Bows and Enlarge?

Rules Questions

Ok this was tossed around and I want possible Ruling. We all know that Enlarge Person does not work on Bows because the arrows shrink back to normal when fired. However what happens if you have Large arrows designed for a large bow set aside to use when Enlarge Person is cast upon you?

Our thoughts is that you will do Large damage with the Bow because even though Normally the arrows shrink and the damage stays that of Medium bow. Because you are now using large arrows that will not shrink the damage stays that of a Large Bow.

Thus if you combine Gravity bow with this scenario.. you will be dealing damage of a Huge Bow because your Large bow now deals damage as if 1 Size category larger.

The whole argument is over this loop hole of getting pre made large arrows designed for a large bow to keep and bypass the shrinking that happens when normal enlarged arrow is fired.


Yes, this is the common tactic used to get around the Enlarge Person restriction.

No "official ruling" required. It works.

Seems fine by me.

Just don't forget to remove the arrows before Enlarge Person is cast on you or I think you'd have a penalty for firing as the Large Arrows would increase to one size category and 'shrink' back down to Large after they are fired...

It's legit though.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I still say that the spell was fubared in it's transition to PF, as Reduce Person has ammo stay the same. The only thing I can think is that PF wanted to keep damage as low as possible instead of having a both spells work the same way.

Many, many thread on this, btw, and a point of aggrovation for a lot of people. Gravity Bow is a help here.

However what happens if you have Large arrows designed for a large bow set aside to use when Enlarge Person is cast upon you?

Everything increase in size, so you would have a Large bow, and a huge arrow to shoot... And I don't think you can fire an ammo larger than your weapon.

HectorVivis wrote:
However what happens if you have Large arrows designed for a large bow set aside to use when Enlarge Person is cast upon you?
Everything increase in size, so you would have a Large bow, and a huge arrow to shoot... And I don't think you can fire an ammo larger than your weapon.

Unless someone else was carrying it !!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Having a good party that plans for this would make for a fun time. A way around the nerf for Enlarge Person, combined with Gravity bow... fun time indeed!!

I've usually seen this done by characters with animal companions. They put the large arrows on the animal in a quiver, then the PC enlarges, pulling the arrows from the quiver on the animal next to them or just retrieving the whole quiver.

Liberty's Edge

Or maybe just keep the quiver of large arrows in a bag of holding or some such so that they aren't effected by the enlarge spell.

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