East Coast folks, how're you doing in the snow?

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Well, today was spent clearing 13-15 inches of snow off the sidewalks for my clusterlet of townhomes. Tomorrow comes the happy happy joy joy fun of clearing about 100 cubic yards of snow by hand from the vicinity of 3 or 4 cars.

Then of course NOT having some lazy jackass stealing my spot because they were too lazy to dig their own out.

Well we didn't have power from 6 AM-1 PM, so the morning hours were spent in front of the fireplace with a book I've been trying to finish. After the sun came out we got to sit and watch the ice from the trees fall onto the neighbors' new Cadillac. Definitely the best part of the day. Serves them right for double parking every day.

Not even a hint of snow. Which makes me sad. I like snow. :( But then, it's practically t-shirt weather so I guess the lack of snow is a positive.

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Yesterday I had to trudge out into my backyard which has about two to four feet of snow, depending on where I stepped. There is an in-ground pool back there, but because of the snow-cover, I could not tell where the edge of it was. Thankfully, years of playing D&D were not wasted: I took a rake, turned it over and used it as a 10-foot pole to probe the ground in front of me.

And people say there is nothing to be gained from silly games.

Even a little shoveling hurts and that was a lot.

The other day i was on enough Vicodin to see Patrick Stewart in the lead role in the squirrel girl musical.


I currently have 25 inches of snow on my driveway with another 4-7 predicted for tomorrow.

Sovereign Court

Man, I haven't seen snow all winter. Give it back!

Hama wrote:
Man, I haven't seen snow all winter. Give it back!

I will gladly mail you some.

Sovereign Court

It's been a constant of around 16 degrees Celsius here in Serbia, except a two-three day drop into the negatives. ALL FREAKING DECEMBER, JANUARY AND FEBRUARY

So just over 60*F. I will so trade you next week. It's in the 60s for now but will be back into the 40s (4.4C) next week.

Sovereign Court

I'd take it. The only upside is that it worked wonders for the power bill because we use electricity to heat our house. So we haven't used much this "winter".

Who already has tomorrow off?

Oh, yeah... this guy!

Sovereign Court

What, still? Damn.

Me too.

Hama, I've been back to work for weeks. There's a front coming in and the Washington, D.C. area government is shut down.

Freehold, I'm sure I've asked before, but I knew this was coming and have been drinking. Where are you from? (Don't point me upthread, I can't be bothered with reading all of the content of my own thread)

I'm from Brooklyn, NY. Greatest place on the face of the earth outside of Japan.

No....Sleep...Till Brooklyn!

D.C. (obviously), here. I have some arguments regarding the greatest place, but will have to concede on account of the pizza.

No snow in TN today, or at least on my end of it, until possibly tonight. Just lots and lots of rain.

This is how I feel about winters in Syracuse, NY.

Not a flake here in north NJ.

David M Mallon wrote:
This is how I feel about winters in Syracuse, NY.

Oh yeah. I remember one winter in college there (i think it set a record for snowfall) we shoveled the walk to the point that it just made a tunnel. Lasted for about a week before the fire department complained it was going to fall on someone.


Sovereign Court

Here in Serbia temperatures have consistently been around 46 F (8C), for almost the entire month of February, after traditionally dipping all the way to 0 F(-17C) around my birthday and shooting back up two days later. Also not a patch of snow since January.

It's annoying really. I love a real winter. I'd be glad to take, say at least 50% of your snow of your hands. Although considering the size of the U.S. and the size of my county, we'd be under feet and feet of the thing.

I'm an hour(ish) north of Baltimore and ready for winter to end so I can get my car out of the garage and get some spirited driving in. At least this round of snow is light for us.

In the socialist dominion of Canada , we must all have cold resistance 10 & snowglide, otherwise survival is impossible. Temperature has been yo-yoing between -40 & 0, but the mounds of snow stay.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
This is how I feel about winters in Syracuse, NY.
Oh yeah. I remember one winter in college there (i think it set a record for snowfall) we shoveled the walk to the point that it just made a tunnel. Lasted for about a week before the fire department complained it was going to fall on someone.

What year was that? I've been living here for the past 3 or 4 years, but I was also born in the area and lived here for a few years when I was small. I remember once when I was a kid (late '80s- early '90s), we got six feet of snow in just over a week, and my folks had to hire a guy with a front-end loader to clear out the driveway.

Also, which college did you go to here? I got my degree from Syracuse University, and my father spent 2 years at SU and 2 years at ESF.

ESF 1998-2001. I think it was 2000 we were down to an actual tunnel

Looks like winter's icy grip is broken at last, here in TN at least. 60s and 70s for all the next week, with lows in the high 40s. Huzzah!

Snowfall on holidays. That's the theme, this winter. Oh, well. At least I'm salaried and keep getting "free" days off.

Yeah, it's done here. The highs haven't gone below 40 and the lows below 30 in two weeks. Combined with spring officially starting later this week, I think the grip of the ice queen is at last gone for good. Here's hoping a bitterly-cold winter like that is a herald of a really warm summer so NEXT winter is relatively mild. Last summer was pretty mild and it led to this.

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