What CR 2 or lower creature would you play (including templates)?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Just as the title says folks. 3.5 templates are ok, but lets stick to pathfinder creatures. Also no advanced template or templates that make you mindless.

Giant halfling, for hilarity factor.

Sovereign Court

I once played a young atomie (with 20 levels of sorcerer) in a one shot, and had a ridiculously good time.

Liberty's Edge

Goblin. With the advanced template.

lucky7 wrote:
Goblin. With the advanced template.
i wrote:
also no advanced

advanced is a cop out you can do better.

Illeist wrote:
I once played a young atomie (with 20 levels of sorcerer) in a one shot, and had a ridiculously good time.

that does sound fun.

Silver Crusade

Velociraptor, obviously. Or a ghost ghost scorpion.

EDIT: Ghost scorpions don't have enough cha to be ghosts, sad day.

For some reason I have always wanted to play as a longspear wielding Lizardfolk.

Favorite template: Nightmare creature; so basically any character race with the nightmare creature template. Nightmare goblins, nightmare drow. Would be fun.

As for actual "monsters"... none really stand out.

Ghost template. With the possession ability >=)

Ghost Sorcerer or Paladin would be awesome.

EDIT: Playing a skulk would be fun too.


With class levels.

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CR 2 or lower? Including templates?!!!

Kobold, hands down. CR 1/4 creature means I can add 4 templates before I hit CR 2.

First template? No question: Fey Creature. Look at the special abilities you can get! Specifically, Longstep and Vanish. Move action Teleport, Swift action Invisibility!

+4 Dex, +2 Int and Cha, -2 Str, DR 5/Cold Iron or DR 10/Cold Iron, SLA... this template is just amazing.

No Adcanved eh? Damn, it's a great one to tack onto to Fey Creature. An Advanced, Fey Creature Kobold is only CR 1/2, toss on a PC class level an you rise to level 1.

Take, for example, this Kobold Rogue 2 from Hollows Last Hope. If you were to toss on Advanced (+4 to all attributes, +2 natural armor), and Fey Creature (+4 dex, +2 Int and Cha, -2 Str, -1 NA) and you get a guy with stats of Str 12, Dex 25, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14 along with a +1 Natural Armor, DR 5, resist cold and electricity 10, and +4 on saves vs mind-effecting effects.

However, since I can't pick Advanced, I need to take something else :P

Let's see, Half-Celestial is another one I'd take. I could probably add another, but why would I? That's plenty fun right there.

So I'm just gonna go ahead and make a Kobold using the Heroic NPC stats of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 8 and apply them as follows with the racial bonus:
Str: 14 - 4 = 10
Dex: 15 + 2 = 17
Con: 13 - 2 = 11
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 8

Let's apply the Template bonuses:
Str: 10 - 2 + 2 = 10
Dex: 17 + 4 + 4 = 25
Con: 11 + 4 = 15
Int: 10 + 2 + 4 = 16
Wis: 12 + 2 = 14
Cha: 10 + 2 + 2 = 16

Final scores of: Str: 10 Dex: 25 Con: 15 Int: 16 Wis: 14 Cha: 14
Natural Armor: +1
+4 bonus on saves vs mind-effecting effects and poison
Resist acid, cold, electricity and fire 10
DR 5/cold iron and magic (He's got DR 5/Cold Iron and DR 5/Magic).
Fly speed of 60 ft. with perfect maneuverability
SR 12 (once we factor in a PC class level or 2 NPC class levels)
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day dancing lights, protection from evil, 1/day faerie fire, bless

He also has Smite Evil 1/day and I'm going to choose Longstep as his special ability from the Fey Creature template, so he can teleport 10 ft. every 1d4 rounds as a move action.

Haven't even chosen a class level yet! Ugh, choice too! I could go Knife-Master Rogue (always liked this archetype), or Dawnflower Dervish, or Magus, could go Alchemist and be a crazy bomber or mutagen melee machine, Ranger would be good, could even go Urban Barbarian.

