Help / Advice for first time attendees

PaizoCon General Discussion

Dark Archive

So my wife and I are giving some serious thought to going to Paizocon. The trip will cost us roughly $2,000 so we are understandably nervous about laying out that kind of money. We live in Virginia and driving is not an option, it's fly or don't go. So with that said can anybody out there tell us a little more about what the Con is like? Are there additional company's set up? Is there more to do than Society adventures? What are the seminars like? If someone who has been could give me some idea of what was done at past events it would help considerably. Tips for first time attendees? We both have Pathfinder experience but and suggestions tips and advise would be much appreciated. If we do attend this would most likely be our vacation for the year even if it's only 3-4 days so we really want to make sure it is time and more importantly money well spent. We both are big fans of Pathfinder and have come to respect Paizo and their products but the trip and cost force us to choose wisely. This is likely to be a once in a lifetime thing for us and we would really like to make the most of it. Thanks in advance to all.

Sovereign Court

There's lots of gaming ... Lots of PFS gaming.

That said, last year I ran one PFS scenario and played one PFS scenario. I also played a Firefly homebrew (a continuing game for he previous year), was introduced to Burning Wheel (great game), played at a Swords & Wizardry intro table, got mini painting tips from SKR, hung out with a bunch of great folks at the Meet and Greet, consumed a good amount of rum, got to take part in a panel and in general had an absolutely wonderful time. I still have not gotten into Seattle proper though ... Will need to rectify that on elf these cons. :)

Bottom line, yes there is a bunch of stuff going on aside from PFS gameplay. :)

Dark Archive

Thanks Zylphryx,
Anybody else?
And one more silly question, I assume Paizo folks will sign autographs? I have a world map I'd love to collect signatures on and frame.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
And one more silly question, I assume Paizo folks will sign autographs? I have a world map I'd love to collect signatures on and frame.

We love signing things! We're also easy to find, since we wear bright blue Paizo shirts. :D

Dark Archive

Thanks Liz, We are signed up for both Con and Dinner! This is one of those things we hope to be talking about years from now. Silly as it sounds we were able to attend the traveling Star Wars concert years ago and still talk about the experience, so going cross country to participate in a hobby I've held for over 30 years can't miss. We look forward to seeing the sights, and meeting the people that provide so many laughs and good times at our hometown gaming tables.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Be sure to watch for the lottery sign up ... you will be able to get one or two gaming (or painting, or terrain building, etc) sessions with big names. You can sign up with a "buddy" to ensure you are with your wife for the sessions.

After those events are filled, then you can fill more spots with society games (I have had a blast at those).

- Banquet was fine food and fun
- I have not been able to do the Friday Night special session they've done, but watch for that ... (this year was a big PFS event where there were a bunch of tables separately playing, but all affecting the same large scenario.)

In the past two years I did ...

1. Terrain Building with Sean K. Reynolds
2. Painting Reaper Miniature session with a professional painter
3. Various walk-in sessions (History of TSR, DMing 101, etc)
4. Many PFS sessions
5. Store is nice to peruse ... I got sketches and signatures from Jim Zub
6. Sampled Pathfinder Online this year

So, quite a bit to do ...

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Playing Cards Against Humanity into the wee hours with Paizo employees (and a lot of alcohol) was an unscheduled blast. I also had the pleasure of playing in Jason Buhlman's Wings of Ruin game with a couple of the Syrinscape employees. It's also nice putting faces to message board names.

If you book an extra day or two, it is very easy to get into downtown Seattle by SoundTransit. The SeaTac station is less than half a mile from the hotel and will take you right into the heart of Seattle for very little money.

Will Johnson

Silver Crusade

Mine, Paizo staff is awesome at signing stuff. Last year my wife and I got the Rise of the Runelords Special Edition and everyone signed it, except for Lisa, she wasn't around the last day.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Is there some sort of alert (or e-mail sent to people who have bought badges already) about the lottery? I want to make sure I don't miss it :).

