Carrion crown build - Cleric


Shadow Lodge

So far what I have:

N Aasimar Cleric 1
Deity: Sarenrae
13 STR
14 CON
12 INT
14 WIS
20 CHA

Improved Channel

Diplomacy 11
Knowledge (religion) 5
Sense Motive 6

Domains: Day (Sun) and Glory
SLA: Daylight 1/day


Variant Channeling (Disease)
Deathless Spirit +2 vs. some undead effects, no HP loss from negative levels and 5 negative energy resistance

Cleansing Light - reroll any channel damage die that is 1 vs. undead
Sacred Conduit

Channel Positive Energy 8/day
1d6 + 1 DC21 save

Prepared Spells:

0th - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Light, Create Water
1st - Bless, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

I'm midway through book 2 of Carrion Crown also playing a Channel-focused Cleric of Sarenrae. You're going to absolutely SMOKE any undead you come across, but I would caution against putting all your eggs in the "channel Positive to harm Undead" basket; while many of the enemies you will be fighting will be undead, you can't count on Undead being your only adversaries.

I did not take Selective Channel at level 1, 3, or 5; I'm level 6 now and regretting the heck out of it. I would suggest that you not bother with Improved Channel at level 1, and instead take, or consider taking very soon, Selective Channel. First off, you are already getting +2 to the Will Save DC from the Glory Domain, and secondly Undead do not get to add their Channel Resistance against your channels due to the Sun domain. Finally, since you're adding your Cleric Level to channel damage to undead, those lucky few that manage to make the will save for half are still getting hit with a nasty amount of damage (plus your CHA bonus to the Will Save DC is significantly higher than most).

The variant channeling Disease to heal party members is likely going to come in handy, as my party is currently struggling with effectively dealing with stat damage/drain (we are likely going to invest in a wand of Lesser Restoration when we get back into town).

I'm not entirely familiar with the different domains/traits, but do you have something that lets you use Cha to determine a) level of spell you can cast and b) Save DCs for your spells?

Granted, you'll have time to boost your Wisdom before the 14 Wis becomes an issue, but just curious.

Lantern Lodge

I am playing Aasimar mostly for the stats and resistance, and because the DM is allowing me to take the alternate FCB for even more crazy high channel damage. Planning on this sort of feat progression:

-Improved Channel
-Extra Channel
-Quick Channel

At level 5, I think I will be able to blast out 3d6 + 7 damage with a DC23 save, and then do it again with my move action if I need to. I think that's going to make even a min-maxed sorcerer look like a sissy heh :-p

I have personally seen parties stop for days to prepare Lesser Restoration, since natural ability damage heals *slow* at all levels. I am looking forward to meeting some ghosts and absolutely slaughtering them with no miss chance, no channel resistance and even on a 19 most of them will still go down hard. For the non-undead in this AP, I suspect our 26 strength Ogre Barbarian, synthesist summoner and cavalier will mop up nicely. And if the locals give us trouble, we just knock their heads together too, murder hobo style.

What domains did your Cleric take for this AP? :P


I couldn't bear to see 4000 some odd party gold going to something that a level 1 character can effectively do. It'd break my heart really. Silly that so many groups waste money on that IMO... :(

The domains I chose were Heroism (sub-domain of Glory) and Sun.

My stats (we decided on a 25 point buy, for whatever reason) are

STR 14 (+2 human bonus)
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 16 (leveling bonuses into here)
CHA 14

The DC for Channeling is plenty high, and most of the enemies I've faced were not able to make the save. Many of the mook-level enemies were blown away with one channel, while the higher CR bosses took several, in concert with the rest of the party. In my experience so far I haven't felt the urge for additional save DC, but I have noticed already that the healing potential of the Channel is beginning to decrease as we play higher in level (and enemies focus fire on certain characters, versus spreading the hurt throughout the entire party). The variant channeling definitely seems like it could be useful, however it didn't fit with my concept (I played very close to the Sarenrae theme, opting for a concept-driven versus mechanics-driven character generation approach).

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