Pathfinder Society

Pathfinder Society

Good evening Paizo peeps,

I tried to contact the Lieutenants and Captains of my region (British Columbia, Canada) but have heard nothing back so I'm hoping this community forum can help. The following is a copy of the missive I sent to the local BC Pathfinder Society admins:

Good afternoon,

My wife and I haven't played any tabletop RPGs in earnest since we moved out west five years ago, but last year we played in a Pathfinder Society game at a con and had a blast.

I would like to start GMing for her and some of our friends, but I am somewhat in the dark about the process of becoming an official PFS gamemaster and I was hoping you could give me some instructions.

Let me start with my presumptions and, if you wouldn't mind, could you please correct any/all my erroneous assumptions?

This is, I believe, what GMing in PFS entails:
1. As a GM I have the obligation of running scenarios according to the conditions laid out in the adventure modules (which come from a list of sanctioned modules). This includes scaling the adventure based on the number of players and their character levels, as well as ensuring that all characters are pathfinder society-legal and active.
2. After completing a scenario I must submit some form of report to ... someone? an organization? Paizo? I don't know.
3. I will need to register for some kind of account (with Paizo? with the BCPFS?) who will keep a record of my stats, and those of my players.

I am curious if I can just run any module I like, from any of the seasons, or if I need to run something from the current active season.
I also would like to know if I am allowed to control access to my games or if I must announce events and take in any player that shows up. It is our intention to bring new players into our group over time but, as I'm sure you've experienced yourself, a lot of the enjoyment of tabletop gaming comes from good interpersonal relationships within the group.

Thank you for your time, and advice!

If there is anyone here who can help me with these questions, I would most appreciate it!

Grand Lodge 4/5

I'm sure others will be along shortly with advice and links to useful guidance. To begin with, the Guide to PFS Organised Play should introduce the campaign.

1. Just so. PFS play includes both PFS scenarios and general Pathfinder modules and adventure paths, not directly part of the organised play campaign, that are sanctioned for PFS credit.
2. You'll report games to Paizo through this website.
3. You'll register your characters by adding a PFS number on your account and can fill in as much or little detail about them as you choose, unless there's a particular reason to record their stats online (such as online play). As each event organiser (that would be you) reports games, they appear in your account as sessions played.
Physically, you maintain a character sheet as you choose, a series of Chronicles (adventure records in other campaigns) for each scenario or module and an Inventory Tracking Sheet.
Each of your players do the same.

The Guide should refer you to Additional Resources and the Season 0-4 Secondary Success Conditions Document as they become relevant to what you're doing.

You can run scenarios from any season (apart from a few that have been retired) and any sanctioned module, provided your players have characters in the campaign of the appropriate level range. Reading the scenarios and the GM Discussion forum might give you some ideas how certain scenarios fit together in the ongoing narrative, but it's not mandatory to run them in any particular order.

You can run a home game or similarly private event with just the people you invite.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

**Most of this is already in Starglim's post, but I didn't feel like editing. :P **

There are no such things as "official" GMs. Anyone with a PFS number can run a game for credit. You get your PFS number from that link on the splash page that says "Join the Pathfinder Society and create your character now!"

1) You have the obligation to run Pathfinder Society scenarios, sanctioned modules, and the sanctioned portions of Pathfinder Adventure Paths "as written" and with appropriate level characters. That means the only adjustments you are allowed to make are when the scenario specifies adjustments for parties of 4 characters, and that you must make those adjustments for parties of 4 characters. It also means that a 6th level character can never play in a scenario designed for levels 1-5, nor a level 1 or 2 play in a scenario designed for levels 3-7. All of the rules/restrictions can be found in the Guide to Organized Play, which you and your players are expected to have read.

2) You create events, and report sessions from those events HERE. Reporting helps Paizo track who is playing which scenarios, and also allows for a backup record if the players lose their chronicle sheets. Chronicle sheets are the absolute record, and as long as you and your players have them, you don't ever have to report. But it's nice to have that record.

3) You already have a Paizo account (or you wouldn't have been able to post here). You just have to "officially" join the organized play campaign and get your Pathfinder Society number. I covered that above, so just click that link and you should be good to go.

Any scenario that isn't specifically marked as retired (just a few Season 0 scenarios, as well as First Steps parts 2 and three, have actually been retired) from any Season can be run/played for credit. My advice is to start with the ones that have the best reviews.