Regardless of what I take, I'm more than likely going to be picking up Agile Weapons or Dervish Dance at some point. Can you imagine if he were point guy starting with a 28 Dex? He could eventually end up with a 44 Dexterity! Who needs armor?

Do remember what i said about advanced people. There is nothing creative in a pure upgrade.

christos gurd wrote:
Do remember what i said about advanced people. There is nothing creative in a pure upgrade.

Aren't all templates pretty much pure upgrades?

I mentioned what Advanced could do, but I didn't include it in my ultimate choice. Remember, the Half-Celestial, Fey Kobold above is only Cr 1/2, he can still tack on two more templates (or even a +2 template) before reaching the CR 2 threshold.

Scavion wrote:
christos gurd wrote:
Do remember what i said about advanced people. There is nothing creative in a pure upgrade.
Aren't all templates pretty much pure upgrades?

there is a big difference between say, something freakishly large for its species and better but otherwise completely identical. Advanced is a no duh option and this is just as much a creative exercise as mechanical.

Silver Crusade

I thought hard about the kobold, but thought anything without racial hit dice might be a cop out.

I'd use up the last +2 CR of the half-celestial fey kobold changing its level of warrior into 2 levels of gunslinger (assuming progression to level 5 or higher), else 2 levels of fighter to pick up dervish dance.

Riuken wrote:

I thought hard about the kobold, but thought anything without racial hit dice might be a cop out.

I'd use up the last +2 CR of the half-celestial fey kobold changing its level of warrior into 2 levels of gunslinger (assuming progression to level 5 or higher), else 2 levels of fighter to pick up dervish dance.

i must be forgetting a rule somewhere, because i read that as a cr2.

.25+1+1=2.25 not .5, There must be a special rule about fractional cr i forgot. Anyone got a link?

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I still want to play a Lantern Archon. Hey! Listen! Hey! Watch out! Listen! Hey! I'd hire a Commoner in a green tunic to carry my stuff in the early levels. Once I could afford them, I'd start buying intelligent magic items with fly speeds so they could follow me around without needing to be carried. Class would probably be Cleric, so I can eventually summon other archons to form a gestalt.

How about a fungal Crystal fey half-celestial kobold?

Total stat mods are

Str +2
Dex +12
Con +8
Int +2
Wis +2
Cha +4

Natural Armor 7

DR becomes 5/-

I'm not sure whether fey or fungal would take precedent, but it's either an augmented plant or a fey.

Using the elite array I'd make

Str: 13 + 2 = 15
Dex: 15 + 12 = 27
Con: 10 + 8 = 18
Int: 12 + 2 = 14
Wis: 8 + 2 = 10
Cha: 14 + 4 = 18

I think the obvious direction from here is archer paladin. You have skads of dexterity, enough strength for a nice mighty composite and to carry stuff, more than adequate constitution, and enough int for unsanctioned knowledge and to have skill points for face skills.

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The core races (humans, elves, dwarves etc) are CR 1/3 races, and as such, giving them a level of a PC class (like fighter, gunslinger, witch) increases their CR by 1 to CR 1/2.

Kobold's are inherently weaker, and as such, subject to Template Shenanigans. For instance, the vanilla Kobold Warrior 1 is a CR 1/4 creature, but a Kobold Rogue 2 is a CR 1/2 half creature.

So from this, we learn a Kobold is a CR 1/4 race, compared to the CR 1/3 of the core races.

So CR 1/4 Kobold with Fey Template gets a +1 CR increase to CR 1/3, with the Half-Celestial template, he gets another +1 increase to CR 1/2. From there he could (outside of this scenario which forbids it) also have the Advanced Template increasing his CR to 1, and then something like the Giant template and increase his CR to 2.

This is all before adding class levels, mind you. So now, Mr. Uber!Kobold can toss on 20 levels of a PC class and he'll end up a CR 25 threat (20th level PC is CR 19, then add the 6 CR increase from the 3 templates).

Oooh, Mythic 10 for CR 30.... Kobold God?

Sovereign Court

Atarlost wrote:

How about a fungal Crystal fey half-celestial kobold?

