Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aftre a couple of hectic server room nightmare days, I am now back at the item review mill - Crest of the Fallen now down.
Almost half way now - getting there :)
Good luck to all who have submitted (and will soon submit) their encounters! I look forward to reading through all of them.
Alright, I think my map is finished...
Uhh, is it normal to be this nervous... :)
Gah! If I had any hair, I'd be pulling it out right now!
Mikko Kallio wrote: Alright, I think my map is finished...
Uhh, is it normal to be this nervous... :)
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Well, it's out there now...
Hey, the butterfly menagerie in my guts is back!
I have submitted too. I can't wait to see what the rest of you did. I think we had the highest quality set of round 2 submissions that this contest has ever had, and I'm expecting the same from round 3. It's going to be very tough to advance.
Grumpus wrote: So much for my idea of a museum encounter, where the painting of dogs playing poker is really 4 portrait phantoms all armed with deck of the hellwasps sting. I approve of this use of my monster. Seeing the contestants using each other's creations, even as jokes, is part of what makes this competition awesome.
Mark, I don't know how you're doing this with your wedding so soon. I'm just trying to find a venue and that's time-consuming enough on its own. (Of course, it doesn't help that the snow keeps messing up plans.)
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: Mark, I don't know how you're doing this with your wedding so soon. I'm just trying to find a venue and that's time-consuming enough on its own. (Of course, it doesn't help that the snow keeps messing up plans.) It's been a busy and stressful past month, for sure. Especially considering how difficult this encounter round is. Fortunately, we had the majority of our wedding plans finished by November. Also we are having a very small wedding to keep things simple for ourselves. But it's still been tough.
Mark Nordheim wrote: Jacob W. Michaels wrote: Mark, I don't know how you're doing this with your wedding so soon. I'm just trying to find a venue and that's time-consuming enough on its own. (Of course, it doesn't help that the snow keeps messing up plans.) It's been a busy and stressful past month, for sure. Especially considering how difficult this encounter round is. Fortunately, we had the majority of our wedding plans finished by November. Also we are having a very small wedding to keep things simple for ourselves. But it's still been tough. I think you should invite the top 16 and their guests to attend the wedding!!! I will be bringing a Filth Dragon as my guest. ;-P
James R. Casey wrote: Mark Nordheim wrote: Jacob W. Michaels wrote: Mark, I don't know how you're doing this with your wedding so soon. I'm just trying to find a venue and that's time-consuming enough on its own. (Of course, it doesn't help that the snow keeps messing up plans.) It's been a busy and stressful past month, for sure. Especially considering how difficult this encounter round is. Fortunately, we had the majority of our wedding plans finished by November. Also we are having a very small wedding to keep things simple for ourselves. But it's still been tough. I think you should invite the top 16 and their guests to attend the wedding!!! I will be bringing a Filth Dragon as my guest. ;-P As I doubt the wedding will be held in a graveyard, I will be unable to convince a grymp to attend.
I planned ahead on the marriage front and did it 7 years ago, and kid is almost 4, although his birthday is next month, so that could conflict with the next round if I am lucky enough to advance.
I doubt you want any chimney trolls in attendance. They're, well... chimney trolls.
Guttersnipes would make off with your presents. And cake.
I suppose a nafligo in the fountain might be OK...
ETA: If someone did an encounter around a wedding, they're grinding their teeth like mad at this conversation right now... :)
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: ETA: If someone did an encounter around a wedding, they're grinding their teeth like mad at this conversation right now... :) *Listens Carefully*
Is that what that noise is?
I must admit I will be pretty shocked if someone mirrored my location. I had to convince my friends that it was a good location! Of course now they are all on board and pretend like they were the entire time!
Hmm, any attempts at being zen about this whole process have kinda been for not. This competition is a whole new level of stress.
P.S. Everyone knows miscasters make the best party favors. Or the worst, I can never remember which.
Well, I just realized a stupid mistake in my submission...
Joseph Kellogg wrote: Well, I just realized a stupid mistake in my submission... Don't fret, some of my favorite books and movies have mistakes, you'll be fine. You didn't set your encounter in Keoland did you?
... And it's away! I think I know what the most probable criticism will be, but I'm hoping it will be seen as awesome-sauce rather than just rule-bending ;-)
Now begins the interminable waiting. And sleep. Hopefully some sleep this weekend. :-P
7am and there's still flavor text left to write? Time to make the donuts...
Kidding. Now taking a final pass to prepare for submission...
And I'm in, with hours to spare.
Now to walk the dog, buy groceries, catch up on the pile of bills and then start fretting until Tuesday.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: And I'm in, with hours to spare.
Now to walk the dog, buy groceries, catch up on the pile of bills and then start fretting until Tuesday.
*whip crack*
I think you mean...
