Evil Twin


Has anyone ever had to fight their duplicate self, such as Evil Twin? Any suggestions for running that against the party? Considering an event on the Shadow Plane.

We had this occur in one of the groups I GMed towards the end of the Crimson Throne adventure path.

Crimson Throne:
This was due to a Harrow Deck of Many Things, and actually resulted in several evil duplicates. Some of which have made their way to other campaigns.

The character in question was an oracle of wind and a devout Shelynite. She was very repressed in some ways. One of the other party members (a wizard) was very casually derogatory to her throughout the entire campaign, but she kept putting it aside for the greater good.

I played the evil duplicates as completely lacking that impulse control. This manifested in other ways, but it meant that they would constantly target him, humiliate him, spite him, etc.

There is a portion of the adventure path where a large portion of Korvosa's treasury is recovered. The wizard was quite happy, and had made clear that he was going to take as much as possible for his own goals.

The original oracle had a string of greater prayer breads...and so did the duplicates. One of them, knowing his plan, used the Bead of Summons to call forth an efreeti and wished the entire treasury to be fused into a ball of lead out of spite.

Another one of the duplicates sought out a nosferatu vampire the party had come to an agreement with earlier in the campaign and bargained her way into vampire-hood just to better oppose the party's goals.

I liked the idea of an evil duplicate that isn't set on immediately destroying you. If they are you, with the good/evil switch flipped, they can imitate you perfectly, know all your allies and enemies, etc. They can make an excellent enemy.

As for the evil duplicates in this case, the original oracle was granted a miracle by Shelyn and asked for the duplicates to be freed of their compulsion...because Shelynites are all about the love.

The Soulsliver in the Bestiary 4 would be great for this. Granted, they will only LOOK like the PCs, not be like them. But I think that would throw them off when their nega-wizard is Power Attacking them to death ;)

Also thought about making the Mirror Knight (Looking Glass Knight) in Dark Souls 2. Essentially a polished shield that can summon a creature from the mirror-like shield. I'd make that like a Mirror of Opposition and put it on an iron golem. Sold. :)

I pulled this stunt on a party back in a 2nd Ed campaign and elicited nothing but groans. I think even then the idea was so well worn that pretty much anybody who saw a full-length mirror expected a duplicate to jump out of it.

Be sure if you do this to know your players well. It can result in one of those moments of rolled eyes and bored sighs.

I've had more fun creating an opposed alignment adventure party very similar to the party... This show my party both strengths and weaknesses of their builds...

Once or twice I have used mirror clones, but I've found them hard to play when I haven't thought out the build myself...

Bacon666 wrote:

I've had more fun creating an opposed alignment adventure party very similar to the party... This show my party both strengths and weaknesses of their builds...

I'm getting flashbacks to Shaun of the Dead, lol.

Mirror duplicates are kinda meh.

But, I've had some luck with an enchanted pool having the same powers as a mirror of opposition. Your mileage may vary.

Another option is having a rival adventuring party. Same (or similar) character tropes. i.e. you can have a wizard substitute for a sorcerer, or a ranger substitute for a fighter.

Being a thorn in the side, rivals, or actual villains is up to you.

Very Respectfully,

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Another interesting take on the trope is to sculpt corpses before reanimating them, and have the party fight "dead" versions of themselves.

Rather than 'Evil Twins' (been done to death), have you considered shadow copies that followed 'the road not taken?'

The wizard who was tempted to become a blaster instead of a battlefield controller meets what he would have been like. The fighter that has been looking for his lost sister for the campaign meets the version of himself that gave up, became bitter and hit the bottle...still an effective warrior, but without honor...or on the other side who dedicated his life to Iomedae and became a Paladin

They don't necessarily even have to be Evil...these 'shadow duplicates' may consider themselves the originals, who have been supplanted in reality by imposters via some twist of fate (maybe they're right...).

The paladin version of yourself who is morally torn because he has no choice but to kill you in order to 'set things right' could be an interesting encounter, as could the Inquisitor version of the Cleric character...who finds the Cleric to be heretical by his (more dogmatic) understanding of the faith.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
VRMH wrote:
Another interesting take on the trope is to sculpt corpses before reanimating them, and have the party fight "dead" versions of themselves.

Ohhhh I am doing thisssssss. Nice.

Thank you everyone for all of your input. I have so many entertaining things to consider now with a chalkboard no longer blank. Thanks again community!

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