Killing another player character on accident


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Well, extremely evil elves could become drow, but what is to say a born drow can't become at least neutral? The whole "elf<>drow" thing is quite vague, it seems.

Still, an apology is in order, and I'd say the DM bears a bit of the responsibility here.

Dark Archive

Yup, he shouldn't be dead.

Scarab Sages

He really shouldn't have been there in the first place. Evil Outsider in a party with a Paladin and LG Cleric is a recipe for disaster, and the DM should have vetoed the character that was outside of party norm. Since everyone else seems to be the standard good/neutral the Evil half-fiend is the piece that doesn't fit.

Dark Archive

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Chemlak wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Pan wrote:
Wait, the drow noble didn't torpedo the group? This is an interesting development.
Sounds like he is Drizzting it.
Nothing wrong with that :)
Good drow of the world unite!

Well, in Golarion, there are no good Drow.

A normal Elf can actually become Drow, by being too evil.

There has to be a fiendish influence because evil elves will not become a drow with out it. But as the DM ruled that the damage kills him it is fare. You don't play evil characters with good clerics and paladins around.

There was a campaign I played in for two years, once, back in 1st Edition, where the whole party died when one PC accidentally caught himself in the blast radius of his necklace of missiles. He failed his save, it failed it's save, and the whole necklace cooked off. Blew a couple city blocks of Greyhawk sky high. Like 120d6 of damage. We were well under 10th level.

It was a random encounter too.

Pretty wild way to end a campaign.

I'm guessing the guy was actually an evil alignment (as part of his "concept" ofc) so he could do what he pleased. You got rid of what sounds like a problem player by being a dick to him (though accidentally) before he got a chance to be a dick to you and the rest of the party. You win. He loses. Say bu-bye and find a new player.

Grand Lodge

Still, why was he there in the first place?

Depending on how bad this guy is and how evil of a Player you are, email him THIS

bob_the_monster wrote:

Why would a LG Cleric and a Paladin NOT kill an evil outsider? ;P

Seriously though, the player in question is a major league douchebag that's overturned tables and often shows up drunk to sessions. Watching a manchild rage that I have killed his character secretly fills me with glee. On the off chance they did resurrect him, I'd squeeze off at least two channels before he got to me. Or just smack him with a Plane Shift and send him back home to the Abyss ;P

While the player's behavior DOES make treating him like he deserves tempting... I want to address the first paragraph here.

This is going to be a matter of campaign styles, in my campaigns there is always redemption to be had. You've heard of fallen angels right? I am a firm believer in the potential for the opposite as well.

The water is further muddied by the fact that this isn't a forged evil outsider (a soul created by an evil plane) but a born/transformed one, who was either the baby of an incubus, or modified by magic/the environment at some point after his conception.

Not that in the games you play things may or may not be black and white like you implied, just laying out the alternative.

Lantern Lodge

Paladin had an Oath Against Devils. My cleric had a hatred of all outsiders. Yes, DM shouldn't have allowed character. For anyone wondering, the Barbarian was devil-bound, per the template. He had the evil sub-type.

Our group now has a policy of no 'secret characters'. Things are going much more smoothly.

Lol @ thread dig. Either way the Player was an idiot for choosing this knowing the other PCs but the DM is stupid to have allowed this to begin with as its an incompatible group. I can't imagine this would not come up in one way or another eventually and would have led to somebody dying and Player conflict. At some point a DM has to say no to certain characters for the good of the group, and this DM clearly doesn't get that. Having some dramatic friction between PCs for an interesting game != putting baking soda and vinegar in the same party.

Silver Crusade

If you have a druid in your party, reincarnate could be fun...

Liberty's Edge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Well, in Golarion, there are no good Drow.

Officially, yet.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
A normal Elf can actually become Drow, by being too evil.

True. But nothing prevents a born Drow from being Neutral or even Good. A few Neutral are even official, though no Good ones yet. That's what PCs are for.

Silver Crusade

and it's by accident...


Just plop a helm of opposite alignment on a drow. poof, good drow.

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