
Andreas0815's page

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Seems fine by me.

- Have some range that works only against flying foes.

Eg. you got Level*5ft ranged vs flyers.
You just jump that high, use something in your surroundings to boost you up, get thrown by an strong ally or the like, just make it up and kill the harpy

- Shape the map

use your tremendous strength to break holes into walls as you charge the enemy behind it, level a small building by hitting the supporting pillars, kick a tree so it falls and bridges a river (or onto an enemy)

- You are the magic

The magic property is in you (or something small you wear, like armbands and the like

Every weapon you pick up get some magic properties.
Use a greatswords you founfd laying around to cut the cultists in half, switch to your trusted mace to finish the undead standing between you and the altar then pull out your knife to finish the high-priest while grappling him.

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Concerning the caster/martial imbalance many see, one book that put the martials on even footing with casters in 3.5 was "the book of nine swords".
If it would be remade for pathfinder i would be so happy...

Sure, maybe we can house rule this and use the old rules. But its much easier In any group to ban what is broken on a case by case basis than buff what isn’t.

Ah, see, that is part of the problem here.

In your home game, if you don´t like the errata, don´t use it.
If you play PFS, if the old crane styles disturbs play/makes things boring at the table, you are not allowed to alter it!
Because of this they had to alter it with an errata.

If you don´t like it, talk to your DM and just use the old version.

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Well, if you insists that crafting is why you hired me as a wizard, i would simple do the crafting while you guys are out fighting the monsters and still want my share of the treasure (25% if we are a "4"-man party).
Then you can get your items with the full discount (but good luck with that monsters as a effective 3-man party without an arcane caster).

If i travel with you and fight with you i get the full share of the loot regardless of what i do in my downtime.

If i happen to craft some items in my downtime and sell them to you below the listed price you should bloody well be grateful!

And if you start to charge me for every little thing you do in combat, i am total fine with it.
As your employer i am happy to play for your services the amount you can find in the rulebook.
But know that then i will pocket all the treasure we find. Lets see who made the better deal by that...

What really win this kind of games are things no-one came prepared for.

Like the Darkness-Casting Cleric with the Blindfight feat...

To bad Pierce the Veil only kicks in at level 11 or a oracle could really rock here.

How about a melee lich?

Like a Oracle4/Sorc 1/Dragon Disciple 10...

Well then, maybe a god told em?
Absolute possible if you have a cleric of an god of lore or the like who likes to know this kind of stuff and has a commune at hand.

Also, could be written down in the creation-story of the orcish race.

Vivianne Laflamme wrote:
If you say that in the setting, orcs are biologically violent or whatever, you run into the issue I raised earlier: how does someone in the setting come to know this truth about orcs? People in the setting don't have access to rulebooks or stat blocks.

Well, i guess they know it because of their prior experiences with orcs over the last thousand years?

Also, you should really compare a world without casters AND magic items with a world without full bab classes AND no armor/weapons.

It´s only fair this way...

I assure you, a world without weapons and armor would be a different world, indeed!

All a fighter need to kill a wizard is maxed out stealth.
They rely so much on their spells, buffs and See invisible and the like that you can defeat them most easily only using mundane options like sneaking near em and hitting them really hard. A net or a good grapple check is also your friend, but try to sunder his spell components first. Take Step up as a feat and watch him squirm.

I think the book of 9 Sword showed how to make interesting fighter-types that can hold their own against/side-by-side casters mid-level and above.
One of the most important things it does is giving the "fighter" ways to selfbuff (stances) and contribute in meaningful ways with standard-actions.
IMO what makes higher level fighter really boring is the NEED to make full attacks to dish out good damage.

The fighter per-se has interesting things to do in combat (even in core: trip, disarm and the like), but most of em don´t work in combination with full-attacks.

One of the most fun melee characters i ever played was a charge-focused dwarfen crusader.

Just a few quick question:

What´s the casterlevel for his spells?
What is his casterlevel for arcane strike?
Can he cast spells while not raging?

Also, i find it highly ironic that a summoner has a excessive anti-slavery stand.

Do your summons follow your orders of their own free will?
And your Eidolon, has he a say in what he wants to do on any given day?

Hmm, i do think the problem isn t really creating the golem but controlling it.
After casting a spell there would stand a golem and do nothing all day as you have no way of ordering it around, or am i wrong?

So a level 14 Fighter with Leadership/Monstrous Mounts gets a unicorn mount.
His leadership score is 20.
Can the unicorn now pick up 4 class-level?

