hunting prey from trees and other high vantage points. Catfolk with this racial trait possess a climb speed of 20 feet (along with the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks a climb speed affords). This racial trait replaces sprinter.
Curiosity: Catfolk are naturally inquisitive about the world around them, though some are more curious than others. Such catfolk gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for them. If they choose a class that has either of these Knowledge skills as class skills, they gain a +2 racial bonus on those skills instead. This racial trait replaces natural hunter.
Nimble Faller: Some catfolk have an amazing sense of balance and keen knowledge of their own center of gravity. Catfolk with this trait land on their feet even when they take lethal damage from a fall. Furthermore, catfolk with this trait gain a +1 bonus to their CMD against trip maneuvers. This racial trait replaces sprinter.
Scent: Some catfolk favor a keen sense of smell over sensitive sight. Catfolk with this racial trait gain the scent ability. This racial trait replaces the low-light vision racial trait.
Cornered Fury: Some catfolk become even more ferocious fighters when the battle becomes desperate. If a catfolk is reduced to half its hit points or fewer and has no conscious ally within 30 feet, it gains a +2 racial bonus on melee attack rolls and to Armor Class. This racial trait replaces the cat's luck racial trait.
Camouflaged Hunter: Catfolk with this ability specialize in hunting within a particular terrain. They choose a ranger favored terrain type, and gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks while within that terrain type. This racial trait replaces the natural hunter.

The idea was to just throw in some additional alternate traits to accommodate my ideas for the bigger cats, as well some other ideas I had (like cornered fury & terrain preferences). I decided to give them a natural bite attack as well - if you do look at the point buy, it takes catfolk from 9 to 11 pts (oh my!)... again, just for general reference. But definitely not game-breaking.

I rather like this idea, because it'll save me a LOT of work coming up with the racial trait stuff mentioned earlier. So, what do you guys think??

I'd allow it at my table.

Looking good! Hope the kid enjoys playing the character.

Odd thought: Has anyone else tried PFing a race from Magic?

Not really sure which races would be worth converting. . . there are already goblins, elves, dwarves in pf. . .Beast wouldn't make a good PC race, or slivers, or angels/demons/vampires which are most of the tribal decks in magic. . .

Well merfolk, but those are already in too.

I showed it to my older son (he's 18, but has been RP'ing for years already), and he thought my modified catfolk write-up looked solid. It'll be for his younger brother.

Now I have to figure out how to get him to Sandpoint for the AP...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Shipwrecked on the Lost Coast.

Does anyone know if catfolk are native to Varisia?

Catfolk are native to southern Garund and/or Casmaron, I think, but there's no reason some couldn't turn up in Varisia.

Sorry for not getting back sooner...

Southern Garund/Casmaron are a pretty far ways off from Varisia - even for a race that likes to explore & adventure. So how would one turn up there? Especially a barbarian/fighter type?

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