Total stat mods are

Str +2
Dex +12
Con +8
Int +2
Wis +2
Cha +4

Natural Armor 7

DR becomes 5/-

I'm not sure whether fey or fungal would take precedent, but it's either an augmented plant or a fey.

Using the elite array I'd make

Str: 13 + 2 = 15
Dex: 15 + 12 = 27
Con: 10 + 8 = 18
Int: 12 + 2 = 14
Wis: 8 + 2 = 10
Cha: 14 + 4 = 18

I think the obvious direction from here is archer paladin. You have skads of dexterity, enough strength for a nice mighty composite and to carry stuff, more than adequate constitution, and enough int for unsanctioned knowledge and to have skill points for face skills.

Sadly, unless you can get your kobold the earth subtype, it can't be a crystal.

Tels wrote:

The core races (humans, elves, dwarves etc) are CR 1/3 races, and as such, giving them a level of a PC class (like fighter, gunslinger, witch) increases their CR by 1 to CR 1/2.

Kobold's are inherently weaker, and as such, subject to Template Shenanigans. For instance, the vanilla Kobold Warrior 1 is a CR 1/4 creature, but a Kobold Rogue 2 is a CR 1/2 half creature.

So from this, we learn a Kobold is a CR 1/4 race, compared to the CR 1/3 of the core races.

So CR 1/4 Kobold with Fey Template gets a +1 CR increase to CR 1/3, with the Half-Celestial template, he gets another +1 increase to CR 1/2. From there he could (outside of this scenario which forbids it) also have the Advanced Template increasing his CR to 1, and then something like the Giant template and increase his CR to 2.

This is all before adding class levels, mind you. So now, Mr. Uber!Kobold can toss on 20 levels of a PC class and he'll end up a CR 25 threat (20th level PC is CR 19, then add the 6 CR increase from the 3 templates).

Oooh, Mythic 10 for CR 30.... Kobold God?

gotcha thats what i was forgetting, pretty much tells me the cr system is stupid though. For me the difference between 1/3 and 1/4 is too small to not both round up to 1/2, but hey thats the game. Oh well, gonna crack open my savage species now.

Trox tetori in humanoid heavy campaign sounds...terrifying.

Lantern Lodge

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Lurk3r wrote:
I still want to play a Lantern Archon. Hey! Listen! Hey! Watch out! Listen! Hey! I'd hire a Commoner in a green tunic to carry my stuff in the early levels. Once I could afford them, I'd start buying intelligent magic items with fly speeds so they could follow me around without needing to be carried. Class would probably be Cleric, so I can eventually summon other archons to form a gestalt.

You can be the fairy, I'd be the fountain fairy:

Azata, Lyrakien :)

In an evil campaign a nightmare jack-o-lantern

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A Paracletus

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A pseudodragon. Flight, blindsense, telepathy, unlimited poison, and, oh yeah, I'm the size of a freaking house cat! I'm totally going to perch on the Wizard's shoulder, pretend to be his familiar, and then turn into a whirling mass of tiny death!!!

Had a look.

Haven't checked out all the options.

Well, as Tels stole my kobold, I'd note that I'd personally love to add the Dream Creature template (a nice +1 CR, and yeah, I recognize the drawback, but the theme is sooooo great).

Someone already got the lantern archon and paracletus, though I might add a young template or two or three to get other templates. I might also go with Silvanshee for the prestidigitation or Cassisian for the perfect memory, though the intelligence would be pretty painful (but again, with templates, this can be mitigated).

I might choose a more powerful creature and apply the young template to it a couple of times.

I'd really want something like a succubus for the great abilities, but sadly I can't get the CR down enough without disappearing off the size charts - I might add the drunk template just to drop it down a bit further (if I was really feeling cheesy, I'd just apply the drunk template a lot and then get a single item that overcame the sickened condition, like a ring of constant surmount affliction or something*), but I'm pretty sure such an idea is bending, if not outright breaking, the supposed good-faith concept behind this thread.

But I could always become medium again via my Alter Self (though my strength would be hilariously terrible without some powerful augmentation... and even then...).