First of, let me start by saying that i think reach + armor spikes IMO let you threaten at 5ft and at reach.

But just for the sake of argument, what if instead of armor spikes you take the feat "improved unarmed attack".
This let you make attacks with all parts of your body (e.g. kicks with your feet and head-butts). Would you allow this to work with a reach-weapon?

Also, i guess armor-spikes are not only an our gauntlet (a weapon on its own already btw) but more likely on your knees, shoes, elbow and shoulder.

Jsut one detail:

make it so that only he can use the spellbook.
If someone else tries to use it, all they see is gibberish.

And maybe the spells in it are writen in Infernal instead of Darconish?

Hmm, i also just saw this:

" In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting its prerequisites."

Scrolls are spell completion (afaik), but if the cleric casts the cure spell, i (the wizard) do indeed meet all the prerequisites, no?

Well, but it also says:

"Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item's creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed)."

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Say you have a level 1 wizard with scribe scroll and a level 1 cleric without scribe scroll.

Can the wizard and the cleric work together and create a divine scroll of cure light wounds?

PF-SRD wrote:
If you need another character to supply one of an item's requirements (such as if you're a wizard creating an item with a divine spell), both you and the other character must be present for the entire duration of the crafting process.

So, we have a mounted paladin in our group with a lance.

If he uses the Ride-by-attack, can his mount also attack?
And if the mount could attack, if the mount had improved bullrush, could it use this feat?

If you want to kill things by steping behind them from the shadow i would go Fighter 5/shadowdancer 1 (-4)/fighter X with maybe a level of ranger thrown into the mix to get Stealth as classskill (if you can´t manage it with traits) and favored enemy (human) for a little extradamage.

Just max your Stealthskill, and sneak from shadow to shadow in your fullplate at 30ft speed and backstab people with your keen Bardiche while using power attack and spring attack :)

More reliable than a death-attack anyway and more damage than a rogue even if he would get his sneak damage.

And while out adventuring with your buddies you can get whirlwind attack (you need most of the required feats to get into shadowdancer anyway) and enjoy your spinning whirlwind of DOOM.

Bah, just throw up a fog cloud and wait him out, he has to come down eventually.

Also keep in mind, 15 ft high means a Large Enemy, one with a reach weapon or a medium mounted enemy can easily attack you if he is right below you:

--------- ceiling
O empty space, 5ft high
--------- ground

--------- ceiling
E = Flying enemy, 5ft high
O = empty space above you, 5ft high
Y = you with reach-weapon (maybe a backup lance?)
--------- ground

--------- ceiling
E = Flying enemy, 5ft high
Y = mounted medium creature
MM = Mount
--------- ground

Thanks :)

Hmm, interesting:

The Rules wrote:
Bonded mounts have an Intelligence score of at least 6.

So definitive get it to learn Step up as one of its feats...

Lets see what your buddy looks like:

Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 40 ft.; AC +6 natural armor; Attack gore (1d6); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack gore (1d8); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex –2, Con +2; Special Attacks ferocity.

Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22 (+8 natural, 4 Chainshirt barding)
hp 39 (4d8+16)
Fort +4+4, Ref +4+0, Will +1+1
Defensive Abilities: ferocity
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +7 (1d8+6)
Str 18, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 17
Feats Light Armor Prof, Step up

Evasion (Ex), Devotion (+4 will vs ench)

I really like the options the boar gives you:
- if your enemy tries to run, hunt him down mounted
- if he fights, dismount and try to flank
- if he focus your mount use the time to kill him
- if he 5ft steps back and casts/shots at you your mount steps up and both you and the boar gets an AoO
- if your boar gets mindcontroled just ignore it, it can hit you only on a nat 20 anyway. And your enemy used up a valuable spell.
Even in the arena without mount you can still hold your ground, your fog fills the whole arena and the enemy can´t use your movespeed of 20ft against you so you don´t need it anyway.

Being mounted should give you a +1 bonus due to higher ground on your melee attacks, but check with your GM first.

Also, Fog is really good vs some annoying tactics like 5ft step back, ranged full attack (50% miss chance now) or step back and cast.

On second thought, mounted charge, a reach weapon and fog doesn´t mix well.
Drop the lance and get yourself a +1 Scimitar instead.
Always Power attack: +9 (1d4+8 / 18-20 *2)

With this build you will wear your enemy down, not burst him to high heaven so buy potions accordingly.

Also, 2-3 Scrolls of Dispel magic won´t hurt.

