Synthesist + Split Forms + Skills + Feats = what???

Rules Questions

Fused Eidolon: "The eidolon has no skills or feats of its own."

Split Forms (Su): "At 16th level, as a swift action, the synthesist and his fused eidolon can split into two creatures: the synthesist and the eidolon. Both have the same evolutions. The synthesist emerges in a square adjacent to the eidolon if possible. All effects and spells currently targeting the fused synthesist-eidolon affect both the synthesist and the eidolon."

Huh... does the split eidolon have the same skills and feats as the synthesist, since it doesn't have its own skills and feats?

I was wondering the same thing as I am trying to make a synthesist villain right now. Has this been answered? Does Split Forms bring out a normal Eidolon meaning we can have it pick feats and skills and such that it normally doesn't have access to if it were merged?

The split eidolon is essentially a creature with no skills... or much of a mind... it's simply an attack form. Feats that are part of the eidolon form... such as those that affect it's attacks should still work.

I would treat it as a remote-controlled drone with it's own set of actions. I've always felt it was thrown in there to have an analog for the standard summoner's ability to merge with their eidolon at that level range.

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