thegreenteagamer |
RD: Unfortunately that requires a moderate amount of generosity on behalf of the GM. It was much easier to ask for approval of a concept with a plain-as-day 20-level conversion right in front of you that the GM could easily look over and decide if it was balanced and fair or not. Monster characters get a bit more iffy with the people I've played with in the past, and it's often difficult to find a balanced level equivalent. For example, why is a 4 hit die creature given a 3rd level equivalent? Is it the CR3? Should all mobs be given their CR equivalent? ...well, it's a debate I'd rather not get into, but the discussion goes pretty deep for many people.
It's something I could put together as an NPC in a game I might GM, which I may resort to doing one day to bring ol Sven Toth ("Kill Tooth" in Draconic, per the 3.5 Draconomicon) back from the dead, but getting GM approval for as a player isn't quite as likely.
An assumption that such a thing would be automatically cool, while not totally off base, is a bit of a stretch. But then, you seem to have some pretty flexible GMs, RD, based on some of the posts I've seen from you. None I know, for example, let you start off characters with advanced ages to push your way to higher mental scores for your spellcasters. If I tried that I'd probably get an instant slap-down, a declaration of powergaming/munchkining/etc, and a request for a new idea. I'm concerned something similar would happen if I tried making a dragon character, even if it was a wyrmling.
Rogue Eidolon |
I want to play him as a Pathfinder character. Don't know how I can, though. The Dragon Magazine versions from back in the day are woefully underpowered compared to any PF characters, and most GMs I know won't accept the Bestiary Savage Species conversion on the boards.
Rite Publishing has In the Company of Dragons, which is an entire product designed around having PC dragons. That might be a good place to check it out
Kerney |
A hot librarian, probably a archeologist bard or a lore oracle. Wears glasses and everything. She has a club which is a heavy book.
Ranger, Druid, Oracle or Summoner who is an animal breeder. Worships Lamashtu. Thinks she is "misunderstood" and people's predjudice against "interesting" creatures like Owl bears are irrational. Tries to capture monsters are "breeding stock". Probably a half orc. Anyone with cool ideas is welcome.
Half Elf Bramble Brewer Alchemist (rage chemist?), profession:drug dealer. Started taking extracts to deal with the stress of his elven mother nagging him. Rebellious, unwise, and cocky and basically the epitome of what could go wrong growing up a half elf.
Fariza Nareez |
For me the growing list of "Someday" characters are:
- Primitive Human Menhir Savant: a caveman druid with a mystical reverence towards stones and the earth itself, who travels the land to find the legendary "First Stone" which resides in the centre of the earth.
- Grippli Ranger: i'd love to play as a net slinging combat frog, a sneaky and deadly amphibious warrior with an intense hatred for Boggards. He would go venture forth into the outside world for the sake of collecting shiny objects to bring back to his home village.
- Dhampir Gladiator (fighter): This character would be an ex slave who had made himself into a self appointed slayer of other Dhampir and undead, his most common opponents in his particular arenas, not so much out of altruism but because he cannot comprehend a life without some kind of violence.
- Hobgoblin Ironskin Monk: I saw this in the ARG and i thought it looked very interesting. Monk usually doesn't interest me that much, but playing as a good guy Hobgoblin might flavour it up enough for me to try it.
- Homeless Standard Bearer: I thought it may be interesting to play as a character who is pretty much just a drifting beggar, dressed in rags and without almost any possessions, except for a huge and gloriously cleaned and maintained heavy banner that is his sole reason for going on. I could have it that he had broke almost all his oaths and lost all his honour, and the one thing that still gives him a reason to keep going on is the final order he was ever given, "Protect the banner".
- Elven Mendicant Ecclisitheurge: Kinda like with the standard bearer idea i'd have this character be a beggar who travels around, performing good deeds for his god along the way. I'd have him be Elven for his long lifespan and because i'd also like to play as an Elf who had had his ears sliced off, so he could actually pass for a human.