[EDIT] A few things to remember:

If your enemy is invisible, just wait him out (your fog lasts as long as his spell, and if he starts summoning just go full defensive. Miss-chance and AC 32 means you are really really hard to hit).
Fog messes with casters line of sight, so not much worries here and if it gets tricky, silence should help. Also, your saves rock!

Archer too have problems due to fog, and your boar should run faster than them if they try to get away. Maybe you can bump Int on your Boar and get him to learn Step up as a feat? Could be a nasty surprise for ranged enemies.

Also, if your enemy is a melee build, high AC, the ability to damage him with Touch attack (inflict wounds), heal yourself 6d6 HP as free action (+ cure spells) and he has a high miss-chance in fog while you have Blindfight should let you win easily (after a few rounds).

Well, a little defensive, but interesting to play i think.

Buff one round with Barkskin (for another +3 AC for 60 min) followed by a Fog Cloud.

Then try to locate your Enemy and kill him.

Buff up as needed (silence vs caster, Hide from undead vs shadowdancer or evil Clerics, Divine Favor if enemy is hard to hit)

Gnome Paladin 2/Oracle of Nature 4
Favored Class: Oracle (2 Hp / Count as 1 level higher for curse)
Trait: Magical Knack(Oracle, +2 casterlevel)


Str 18-2
Dex 8
Ko 14+2
Int 8
We 8
Ch 18+2

Str 16+2, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 20
HP: 10+1d10+4d8 +24 +2 = 52; AC: 10+7+1+5+1+3=27; Touch: 17; Flat Footed: 19
Fort +3+1+3+5+1=13; Ref +0+1-1+5+1=8; Will +3+4-1+5+1=12; Initiative -1
Lance +1 (+11 / 1d6+4, 20 x3)
On mounted Charge: +13 / 2d6+8
+1 Mithral Breastplate +7 AC; +5 Max Dex, ACP -1
Heavy Shield +1
Belt of Giant Strenght +2
Ring of Protection +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Feats: Blind Fight, Toughness, Power Attack
Ride Maxed
Perception Maxed

Languages Known: Common, Gnome
Special Features: Lay on Hands (1d6) 6/day; Divine Grace, Smite Evil 1/day

Bonded Mount
Nature’s Whispers

Either Wasting or Lame, depends if you want to be immune to sickend or fatigued

Spells per Day: 1 - 8; 2 - 4
Spells known: (all cure and inflict)
1 Obscuring Mist, Divine Favor, Hide from undead, (B) Charm Animal
2 Silence, (B) Barkskin

Hmm, i think a Gnome Paladin 2/Oracle of NAture 4 riding on a boar with blindfight and some way to make his opponent not see (Fog or Darkness spell) could really rock.

Have to flesh him out, brb...

For completeness sake:
As a 20th level oracle of nature you could change your type to plant.
Also, as a 20th level oracle of life you become immune to bleed, death attacks, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea effects, negative levels, and sickened effects.

For NSC-Casters there is always Lichdome of course...

Lets see, to be really boring he should have nothing to do each turn than make the same attack over and over and over again.

Feats should give bland but useful boni:

Dwarfen Fighter 7

1 Power Attack
1 Toughness
2 Weapon focus
3 Dodge
4 Weapon Specialization
5 Iron Will
6 Shield Focus

Str 14
Dex 13
Ko 14+2
Int 10
We 12+2
Ch 8-2

All is well balanced IMO.



Ring of Freedom of movement 40,000 gp

On second thought, strike the dominate monster and make it an quickened Magic Jar instead. Time to kill the summoner with his own Eidolon...

Well, if it is a duel and not "Who benefits a party vs monsters more" then i would definitive go wizard.

Either a diviner (who doesn´t like to always have a ini of 30+dex+feats+traits) or a conjurer with his pet (either a Astral Deva or a Nalfeshnee). If i go with the conjurer my pet would hunt the summoner while i finish the Eidolon.

As a diviner i assume i go first. As conjurer it´s a matter of "who rolls higher wins" (as is level 20 most of the time).
Lets start the fight with a timestop, followed by a Prismatic Sphere, and then i gate in either an Pit Fiend or an Star Archon helper (which one depends on my alignment). After that i ready an action to cast Mage's Disjunction if the eidolon comes into range and follow it up with an dominate monster spell. As his Eidolon is not killed the summoner can not summon a new one and the hunt may begin...

This Eidolon is really weak.

I cast Dominate Monster, your turn.

