aceDiamond |
51 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 2 people marked this as a favorite. |

According to Mythic Adventures, you invest a spell and a use of mythic power in order to beef up a spell. Now with two of the Form of the Dragon spells, you get a bonus to your breath weapon. Form of the Dragon I and II have breath weapons of 6d8 and 8d8 respectively. Form of the Dragon III, on the other hand, has a breath weapon of 12d8. This is not bad until you see the mythic version of the spell which states, and I quote.
The spell’s bonuses to ability scores increase by 2, the natural armor bonus increases by 1, and the breath weapon damage increases to 10d6. All of the dragon form’s natural attacks increase by one step (see Improved Natural Attack on page 315 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary).
Ergo, I ask, why is it that I can memorize or learn Form of the Dragon III, ascend to mythic tiers, pick up Mythic Spell Lore or Mythic Spellcasting, learn the mythic version of the spell, use a mythic power to beef up the spell's abilities, and after all that, my breath weapon would be two dice less powerful than if I had just stopped at step one?

Quandary |

RAW, it wouldn't affect FotD3's breath weapon, because you simply CANNOT increase that spell's breath weapon to 10d6: doing so is a decrease, which is not in line with the RAW. So that aspect is simply non-functional, leaving you with getting less out of that mythic spell, but not making it worse. The Mythic version is already homogenizing the FotD1 and 2 versions, giving them identical breathweapon damage, so it's not grossly outside the normal for FotD3's breathweapon to not be increased further. Still, I suspect there is Errata even beyond the d6/d8 issue.

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Mythic Form of the Dragon: Mythic form of the dragon says that it increases my breath weapon damage to 10d6, but 10d6 isn’t actually an increase for form of the dragon II or III. Does that mean the mythic version reduces my damage?
No, instead mythic form of the dragon should increase your breath weapon damage by 2d8. This will be reflected in the next errata.