In the end, I’m posting this here because I want to get it off my chest and I don’t really have anyone I’m comfortable enough with to talk about these things. So imagine I’m doing as my namesake.
Spoiler: Guess I need to get a bit more off my chest. I guess my own lack of sexual satisfaction is getting to me. As mentioned before, being in a field where there aren’t a lot of people of my gender of interest, I’m unlikely to meet someone, etc. I know I need to show patience, get out there a little more maybe (I’m better than I was before, but that aint saying much). Try to meet someone. Nonetheless the urges have twisted me in weird ways. I’ve always masturbated (since WELL before I even knew what it was) but lately frequency has spiked. It doesn’t interfere with life but it is a lot more than I normally do. Plus, it’s coming out in weird ways, especially in my character creation lately (a lot more sexy characters than usual) and I’m really hoping that it doesn’t affect my behavior in public.
Irontruth wrote:
I always feel that way with salmon. I never take it when I eat out anymore because everyone seems to want to make it super dry. When you cook it just right, salmon melts in your f'n mouth. But they never get ut right. I manage it about 90% of the time, but you've got to keep you eye on it. ![]()
Mark Hoover wrote:
MUAHHHHH... I really should. But my butt is lazy... I've had a nasty head-ache for the last few days, and I'm at work completely unable to concentrate (no thanks to the messageboards) so I'm grsigfnoidgnnnnnnnnjk. I'm not in a good head-place right now. Frozen veggies are actually pretty decent health-wise. Freezing removes none of thegood stuff (unlike heavy cooking or canning) and if you only defrost the vegetables (rather than boil them) they are fairly close to fresh. Though I have only observed this with generic frozen veggies (IE corn, peas, mixed vegetables). The branded stuff (arctic garden & the like) tends to be oversaturated the vegetable with water or use vegetables that freeze poorly. ![]()
Orthos wrote: Isn't that the entire reason restaurants were invented? Me also on a budget. I can afford decent stuff, if I make it myself. And as for restaurants... if I can afford their prices, I can make it better myself. (The sole exception being junk food, which I try to keep away from my place, so as to not tempt my poor food related self-control. Which is why I have a fridge filled with raw carrots, celeri & brocoli for snacking)... I actually have been putting on some weight (something between 10-15 pounds in the last 5 months) and while I'm not dieting, I am at least trying to moderate my intake & eat healthy stuff as well. ![]()
Professor Farnsworth, Scientist wrote: {looks around nervously} Whatever you do, don't try to burn it again... you'll likely summon an OSS evangelist swarm, or worse... a mythic neckbeard! Do you mean the contract, or my own growing neckbeard? THere aint exactly much to burn. Hmm. Might be seeing some land on the horizon, but I'm pretty high up, so it might still be a few days of travel... ![]()
Ok, so I've managed to survive the night. Burning the contract provided some well-needed warmth. Didnt manage to fashion a toga out of it. Well, guess I'm starting another 70 miles of flight. Looks like the clouds might be clearing up... uhg, I'm expecting a nasty sunburn. I've got endure elements up at least. Dont know if it does anything about sunburn. ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
That's a too bad; the empyreal lords are quite interesting & diverse and it would be cool to see them used more. Leaf through chronicles of the righteous if you ever have the time. NEXT Which demon lord do you believe would be the cooler mom: Nocticula or Lamashtu, and why? ![]()
Legion Janus wrote:
Thanks! I'll try to fashion a makeshift Toga out of it later. Maybe burn some of it to keep me warm. Never sign it though. Overland flight is nearing it's 9 hour limit. ![]()
Mad Hermit Runecaster wrote:
While I could go it the ocean, the frequent presence of giant tentacles makes in unappealing. ![]()
WHY IS THERE TRAFFIC IN MY HEAD!!!! Edit: Looks like I've calmed down a little. The voices are a bit quieter and I've learned a lesson: -NEVER LAND ON AN ISLAND COVERED IN AN OLD RUIN. NEVER-EVER-NEVER. Well, I still have a few hours left on my flight spell. Hoping to find something (NOT HORRIBLE) by then. ![]()