I might add the missing template to the fore-mentioned kobold: constant invisibility and evasion are awesome - especially since you're already small with a bonus to DEX. The shadowed and displacement are nice, I suppose (note: the template doesn't specify you only get one, and it seems like that's the intent, based off the sample creature and CR-adjustment).

Otherwise, people have pretty much covered what I'd go for in terms of Innately CR 2-stuff that I'd want to play.

An Ogerkin could be interesting, I suppose. Maybe Skulk (as someone mentioned) or svirfneblin, as might a Runeguardian or Nixie (there are even CR 2 variants! :D). Ooh! A lycanthrope, especially a were-bear! Or even the pseudodragon... so many great options!

Below the CR 1 stuff, you start getting into normally-presumed player races, so I really can't think of anything there.

* Note that while there are worse elements of the sickened condition, it doesn't state that the effects stack - only that you gain the sickened condition.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

One of my favorite characters of all time is a ghoul rogue who inherited the condition when he starved to death in prison.

Ghouls are where it's at, man.

Imp (Devil).

Illeist wrote:
Sadly, unless you can get your kobold the earth subtype, it can't be a crystal.

Argh. This would be so much easier if PFSRD had a more consistent template template and had the Paizo templates separated out.

You know what, forget kobolds. I'm not going to hunt down another +1 template. Half Celestial Fey Fungal Goblin. The stats won't be quite as good, but they'll still be impressive.

Awakened APE

As strong as an ogre, more graceful than an elf, tougher than a dwarf, a superior physical specimen.

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Flumph. At the beginning of the session, I'd float around. During combat, I'd float around. At the end of the day, I'd float around.

And some day, I'd go to outer space.

Scarab Sages

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Young Entropic Terror Blighted Ghost Tooth Fairy with a level in Oracle of Bones (haunted, of course).


18 Dex
8 int
15 wis
20 Cha

3d8+18 hp

AC 27 + incorporeal (8 size, 4 dex, 5 deflection)

DR 10/Good and Cold Iron

SR 10.5

Undead immunities

fly 60' (perfect)

perception +14

stealth +28 (plus invisibility 1/day)

Telekinesis almost at will

Fear aura DC 16

The way to get the tooth fairy to rest: Colossal Bone Golem made entirely from the teeth of children. It's ok though, for every tooth she steals she'll drop a silver piece.

Shadow Lodge

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celestial (+0 template) imp, former familiar to an aasimar of at least level 7-9 (depending on if he/she got the imp via noble scion (local) ore improved familiar) which means Int bonus
make for a good arcane trickster or warlock


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Lizardfolk, maybe go into ranger to make it a CR 2 or natural weapon fighter. It's nothing fancy but I like my lizardfolk.

haruhiko88 wrote:
Lizardfolk, maybe go into ranger to make it a CR 2 or natural weapon fighter. It's nothing fancy but I like my lizardfolk.

or you could get the reptilian template from savage species and get real crazy.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Skeletal champion young kobold.

A choker monk, an extra move action every round is pure awesome and think of all the things you an do with those tentacles....

I'd add the fiendish, celestial, and other templates that dont inrease the CR of course

Silver Crusade

Aequoreal. :)

Dark Archive

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Monkey Swarm


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Would an awakened monkey swarm have a hive mind? XD

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A young Quickling. Crazy fast and crazy Dex. Natural invisibility, SLAs, hit-and-run type feats. I'd love to try this!

Joex The Pale wrote:
A young Quickling. Crazy fast and crazy Dex. Natural invisibility, SLAs, hit-and-run type feats. I'd love to try this!

that should make for a ridiculously good dervish magus, it even starts with 15 int.

I still want to play a Kitsune throw a few wizard or the new arcanist class levels on there to bring up the cr.

Skeletal Champion Drow Noble seems quite nice.

Liam Warner wrote:
I still want to play a Kitsune throw a few wizard or the new arcanist class levels on there to bring up the cr.

err the idea is that you get to ignore up to 2 cr and get class levels on top...

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