"and then start working on my proposal."
*whip crack*
This means all of you :P
*whip crack*
Submitted last night, knowing that I wouldn't be able to sleep if I waited until this morning. Hitting that submit button seemed a lot harder than last time!
Submitted it 15 seconds ago. Oh dear gods I'm relieved. :) The weekend may begin! (It's 7:17 pm here)
Have a good weekend, fellow contestants, and don't forget to send in your map as well!!!
Mikko Kallio wrote: Have a good weekend, fellow contestants, and don't forget to send in your map as well!!! ... Wait, we were supposed to draw a map?
Submitted! And now for a well-deserved nap. Good luck, everyone!
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Arkos wrote: Submitted! And now for a well-deserved nap. Good luck, everyone! More like a well-deserved map...!!!
Oh lord, is it Tuesday yet?
Submitted about an hour ago. It really is hard to hit that button. I remember working on my first product and though I really wanted to put out the best work I could, I wasn't really stressed out about whether people would like it or not. With RPGSS, the expectations seem so much higher. I'm trying to remain zen though.
I've done all I can to produce the best content possible in the time allotted. Nothing that is weighted so heavily will ever really seem finished. At a certain point, yet another go-through won't reveal anything more than the last, and you just have to let it go into the world to let others make of it what they will. I know I did the best I could, and I'm proud of that.
I hope everyone here feels the same about what they've managed to accomplish. What a ride!
Aaaand submitted, barely, because it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out how to read the DPI on my map and change it.
Now all I have to worry about is the Internet eating the e-mail. Good times!
Edit: HOLY CARP there's mah name!

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Brian Fruzen wrote: Submitted about an hour ago. It really is hard to hit that button. I remember working on my last product and though I really wanted to put out the best product I could, I wasn't really stressed out about whether people would like it or not. With RPGSS, the expectations seem so much higher. While the expectations do seem however higher I think it's more that you're out there without a net. As contestants we have to be designer, developer, and editor. The voters are looking for a publishing quality entry. And they should be: This is Superstar. Fact is though, we have to carry the weight of all of those jobs ourselves. Sure we may have a few alpha readers who can catch a few things but they aren't the same.
So I think you're totally valid in feeling more stress during RPGSS than when you are publishing.
Strangely though, I'm having a different experience. I'm still really calm (that isn't to say that there haven't been a few nail-biting moments) but it's nothing like 2012 was for me.
The release of my first 3pp PDF, on the other hand, has been twisting at me. Checking up on it was an even bigger temptation than looking for comments on my entries.
Victoria Jaczko wrote: Edit: HOLY CARP there's mah name! Cool! I almost hadn't noticed they fixed the names.
It's awesome. I can tell who you guys are now without a Search check.
Hmm, think they can make me "Tripp" instead of "Kenneth?"
Tripp, I'm sure they can; they added in my middle initial (which even though I think it sounds sort of pretentious is what I use with my name in print). Just send an email or PM.
Prestigious middle initials are the best.
I have a feeling I may have been the last one to submit again! Although it I guess it could have been you, Victoria! But I don't mind, that just means I am in good company!
The DPI thing was messing me up as well. Hopefully my map is alright. I am no good when it comes to computer graphics and figuring stuff out. I just create the stuff and then send it.
I'm terrible too. I couldn't even handle the computer graphics and had to downgrade to scrawling on a piece of graph paper like some primeval barbarian. Got to steal my daughter's crayons, though.
I'm hoping the rules were very sincere about artistic merit having no bearing.
I think I was in 10 minutes before the cutoff, but I was sure Sean's veiled reference to the map arrival 2 minutes before deadline was me. Maybe not! :)
How's the blood pressure? Stress hormones easing up now? :)
I'm full of butterfly swarms again. Tuesday is a long way away.
Oh, hello, new pdf in my downloads. You're a nice surprise!
Looks like I know what I'm reading over the next 24 hours...
Oh no. I promised I would take the weekend off! That new PDF will just have to wait.... who needs to take a weekend off anyway? I'm sure they'll understand...
So glad I didn't own any of these already...! EDIT: Well, the paperback ones, at least. :) Yes, personalize those PDFs, my pretties...
Really excited to see what we all came up with for Round 3! Best of luck to everyone!
Any of these? Dang, I only got one! (I assume the other was Cities of Golarion?)
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So I decided to break away from the grid paradigm with my map, and used a Jackson Pollock painting instead. How do you think that will play with the voters?
Aww. They really messed up my plans with these specific city choices. It's a shame... I had a really great idea for an urban module, but i'm definitely going to have to go back to the drawing board. :-(
Bahhh, I had just bought Cities with Holiday14 in January, and had ISWG before that. One free is still nice.
Victoria, I assure you map artistic merit won't be a factor I vote on!
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