Vadien Fayeel, Elven Magus development option Questions


Good Afternoon Fellow Gamers,
I am spending some time on the other side of the screen for a change, and playing a Magus in the Shattered Star adventure path.

He's a hexcrafter, who I am trying to build as a debuff/anti-spellcaster type. But, while I'm not looking for game-breaking optimization, I don't want to fall into a 'trap'

Currently I have Weapon Finesse and Step Up for my feats, and Close Range arcana (and the DM does NOT allow retraining options from Ultimate Campaign), and at 5th level I will be getting two feats, and I am thinking about: Dodge, Mobility, Following Step, Combat Reflexes, and/or Inscribe Magical Tattoo. (He and I disagree on how Inscribe Magical Tattoo works, so he may let me retrain those craft skills if he rules against me).

For my Magus Hex/Arcana, I am thinking about getting the Flight hex arcana as my next hex/arcana.

We are unlikely to see the end of the campaign, as I will be moving in about a year. Should I focus on the total build, or should I focus more on what will make me awesome 'Now'

I am looking forward to hearing your inputs.

Very Respectfully,

Vadien's Statblock


Male Elf Magus (Hexcrafter) 3
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex)
hp 21 (3d8)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune magic sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cestus +5 (1d4+2/19-20) and
elven curve blade +5 (1d10+3/18-20) and
mithral rapier +6 (1d6+2/18-20)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks spellstrike
Magus (Hexcrafter) Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +8):
1st—color spray (DC 15), infernal healing, shocking grasp, vanish
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect magic, flare (DC 14), mage hand
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 9, Cha 9
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Step Up, Weapon Finesse
Traits arcane temper, reckless
Skills Acrobatics +10, Craft (tattoo) +10, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Perception +2, Spellcraft +10 (+12 to determine the properties of a magic item), Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
SQ arcane pool, elven magic, weapon familiarity, hex arcana, hex arcana (close range), spell combat
Combat Gear Scroll of Expeditious Retreat, Scroll of Mage Armor, Spell Tattoo of Burning Hands, Spell Tattoo of Feather Fall, Spell Tattoo of Obscuring Mist; Other Gear masterwork parade armor, +1 buckler, arrows (40), cestus, elven curve blade, mithral rapier, shortbow, ioun torch, artisan's tools, backpack, masterwork, bedroll, belt pouch, canteen, flint and steel, ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, pot, silk rope, soap, spell component pouch, spellbook, trail rations (5), 155 GP, 7 SP, 9 CP
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool (+1) (5/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Close Range (Ex) Using spellstrike, deliver ranged touch spells as melee touch spells.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Hex Arcana You can substitute Hexes for Magus Arcana.
Ioun torch This item is merely a burned out, dull gray ioun stone with a continual flame spell cast upon it. It retains the ability to float and orbit, and allows the bearer to carry light and still have his hands free. It may be in any crystalline shape common to ioun stones (ellipsoid, prism, sphere, and so on).

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, continual flame, creator must be 12th level; Cost 62 gp, 5 sp
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Mage Armor Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.
Step Up When a foe makes a 5 ft step away from you, you can move 5 ft to follow them.

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If you are fine using a scimitar, taking Dervish dance is a priority. Otherwise see the options below.

My other choice would be Additional traits Magical Lineage (Frostbite), Wayang Spell hunter (shocking grasp). Then, your next feats should be Intensify Spell for Shocking Grasp and Rime Spell for Frostbite.

If you do not like the additional traits idea, taking extra arcana: slumber and extra arcana: flight ia lso a nice choice, or take combat expertise and blindfight so that you qualify for moonlight stalker, which can be always activated with a casting of blur.

Remember that you really want to use a one-handed weapon for spell combat. This means that a scimitar with dervish dance is the best choice (you also have the Str to take Power Attack and two-handed attack at standard actions, I would leave for higher lvls though). Avoid the elven curve blade. You could use it as an one-handed weapon with a two lvl dip in titan mauler barbarian, but it is not recommended at all. Only if you really like this weapon, and then agian I would reconsider.

Dervish Dance makes no sense with his stats. Even Finesse is questionable, but he already has it.

Dark Archive

Ok, well first there is still time to fix it but you've made the same "sub-Optimal" choice we've seen from most first time Magi players.

First things first, we need to change your perception of the class you are playing.
A Magus is not a fighter who can cast spells, it's a Wizard who knows how to fight.
You don't have full bab, you have a poor CMB/CMD, low hit points and poor armor choices until high level. Your primary combat shtick requires you to use light 1 hd weapons (that curve blade will be a bad choice soon) and you take a penalty to all your good melee attacks. With that said burning your feats/cash/resources on fighter type upgrades is not usually the best idea.