There're probably older ideas that i had come up with but these are at least some of the most recent ones i've gotten the urge to play someday.
williamoak |
A hot librarian, probably a archeologist bard or a lore oracle. Wears glasses and everything. She has a club which is a heavy book.
After seeing the catfolk "bard" favored class bonus (Which basically gives "bardic knowledge" a bonus equal to your class level) I've been wanting to make a kitty archivist. Now to find a game where I can play one.
Nephril |
I am starting in a gestalt game soon. will be playing what i can only describe as a drow slightly crazy holy lawful spellblade ninja. he spent 17 years in darkness talking to himself and is warped because of it. he is going to have the incredibly fun problem of not trusting reality so he constantly refers to his companions as his imaginary friends. also refusing to take peoples word on alot of things. understanding that he has a loose grip on reality he compensates by not trusting what he sees or hears. when in combat his senses pick up and he trusts his combat prowess but on a daily basis he reminds other players they are his favorite imaginary friend or "lets put it to a vote and since im the only real one here your votes dont count"
it will be levels of epicness that i have sought for years.
pickin_grinnin |
I'm playing a Brawler (ACG version) right now. My next character will probably be a Slayer.
Beyond those, the ones that interest me the most are put out by third-party companies. I know a lot of people would disagree with me, but I feel that Paizo has not done a great job of coming up with a wide range of classes that differ significantly from the core ones. Most of their others are recombinations or reskinned versions of the whole fighter/mage/cleric/rogue thing. It's hard to find GMs in the area who are open to the more interested third-party classes, unfortunately.
williamoak |
I'm playing a Brawler (ACG version) right now. My next character will probably be a Slayer.
Beyond those, the ones that interest me the most are put out by third-party companies. I know a lot of people would disagree with me, but I feel that Paizo has not done a great job of coming up with a wide range of classes that differ significantly from the core ones. Most of their others are recombinations or reskinned versions of the whole fighter/mage/cleric/rogue thing. It's hard to find GMs in the area who are open to the more interested third-party classes, unfortunately.
Yeah, third party stuff is hard to get accepted (and work with as a GM). I'm thinking about it for some of my own games, but I aint quite there yet. If I had a regular (and reliable) stable of players, I would consider it more seriously, but I play at a student club, so there is a lot of come & go.
Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
A first level lich (actually a multifaceted undead, but mostly a lich).
The story was something I've had bouncing around since 3E, and an April Fools story about Dave the Lich.
The following is from memory (instead of a detailed look at my notes):
During their foray (over time) into the depths of the mountain cave (where the wicked necromancer was in the process of becoming a lich), the caster was infected with ghoul fever and had his strength drained by a shadow, his constitution by a vampire's bite; he was kept alive only by the one magical device the group had between them, a magical amulet that augmented constitution. When they confronted the would-be lich at the pentultimate moment in the ritual, the adept was finally killed by the touch of a wraith... freeing his soul to be bound in the phylactery instead of the necromancer.
With the competing agency of a bunch of undead trying to turn him into their kind, the adept comes back as a ghost instead, the necromancer is killed (though the warrior loses an arm for drama), and through a... um... cluster... uh... integrated bodily function... of possession, ends up shoved back into his own soul.
The three survivors - an expert suffering from swamp fever, a one-armed warrior, and a wounded aristocrat - were horrified and ran away from something horrifying in the darkness. It wasn't until they got to the edge of the cave that dawn and saw that it was their friend (also running terrified of whatever it was with his friends - that they realized that he was still alive... or rather, undead.
Although he was paralyzed and nearly destroyed by the sunlight (a combination of the weaknesses of vampires, specters, ghosts, etc.) he was saved by one of his friends recognizing the problem and shoving him back into the cave.
