Attack of Opportunity Manouvers vs Charge

Rules Questions

Let's say I am wielding a reach weapon. When someone charges at me (who does not have reach), I get an AoO when they leave a threatened space. I take my attack as a trip, since trip can take the place of an attack.

1: If I then succeed on my trip, they fall prone in the square that they provoked from, preventing the charge from finishing. Is this correct?

2: If I take the AoO as a Disarm attempt, the charger drops his weapon in the space he provoked from, and finishes his movement. Does he get to finish his charge with and unarmed attack?

3: If I am wielding a whip with improved whip mastery and combat reflexes(thus also threatening close), does that provoke another AoO (assuming the charger does not have IUS)?

1. Correct
2. Yes because u do not attack until after the charge is done per se. So while u have disarmed them, they can still do an unarmed atk if they chose so. Also be careful as well if the opponent ddoesn't have a weapon out when they start the charge, they could pull out their weapon after they go by u if they smart.
3. No, for leaving a threaten square only provokes once. If the n pc choses to for some off reasonb to run a circle around u, it only provokes once meaning once u do soo on the n pc for moving that's it. Doesn't matter if u have combat reflexes for more, they would need to do something else like pull out a weapon or cast a spell etc for them to provoke another one.

1: If I then succeed on my trip, they fall prone in the square that they provoked from, preventing the charge from finishing. Is this correct?


2: If I take the AoO as a Disarm attempt, the charger drops his weapon in the space he provoked from, and finishes his movement. Does he get to finish his charge with and unarmed attack?

IF he chooses to then yes. Unlike being tripped, nothing about being disarmed makes a charge illegal.

Also if he's moved less than his speed he may draw a weapon as part of his charge. Since the rules don't say where this has to happen he can do this after you've disarmed him.

3: If I am wielding a whip with improved whip mastery and combat reflexes(thus also threatening close), does that provoke another AoO (assuming the charger does not have IUS)?

No. MOving is only one opportunity, no matter how many of your squares they move out of. Once you've had an aoo vs someone they can run circles around you without provoking again.

Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn't count as more than one opportunity for that opponent.

both the devil and the wolf are correct on 1 and 2, but I think they missed your point on #3. Yes, if the attacker doesn't have improved unarmed strike and they try to finish the charge with an unarmed strike, and if you have combat reflexes, you will get a second AoO.

EDIT: to be clear, this is an AoO for making an unarmed attack, not for movement

Grand Lodge

1) Yes, you can trip the charger, and they will be prone in whatever square they were leaving that gave you the AoO.

2) As mentioned, yes. Also as mentioned, if he charged no more than hios normal movement distance, he can draw another weapon as part of that last square of movement. Or, as you mentioned, he can end the charge by trying to make an unarmed strike on you.

3) Also as mentioned, that last square of movement does not provoke another AoO, even though, as a whip wielder with Improved Whip Mastery, you threaten both squares. However, as your question implies, in addition to the AoO he provoked by charging you, he will provoke another AoO if he attacks you with an unarmed attack and he does not have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat (or a natural attack).

As an additional piece, you might want to consider the Trip chain just to get Greater Trip, where you can trip the charger, then, as he starts to go down from your trip, you can then use the AoO provoked by being tripped to do the disarm attack. (Greater Trip with Combat Reflexes is ugly, really)

He will then provoke if he tries to pick up the fallen weapon, and when he tries to stand up...

Only if the Charger can somehow stand up as a Free Action could they continue the Charge after being Tripped, and even that is questionable.

If you Bullrush them (e.g. Knockback which makes it possible via AoO, along with the Bullrush Critical Feat) they will be moved, but can continue Charging towards you and attack if they still have enough movement. Charge requires they move directly towards you, but doesn't require that all that movement must follow one set, straight path... Even though if they aren't interrupted and moved via Bullrush, they WILL follow one straight path because that is the direct path between their current position and the target.

Grand Lodge

Quandary wrote:

Only if the Charger can somehow stand up as a Free Action could they continue the Charge after being Tripped, and even that is questionable.

If you Bullrush them (e.g. Knockback which makes it possible via AoO, along with the Bullrush Critical Feat) they will be moved, but can continue Charging towards you and attack if they still have enough movement. Charge requires they move directly towards you, but doesn't require that all that movement must follow one set, straight path... Even though if they aren't interrupted and moved via Bullrush, they WILL follow one straight path because that is the direct path between their current position and the target.


1 was a trip AoO, 2 & 3 were disarm AoOs instead of the trip, so the charger would still be vertical.

And I think you need a feat to do any sort of charge that doesn't go in a straight line (that does not necessarily correspond to an orthogonal or diagonal line) to the closest square the charger can attack the target from.

I don't think I introduced that post properly, but yes, the first part only applies to a Trip scenario.

There is no requirement that Charges must travel only on one straight line that is fixed when you begin them. The requirement is that you travel in a direct path. That corresponds to a straight line from your current position, but if some outside force displaces you outside that path during the Charge (or the target themself changes position mid-Charge), you can continue to fulfill that requirement by travelling in a direct line from your current position towards the target... even though a map of your total movement would look like a crooked line, you are always only moving in a direct path towards the target. Of course, if there is now obstacles/etc in that new direct path, the Charge cannot be completed (bar special abilities altering that rule), but if there is a direct path open, that should still work fine.

Grand Lodge

I have a whip master with Greater Trip, Improved Whip Mastery and Combat Reflexes. I have stopped charging barbarians in their tracks numerous times. It's fun to look at the board and see a line of 3 prone barbarians in front of your mini because they all tried to charge you from different lines. (Also done with Aurochs, which was more fun because they are large and the 4th one couldn't even get into a spot to attack from.)

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