I'd instead recommend focusing on increasing your magical abilities and let THAT improve your martial skills. Grab metamagic feats, new spells and stat boost items (int/dex).
You've already started as dex based magi so focus on that rapier (it's too late to go dervish) and grab the good debuff hexes (evil eye first then slumber then misfortune). Buy a hag's blouse to get cackle for cheap learn to let the other melee characters go first.

A low level magus like yourself needs to play like a Rogue at first and use your party and spells to set the enemy for a lethal 1 shot kill.

Thanks for the update folks!

I have the MWK Mithril Rapier for spell/combat purposes, and I intend to devote my funding into wondrous items as opposed to beefing my armor and weapons. (Pearl of Power, Handy Haversack, scrolls, wands, etc). The curve blade is kind of a last ditch weapon that I can use two-handed when I am out of spells and still get the 1d10+3 damage range.

I'm trying to use Following Step and Mobility to make sure I am ALWAYS able to get prime flanking real estate (I have contemplated a dip into rogue, but in general I think I might stay solid magus)

I know I am no match for a dedicated front-liner, but being a pain in the nether quarters to a spellcaster should still be within my purview. Especially if I go with disruptive arcana/feats.

As I progress, most of my spells are going to be buff/debuff type spells, since my party never seem to allow AoE spells to go off.

Our party consists of:
Mercy: Human Barbarian/Alchemist
Vonn: Human Cavalier
Cad: Halfling Bard
Zan: Human Cleric (Gozreh)

Evil Eye is going to be great for dropping saving throws and will also let some more of the one-hitter-quitter spells take affect. The cackling hag blouse wasn't even on my radar as an item to purchase/create.


I'm still looking for ideas and inputs though. The more info I get, the less likely I will feel like I have built a carbon copy of "Tom's Magus" or "Steve's Magus"

Very Respectfully,

Dark Archive

"First things first, we need to change your perception of the class you are playing.
A Magus is not a fighter who can cast spells, it's a Wizard who knows how to fight."

I'm new to the game and I have the exact opposite view of the class -_- Though that very well could be my inexperience speaking.

I am, however, building a str based bladebound kensai weilding a katana. I'm focusing heavily on my weapon and using my arcane pool to accomplish things and using my spells as utility and defense .

Here is my build planned out to level 20 for the most part if anyone cares to take a look and comment:



Str 17
Dex 15 (17 tiefling)
Con 13
Int 16 (18 tiefling)
Wis 12
Chr 10 (8 tiefling)

1. Extra Arcane Pool(Normal Feat), Spell Combat, Canny Defense (+1 int to AC/magus level), Bonus Feat: Exotic weapon proficiency Katana, Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus Katana
2. Spellstrike
3. Magus Arcana (Black Blade), (Extra Arcana; Spell Shield)Normal Feat, Alertness (Blackblade), Telepathy (Blackblade), Unbreakable (Blackblade)
4. Perfect Strike
5. Power Attack(Normal Feat), Intensify Spell (Combat, Item Creation, Metamagic), Energy Attunement(Blackblade)
6. Magus Arcana(Spell Scars)
7. Weapon Spec(Normal Feat), Fighter Training (Magus level - 3 = Fighter level), Iajitsu
9. (Extra Arcana)Normal Feat, Magus Arcana(Ghost Blade), Teleport Blade (Blackblade)
11.Feat, Bonus Feat (Combat, Item Creation, Metamagic), Superior Reflexes
12.Magus Arcana
13.Feat, Iajutsu Focus, Transfer Arcana (Blackblade)
15.Feat, Magus Arcana
17.Feat, Bonus Feat (Combat, Item Creation, Metamagic), Spell Defense (Blackblade)
18.Magus Arcana
19.Feat, Iajutsu Master, Lifedrinker (Blackblade)
20.Weapon Mastery

There are several feats missing and I'm sure some of the ones I chose are probably not optimal. I've read a bunch of builds and guides, however I'm still missing quite a few feats. I expect us to get to level 20 at some point barring any horrible unrecoverable deaths.

It isnt fully fleshed out as I'm still researching feats and arcana's and learning the rules of the game, at least attempting to learn them =P

I guess Kensai tends to lend itself to the more fighter than wizard approach.

Scarab Sages

Str-based on a kensai is going to be painful. No armor means you will be hit a lot, and you don't have enough spells to rely on magic for protection.

Dark Archive

If you want to be a pain in the nethers and control the battle field laying down debuffs on everything in range then drop the swords and take a whip instead.
It gives you enough reach to tag anyone around (especially if you grab the lunge feat) keeps you from needing to make concentration checks to cast.