Silver Crusade 3/5

I realize that BC is awfully large, but if you are near Vancouver, you should check these guys out:
They will be able to work with you in person to get you started.

Also, I found this page:
They have games listed for Victoria and Prince George in addition to Vancouver.


Hi Anon eMouse, feel free to email me at, and I'll be more than happy to help out.

Thanks everyone!

I think I have everything I need to get started.
I might jump back here for some tips on starting adventures, if that's ok with you all.
I also wouldn't mind some suggestions about the Pathfinder Tales book series - I'd like my players to get a little background about Absalom, and I think fiction might be a good route. Can you folks point me to some of the most well-written of the bunch? Were any of them produced as audiobooks?


5/5 *

Anon eMouse wrote:

I also wouldn't mind some suggestions about the Pathfinder Tales book series - I'd like my players to get a little background about Absalom, and I think fiction might be a good route. Can you folks point me to some of the most well-written of the bunch? Were any of them produced as audiobooks?


Sad to report that the fiction may not be the best to get a good feel for the campaign setting.

Your best option is to search Pazio for the Pathfinder books in the Campaign Setting line. These are designed specifically to flesh out the world and bring it to life.

Some of my suggestions for you:
Pathfinder Society Primer or Pathfinder Society Field Guide - All about the Pathfinder Society
Inner Sea World Guide - THE book on Golarion. This has sections for every major country, nation, city, race, etc... in the world PFS is in.
Inner Sea Primer - smaller version of the above

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

oh wait! the Pathfinder Tales books?

Prince of Wolves is great to start with! really!
Very good to learn the setting, and the main characters from it are in several others.

Really, get the Prince of Wolves by Dave Gross...

it's got a good feel for the campaign setting (understanding Cheliax, Tieflings, etc.), and the main character is a Pathfinder!

Silver Crusade 1/5

That said...
most of the book takes place in Ustalav, so not really the center of the world. I also found it confusing in places, but I fully expect this to come from my ability to read English (I have no problem navigating forums, reading articles, watching TV in English - but I keep getting confused by novels, god knows why).

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Figuring out where to report scenarios always seems like a bit of a mystery. The link mentioned might work, but the steps you want to take to get there without a link:

  • Click the Pathfinder Society logo on the top-left.
  • Click My Pathfinder Society in the grey bar up the top (which only appears here, not on every grey bar on the site)
  • Sign in
  • Click the GM/Event Coordinator tab
  • If you haven't yet created an event, click Create Your Event and follow the prompts.
  • Once it's set up, you'll see your event and event number. On the far right of it, the final link you want is Report.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Just imagine Albus Dumbledore sending Rick and Eve from the mummy, Captain Jack sparrow, and conan the barbarian after some relic the naz..aspis consortium plans to use to conquer a country and you have the basic idea.

Dark Archive 2/5

PS.) Never accept missions from Sheila Heidmarch at low level. That woman is the harbinger of death for fresh Pathfinders. She is the primary reason for Pharasma (judge of the dead) being perpetually overworked.

Dark Archive 4/5

Anon eMouse wrote:

Thanks everyone!

I also wouldn't mind some suggestions about the Pathfinder Tales book series - I'd like my players to get a little background about Absalom, and I think fiction might be a good route. Can you folks point me to some of the most well-written of the bunch? Were any of them produced as audiobooks?


I love the Tales! They're all fantastic, save for maybe one, but the best is Pirate's Honor. I am in no way biased about that at all. :P Blood of the City and Stalking the Beast are also top notch, but any that catch your interest are probably going to be good for you!

4/5 *

I will confirm that Pirate's Honor is the best. (At least of those I've read.) Liar's Blade comes in a close second.

Sovereign Court 4/5

I have both of those. Really need to finish the Jeggare/Radovan books so I can start on Liar's Blade.

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm a big fan of Liar's Blade. The Worldwound Gambit is a good read as well.

Sovereign Court 4/5

I couldn't get into Worldwound Gambit. The tense it was written in just... yeah, was not enjoyable to me.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Yeah, the Worldwound Gambit's writing style was weird. But the story and characters more than made up for it.

Shadow Lodge

The Beard wrote:
PS.) Never accept missions from Sheila Heidmarch at low level. That woman is the harbinger of death for fresh Pathfinders. She is the primary reason for Pharasma (judge of the dead) being perpetually overworked.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Seriously, though, my hatred for that woman is the stuff of legends.

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