Help me with an NPC for my campagin


Hello everyone,

Right now I'm trying to make a conversion of an old campaign which I've written for a different system.

The magic systems are really different so I am a little bit stuck how to make the following NPC.

Basically he is a Necromancer,Enchanter,Demon Summoner.
So his minions are Skeletons,enslaved/mindcontrolled humanoids and demon guards. And the players will encounter those in his mines where the humanoids are farming Onyx? for more summons. (other places too)

So I was thinking how I can realize that in pathfinder.
Maybe just make him a Necromancy focused wizard since he is an arcane caster and give him Succubi who control the workers ?

They will confront him or his "Image" around Level 5 7 and 10 so I would really appreciate if you could give me some advice how would you would design those encounters and the NPC himself.

Honestly, if it's an NPC, I'd just focus on what he can do, himself, and what the minions can do. If he basically only exists to summon monsters, and enchant the workers, then just run the encounters based off the CRs of the monsters he'll "summon" and give him enough defensive abilities (even, perhaps, fiat defenses), to not die before his time.

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