Celestial Thaumoctopus wrote:
It has been cloudy, but you do raise a point Mad Hermit. Damn it I need clothes. I've got most level 1-2 spells in my spellbook, and a few free slots (and Fast Study), any idea what could help me? Hmm... I'm seeing something on the horizon. Couldnt be Sovyarin (unless I royaly screwed up my calculations) but there's something. ![]()
Legion Janus wrote:
Considering what brought me here, and the fact that I'm flying nude, I'm not sure how reliable it would be. Plus, I havent even had the chance to finish reading the first contract (I had to drop it a while back, it was slowing me down). ![]()
Limeylongears wrote: Refined sugar is very bad for you, Shouting Off Mounties, and I'm going to be charitable and blame a build-up of naughty toxins for this display of pseudo-revolutionary ultra-leftist phrasemongering, the likes of which I have struggled against for all of my 500 year lifespan. It's all too much - soon, soon I will bugger off to Twinkly Island, with the unicorns and the nymphs and Queen Ellesime and Galadriel at the same flipping time. Or, if I'm bad, it'll be nothing but whale meat and Sigur Ros for all eternity. No, no, the devils told us to throw the unicorns and the nymphs in the hellmouth as well. If them ladys you're talking about are elves, we'll throw them in too. Whale meat would be tasty. Only the ice trolls are allowed to have some now...I should say, the candy isnt terribly sweet. It feels awesome, but it isnt sweet. ![]()
Comrade Anklebiter wrote: Candy, huh? Hmmm, well, that might change things. I'd have to think about it. I like candy. They did say to avoid those icky demons (apparently they are also plutocrats). They did ask us to find more people, but apparently we weren't understanding right (something about symbols & clerics or summat), so they told us to stick to shiny paladins & elves. Candy from the struggle of the people has never tasted so good! ![]()
John Kretzer wrote:
They sure where working hard at killing those elven plutocrats, that's for sure! ![]()
I am, how do you say, confused Comrade Anklebiter. In the socialist dominion of Canada, we fought long & hard to banish the bourgeois elves from our nation. They appropriate the forests of the people, they murder the honest & hardworking dwarves (and goblins) using their terrible bows, and they dominate the people using their wretched magic (which they claimed was for "protection"). We had to tear down their damned silver towers! And you say we should liberate them! ![]()
Usually the voices in my head dont offer me contracts. Plus, unless it's interplanetary teleport, teleport at will isnt terribly useful in this instance (since I have been nowhere on this planet). Well, after an 9-hour flight, I used roped trick to set myself up a little place to rest (thank the heavens for that spell). I've prepared another overland flight today, though it looks like it will take a while. ![]()
So, after a number of unfortunate incidents (involving a chicken, some industrial lubricant, 2 cucumbers, 7 kumquats, 1 scroll of interplanetary teleportation & a primal magic zone) has left me stranded in the middle of the ocean on castrovel. Luckily, I had overland flight prepared today, so I'm not dead yet. James Jacobs has recommended I go to Sovyarin (I'm about equidistant from the 3 main continents) but I'm looking for advice on how to survive. I remember hearing that there are elves there, and that they arent friendly to humans. So I would gladly ask for everyone's help & advice to get me back to my native land, the socialist dominion of Canada. I am a 9th level wizard, who unfortunately does not have teleport in his spellbook. I am currently naked, save for my spellbook & spell component pouch. ![]()
As a native of the socialist dominion of Canada (currently trapped on Castrovel) I understand your claims. 90% of our land is empty, cold, barren wastelands. All our population is concentrated on the border with the US, which has been eating into farming lands. Australia, Cananda (and certain other countries like Russia) do not have to worry about lacking space. That's for the folks just north of you. (IE ASIA!) (And a bit Europe).