Best deity / alignment for a reach cleric?


SO since reading KBrewer's guide about a year ago I've been enamored with the concept of a reach cleric, just never really got around to playing one. I've seen it said that Evangelist is a great archetype for the inspire courage you gain and I tend to agree though only having acces to medium or heavy armor through feats is a bit of a let down. What though is the best alignment? I'm kinda stuck between LG or CG. Cayden Cailen and Desna seems like good choices for the Heroism and Luck domains respectively. Am I missing out on anything?

CG is nice. Cayden's Strength domain gives Enlarge Person, which is a huge boon to reach clerics. You can basically lock down the map.

If you want to play it safe, go with NG. Clerics can be one step from their deity.

And if you want to be more battle than cast, I wouldn't advise going Evangelist.

Lantern Lodge

EsperMagic wrote:
SO since reading KBrewer's guide about a year ago I've been enamored with the concept of a reach cleric, just never really got around to playing one. I've seen it said that Evangelist is a great archetype for the inspire courage you gain and I tend to agree though only having acces to medium or heavy armor through feats is a bit of a let down. What though is the best alignment? I'm kinda stuck between LG or CG. Cayden Cailen and Desna seems like good choices for the Heroism and Luck domains respectively. Am I missing out on anything?

Unless you want to use a feat or racial trait to gain proficiency with a reach weapon other than Longspear or Boarding Pike, or want to multi-class, you could consider Shelyn: Neutral Good, Glaive, Luck Domain, Fate Sub-Domain (like Luck, but 2 level delay and you can use on others), Azata Sub-Domain (Elysium's Call is great and at higher levels you can make your weapon Holy), Redemption Sub-Domain (Balor casts Blasphemy, you reverse it - good stuff) - and who wouldn't love the Goddess of art, beauty, love and music? You can be LG, NG, or CG with Shelyn.

Addem Up has good advice and I agree with him that Evangelist is not a good choice if you want to rock in melee. If you want to be a buff-type guy who has a reach weapon, then it can work, but you won't be so good at combat.

Now that I think about it, if your GM will let you use the Advance Class Guide Playtest document, you might want to consider the revised War Priest. They get all martial weapons, so you have a fine selection of reach weapons to use.

Another alternative I like would be a Cleric of Shelyn who multi-classes into Holy Vindicator at level 9. Compared to the War Priest, you'll have better spellcasting and channeling, but the War Priest should be better in melee combat.

Good luck!

Silver Crusade

It sounds like you have it figured out. Magda is a martial-style evangelist reach cleric of 9th level. I've also played several other reach cleric builds. Caster-style reach cleric builds, with minimal martial resource investnment, also work well. Any Cleric who picks up a longspear and uses reach tactics is a reach cleric ...

There is no 'best' alignment. The difference between LG and CG is the Sacred Summons options. LG gives you options for SMIII and SMIV. CG gives you options for SMIV and SMV.

Addem Up, I don't know why you advise against Evangelists for a martial build. It works great. Also, for Alignment he meant deity alignment, since that's what determines available Sacred Summons.

Domain is a personal choice. You've read the guide and locked on to some better ones. If you like being Large make sure you look at Growth - I like it better than Strength. Luck worked well for me.

I've GMd for two reach clerics of Erastil: one was an Evangelist with the Growth domain, and very martial; the other had Growth and Feather domains, with Boon Companion for a full animal companion, and was more summoning focussed. Neither wasted feats on archery. Both were highly effective, in slightly different ways. Both players also knew when to hold back and let their allies shine.

Whatever you do, don't fall into the multi-class trap. It may seem like a good idea now, but you will later regret it.

You want the growth subdomain, so anything that gives that domain is what you want.

The best alignment is the one you think best fits your character. The best deity is the one you like best.... I'm being one of those guys aren't I?