Also, you have no Hp, no ac and not that much damage.

Compare e.G. to a two handed lance wielding Mounted spirited charging Fighter 20 you kinda loose.

+ if you have a intelligent foe (like a dragon) it will ignore the Eidolon and simply kill, planeshift or dominate the summoner.

I was reading the new "Create Pit" spell and was unsure if it would allow me to create a pit beneath a tree?.
I would like to use it in this instance to get the archer in the treetop into melee-range with my partymates.

Is a tree an object or a plant-creature with 0 dex and 0 movespeed?

I would use the sling more often if only you could reload as a free action and use iterative attacks with it.
A sling plain and simple rocks for any character with changing Str-score who wants to use ranged attacks.

Raging barbarians and clerics come to mind.

With a bow the bulls strength the cleric just casted on me helps me jack s@@#, and thrown weapons have so little range they hardly qualify as ranged weapons at all.

Well, as a GM you can do a lot of handwaving.
It is not really possible to build NSCs for other games due to lack of info.

E.g. if i need a stealthy group to oppose my players it would depend on what powerlevel i see this enemy if the fighter 5/assassin 3 would have
a, breastplate +1 and Longsword +1 and a masterwork shild
b, Shadow Fullplate +1, Greatsword +2 and a belt of Strenght +2
c, is build as a warrior 5/assassin 3 with 2 masterwork shortswords and a breastplate

Also, i would either use 15 pt buy, 20 pointbuy or non-heroic array (13,12,11,10,9,8)

Without knowing what you intend to do with the guys we build and at what powerlevel they should operate and what tactic your group often uses it can´t really be done...

So, no-one can steer me in the right direction or give me a page number?

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So, an oracle with the lame curse wouldn´t need to sleep at all after level 5?
I also looked, but couldn´t find anything about needing 8 hours of rest to refresh their daily spells. There isn´t anything on when and how oracles get their slots back. All it says is "Like other spellcasters, an oracle can cast only a certain number of spells per day of each spell level. "

I assume they need 8 hours rest before this, but is there a faq or something?

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i seem to have missed it, but what are the effects a character suffers if he simply does not sleep?

Ok, but if i want to i can wield the lance in two hands and would get 150% from str and 1:3 ratio from power attack IMO and double damage due to using the lance while doing a mounted charge...

As i see it, this would work this way.
Then, after level 8 pick up a level in wizard, sorc or inquisitor to use Acid Splash.
Now move at last 10 ft then fire a ranged touch attack that sneaks, no SR, no save.

Due to this, a Rogue 9/Wizard 3/arcane trickster could really work, specially if you take your first level as wizard at level 10...

Problem with speed is, everyone can buy some Winged Boots or get some other sources of flying (like a mage-buddy or an magic carpet or a flying mount) and zap around with 40-60ft three dimensional movement.

Magic items really steal the monks thunder here...

Well, if you want to compare the Ac of a monk to an unarmored fighter i insist on your monk wearing leather armor.

Also, the fullplate only has a ACP of -2, so i guess with 22 Str and only a single skillpoint in swim i can easy take 10 and swim/climb/tumble away.

When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.

Also, i too did not assume i will crit.

And to do my damage my enemy doesn´t have to be stuned and i have to waste no resources like your ki-point.Also, the problem with Quantity over Quality is that against an appropriate foe you only hit with about one half to one third of your attacks.

First of all, no vital strike on fullattacks.

Second, the Ac is not that high:

Fghter in fullplate with Greatsword

Base AC
Full plate 19
With Shield potion:23
With Shield of Faith potion: 25
18 Dex: 29
+3 magic: 32

Fullattack with a Greatsword:
3 Attacks
+1,5 * Str (say 22 Str) = 9
+2 Weaponspez
+2 Weapon training
+4 magic
+2 Greater Weaponspez
+12 Powerattack

That is with no haste or crits
And his chance to hit is way higher than a monks.

Ok, now you done it!

I can´t get the idea of playing an dwarfen bard/dragon disciple out of my head.

I wonder if this could work well.
Maybe as arcane duelist, using some kind of reach weapon and fly-by attack....

Well, it has its uses.
Mainly if you want to get into Arcane Trickster without loosing another Casterlevel...

Wizard 5/rogue 1/assassin 1/Arcane Trickster 10

In all other cases, i have to side with your player, sorry...

Yeah, have them buff the other goblins, give them some ranged weapons and let them skirmish a bit.

Bard levels fit them very well....

Invisible posts again?

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