They discussed things, realized he wasn't evil - just cursed and undead - and they said their fair-wells, all achieving second level, while the adept retained his first level (and becoming a 1st level wizard instead of a 2nd level adept - I'd flavored his spells being in a book he carried around to prepare from).
He made peace with his phylactery - I think it was animated, or a golem or something? - and sent it away in peace.
He then becomes an adventurer (at night, naturally) for goodness.
Anyway, metric ton of weaknesses, a few nifty abilities, and hypothetical immortality.
Not really a surprise I've never been allowed to play it.
Still something I've always wanted to do, though.
* But really, going into details would be just too long.
Tacticslion |
and had his strength drained by a shadow
I've actually subsequently checked, and this part didn't happen. It's too bad, really, because that could have been interesting, but I recall my logic at the time went something along the lines of the the aristocrat being unable to afford anything even remotely resembling an amulet of constitution, let alone constitution and strength.
But otherwise, my recounting above is pretty close.
Oh, also, the phylactery was actually a wyrwood golem (back when wyrwood meant something else) that was still a living tree - basically a wood golem whose tree hadn't died. It had a fiendish dryad bound to it.
They basically agreed to avoid each other as much as possible, and went their separate ways.
CaelibDarkstone |
Usually I GM, but I have a few characters I'm excited to play for PFS:
Davor Lightskull, CG male half-orc barbarian (invulnerable rager), a cultured scholar for the Scarab Sages who knows five languages but can't seem to keep down his temper in a fight. The idea of a civilized character with a temper problem has always been one of my favorite ideas for a barbarian.
Johnny Slip, CG male halfling bard, an escaped Cheliaxian slave who now works to free his fellow man with the help of a trusty fiddle. This is my character on deck, so exact character choices are still TBD.
I also think a Skald would be really fun to play.
williamoak |
Nice to see this is continuing.
I've started building some stuff from my own list, and writing backstories (had some time on a bus), and I've come up with the following:
1) A semi-savage "Feral hunter" (the archeytpe). Really play them "animal" more than savage, unused to civilization and such.
2) A superstitious ratfolk "card caster". Very nervous type, always checking his harrow deck to make his decisions.
I'm gonna have to recheck this stuff, try to rebuild some of my earlier stuff.
Tacticslion |
One problem I have is that this thread and this other thread have waaaaayyyyyyy too much overlap.
Mars Roma |
Me, I've always wanted to play a Version of myself as I'd imagine I would be in a world like Pathfinder.
A Sorcerer seeking power and Immortality. I'd be cautious moving about the world in my search for that goal. Hopefully finding it by means smarter than the test of the Starstone.
I'd like to have Four Arms. Though I don't imagine Kasatha will be legal anytime soon. Especially since they made the "15 Racial point" Aasimar illegal.(Kasatha are 20 RP)
Though once I Gained Immortality I'd just go the way of Norgorber and just vanish. Never involving myself in anything other than learning about random stuff for the rest of time.
Panguinslayer7 |
To all my fellow "constant DMs", I feel your pain.
A summoner who has multiple summons and they are all different stock characters for his puppet show. (Knight, Princess, Monster, etc...)
A bard that really really wants to be the greatest bard of all time, but just a terrible musician, not funny, screws up stories, etc...
SoulDragon298 |
I wish I got to play more. I always get stuck in a GM rut. Trying to find a PbP to join ATM. But anyway on to my characters I wanna play.
-Toruk, Half-orc battle oracle who worships the 3 ascended gods
-Arias, an aasimar cavalier who protects the innocent
-A saurian shaman
-A pack lord that has a pack of Deinonychus
And finally, my favorites...
-The Resana family. Four quadruplets and their cousin, all aasimars. Carious the inquisitor of Cayden Cailean from Andoran, Roran the qinggong monk from Jalmeray, Lorianne the alchemist from Thuvia, and Zex the techslinger or mysterious stranger from Numeria are the quadruplets. Iravek the crossblooded celestial/abyssal sorcerer is their cousin.