Focus on your mental stats more as well. If you want to be a debuffer then you'll need higher DC's for your hex/spells to make sure they stick.
And remember the priority Evil Eye -> Slumber -> Misfortune. This maximizes your chance to take the target out of the fight in the most efficient manner. (evil eye kills his saves then slumber knocks them out but if it fails you have misfortune to fall back on).

Dark Archive

Veldrin Shadowbane wrote:

"First things first, we need to change your perception of the class you are playing.

A Magus is not a fighter who can cast spells, it's a Wizard who knows how to fight."

I'm new to the game and I have the exact opposite view of the class -_- Though that very well could be my inexperience speaking.

I am, however, building a str based bladebound kensai weilding a katana. I'm focusing heavily on my weapon and using my arcane pool to accomplish things and using my spells as utility and defense .

Here is my build planned out to level 20 for the most part if anyone cares to take a look and comment:

** spoiler omitted **


Go ahead and try it, you'll suffer but it'll be a learning experience.

Dex based Kensai can be effective but overall they will be on the low end of the damage spectrum (lower burst then the Crit fishing shocking grasp builds and fewer attacks/hits then the str based natural attack frostbite builds). they'll have a higher AC and some saves but less effective frontline abilities then those two.

It's a tradeoff on what you want, staying power over stopping power. A strength based Kensai won't have either and will quickly come to regret it.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

Go ahead and try it, you'll suffer but it'll be a learning experience.

Dex based Kensai can be effective but overall they will be on the low end of the damage spectrum ... they'll have a higher AC and some saves but less effective frontline abilities then those two

I have a level 7 elven kensai magus (classic scimitar build) and I have the best AC in the group (by a good margin with prep: shield is crazy good). While he's a bit squishier than the human fighter, Toughness makes up for the elven Con penalty. His biggest weakness is getting surprised (which will rarely happen after next level). His touch AC is the same as his regular AC, but ugh, flatfooted AC is BAD. Fortunately, the fighter has the opposite problem, which is why we have two kinds of frontliners in the group :)

Dark Archive

Gherrick wrote:
I have a level 7 elven kensai magus (classic scimitar build) and I have the best AC in the group (by a good margin with prep: shield is crazy good). While he's a bit squishier than the human fighter, Toughness makes up for the elven Con penalty. His biggest weakness is getting surprised (which will rarely happen after next level). His touch AC is the same as his regular AC, but ugh, flatfooted AC is BAD. Fortunately, the fighter has the opposite problem, which is why we have two kinds of frontliners in the group :)

Are you a dex or str build? Sorry I'm not aware of what the traditional build is.

Veldrin Shadowbane wrote:
Gherrick wrote:
I have a level 7 elven kensai magus (classic scimitar build) and I have the best AC in the group (by a good margin with prep: shield is crazy good). While he's a bit squishier than the human fighter, Toughness makes up for the elven Con penalty. His biggest weakness is getting surprised (which will rarely happen after next level). His touch AC is the same as his regular AC, but ugh, flatfooted AC is BAD. Fortunately, the fighter has the opposite problem, which is why we have two kinds of frontliners in the group :)
Are you a dex or str build? Sorry I'm not aware of what the traditional build is.

Elves are traditionally dex-based (implying Weapon Finesse/Dervish Dance), since that is where their racial ability bonuses line up strongest. It is unfortunate that there are no +Str/+Int races at all.

So I just went through and looked at many of the debuff options available for a magus

    Debuff spells usable through spell combat:
  • Chill touch
  • Ill Omen (via accursed strike and hexcrafter bonus spells)
  • Ray of Enfeeblement (via close range)
  • Snowball (via close range)
  • Blindness/Deafness (via accursed strike and hexcrafter bonus spells)
  • Disfiguring touch (via hexcrafter bonus spells)
  • Elemental Touch (cold) + Metamagic: Rime Spell - auto entangle on a hit for two rounds, plus possible stagger.
  • Frigid Touch + Metamagic: Rime Spell
  • Ray of Exhaustion (via close range)
  • Accursed Glare (via accursed strike and hexcrafter bonus spells, from Blood of the Moon)
  • Bestow Curse (via accursed strike and hexcrafter bonus spells)

Given these spells, the following would be great feats to consider:
accursed strike hex
elemental focus (cold)
spell focus (necromancy)

Scarab Sages

You forgot the best first level debuff spell, frostbite. It fatigues on it's own, and then you can use rime spell to make it entangle, and use enforcer to get a free demoralize check to give shaken.

So I did.

Well, focusing on necromancy *or* cold is probably best in the long run. That way, you have feats for some combat feat options.

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