Anyways, unless your in PFS where there is no talking things over or flexibility, I always thought it was best to work things out with your GM in a way that best suits you. Talk about what deities they are, what they man, if you can craft your own, ask if use a reach weapon because those how you envision your character. Questions like those can go a long way with achieving happiness because it can really suck to go with a deity your not into or be told that your not roleplaying right(alignment is pretty subjective and changes between person to person, as does interpreting deities). Its also really big as to who you have access to and houserules for deities. Not everyone's a big fan of Golarion, and some people aren't big into the strictness of clerics or like seeing players bring their own things to the table.

Magda Luckbender wrote:

Whatever you do, don't fall into the multi-class trap. It may seem like a good idea now, but you will later regret it.

so one level of fighter in order to get heavy armor proficiency, any martial reach weapon i want and power attack at level one is a bad idea?

EsperMagic wrote:
Magda Luckbender wrote:

Whatever you do, don't fall into the multi-class trap. It may seem like a good idea now, but you will later regret it.

so one level of fighter in order to get heavy armor proficiency, any martial reach weapon i want and power attack at level one is a bad idea?

On the other hand, full casting.

For a primarily melee cleric I do not think 1 level of fighter is a bad idea. Clerics are short on feats anyways, and getting martial weapon proficiency, heavy armor proficiency, and another feat on top of that is not a bad deal. I wouldn't suggest multiclassing out further, but one level of fighter isn't a bad idea.

full casting or 19 levels of casting? With a sufficient WIS mod you wouldnt miss out on many spells. And the 1 CL can be made up with Magical Knack(Cleric)

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EsperMagic wrote:
SO since reading KBrewer's guide about a year ago I've been enamored with the concept of a reach cleric, just never really got around to playing one. I've seen it said that Evangelist is a great archetype for the inspire courage you gain and I tend to agree though only having acces to medium or heavy armor through feats is a bit of a let down. What though is the best alignment? I'm kinda stuck between LG or CG. Cayden Cailen and Desna seems like good choices for the Heroism and Luck domains respectively. Am I missing out on anything?

Shelyn - Be an artist and lover and all round "man on fire" - of death/war and blood and paint your masterpiece!!

1. Neutral Good (bugger laws and bugger crazy)
2. Free GLAIVE weapon proficiency (d10)
3. Luck OR Protection domains (spend ring of protection money on glaive)
and the best..
4. Charm (love) sub-domain. There is nothing like casting a spell, getting 2 attacks of opportunity, doing a quick channel burst to heal everyone AND negating one attack (ranged or melee) against you all in one round ... crane style REBORN (great vs T-Rexes!!)

Love Subdomain
Associated Domain: Charm.

Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the dazing touch power of the Charm domain.

Adoration (Su): As an immediate action, you can attempt to thwart a melee or ranged attack that targets you. This ability functions as sanctuary, but only against one individual attack. You must use the ability after the attack is declared but before the roll is made. The creature attacking you receives a Will save to negate this effect. If a creature has more than one attack, this ability only affects one of the attacks. You can use the ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Replacement Domain Spells: 2nd—enthrall, 8th—euphoric tranquility*.

Quick Channel
Your divine energies flash with dazzling speed.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, channel energy class feature.
Benefit: You may channel energy as a move action by spending 2 daily uses of that ability

Agathion, Cloud, Defense, Fate, Imagination, Love, Purity

Purity adds this little gem to the free protection benefits of the protection domain..
Purifying Touch (Su): At 8th level, you can touch a willing creature with divine power, giving it a saving throw against each effect currently affecting it, using the original saving throw DC of the effect. Each successful saving throw ends the related effect. The creature can choose not to make a save against an effect. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, plus one additional time per day at 14th and 20th level.

For the list of sub-domains that are legal I have found this link invaluable:

EsperMagic wrote:
Magda Luckbender wrote:

Whatever you do, don't fall into the multi-class trap. It may seem like a good idea now, but you will later regret it.
so one level of fighter in order to get heavy armor proficiency, any martial reach weapon i want and power attack at level one is a bad idea?

Yep. It's a trap.

EsperMagic wrote:
full casting or 19 levels of casting? With a sufficient WIS mod you wouldnt miss out on many spells. And the 1 CL can be made up with Magical Knack(Cleric)

On the other hand, you usually don't start at level 20.(or at least not in games I've been in.)

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