Liberty's Edge

If you keep your eye on the site each day you'll know!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

We have currently scheduled the following emails that go to people with PaizoCon 2014 tickets on their accounts:

1) signing up for the lottery
2) reminder before lottery closes
3) Notification of lottery results and ability to trade events/opening of events for general registration
4) reminder before event registration closes to sign up/trade events and transfer any tickets that you want transferred so we can print badges
5) * Other emails as needed

If you want to make sure you are in the loop, ensure the email address we have for you goes to an account that you check frequently (at least once a day/every other day). You can change this by going to your My Account page > Personal Settings

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Sara Marie wrote:

We have currently scheduled the following emails that go to people with PaizoCon 2014 tickets on their accounts:

1) signing up for the lottery
2) reminder before lottery closes
3) Notification of lottery results and ability to trade events/opening of events for general registration
4) reminder before event registration closes to sign up/trade events and transfer any tickets that you want transferred so we can print badges
5) * Other emails as needed

If you want to make sure you are in the loop, ensure the email address we have for you goes to an account that you check frequently (at least once a day/every other day). You can change this by going to your My Account page > Personal Settings

Thanks and glad to hear that. I should be all set then when the announcement goes out.

Paizo Employee CEO

1d8+1 wrote:
Mine, Paizo staff is awesome at signing stuff. Last year my wife and I got the Rise of the Runelords Special Edition and everyone signed it, except for Lisa, she wasn't around the last day.

Sorry about that. I got sick, sick, sick on that last day. :/ I'd be more than happy to sign anything put in front of me. Bring it back this year!


Silver Crusade

Sara Marie wrote:

We have currently scheduled the following emails that go to people with PaizoCon 2014 tickets on their accounts:

1) signing up for the lottery
2) reminder before lottery closes
3) Notification of lottery results and ability to trade events/opening of events for general registration
4) reminder before event registration closes to sign up/trade events and transfer any tickets that you want transferred so we can print badges
5) * Other emails as needed

If you want to make sure you are in the loop, ensure the email address we have for you goes to an account that you check frequently (at least once a day/every other day). You can change this by going to your My Account page > Personal Settings

Sara, How long does it take for the tickets to show in your e-ticket bucket after purchasing them?

Silver Crusade

Lisa Stevens wrote:
1d8+1 wrote:
Mine, Paizo staff is awesome at signing stuff. Last year my wife and I got the Rise of the Runelords Special Edition and everyone signed it, except for Lisa, she wasn't around the last day.

Sorry about that. I got sick, sick, sick on that last day. :/ I'd be more than happy to sign anything put in front of me. Bring it back this year!


Will do, looking forward to it.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Currently we are experiencing a technical issue with ticket displays. We hope to have this resolved within the next few weeks.

Shadow Lodge

Mine's wife here, Paizo and plane tickets bought, hotel reservation made. I've heard various reports about ease of access to things. Can anyone tell me how easy it is to get to the Metro (Subway) station? And how close is Denny's really? Please remember we will not have a car, so everything will be on our own foot power. Additionally I requested a fridge when I reserved my room, what are my chances of getting one? Especially since our plane doesn't even land till 10:38pm (if its on time.) Very excited to be going though! Working on characters and possible costume. Looking forward to seeing the class/seminar schedule.

Dark Archive

Good luck on the fridge! I requested a fridge last year, was told I had one, only to arrive and discover no fridge! Why? They are a first come first served item at check-in. Good luck!

Denny's is a loooooong walk on a busy road that I cannot remember if the sidewalk runs the entire length.

Liberty's Edge

I wasn't there last year, but based on the pictures on their web site, the hotel itself looks awesome!

Seattle Airport Marriott link

Am I crazy, or do I also recall hearing something about the hotel being somehow connected to a shopping mall of some kind?

Dark Archive

Marc Radle wrote:

I wasn't there last year, but based on the pictures on their web site, the hotel itself looks awesome!

Seattle Airport Marriott link

Am I crazy, or do I also recall hearing something about the hotel being somehow connected to a shopping mall of some kind?

Marc, yer crazy. I don't remember any shopping mall.

The hotel itself is pretty awesome. The interior pool room is great for gaming (no glass allowed, though).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Marc Radle wrote:

Am I crazy, or do I also recall hearing something about the hotel being somehow connected to a shopping mall of some kind?

In 2012, the hotel was right next to Redmond Town Center. (Which was great for non-hotel dining options, by the way; not to mention the Farmers Market my wife got to enjoy on Saturday. :-D)

In 2013, PaizoCon moved to the Seattle Airport Marriott. Which, sadly, is not nearby anything except Sea-Tac and a 7-11.

Shadow Lodge

Alright, realizing we are flying from VA and won't have a car, where can we get food? Preferable a few cheaper options than the hotel restaurant.

Dark Archive

Shadow Sorceress wrote:
Alright, realizing we are flying from VA and won't have a car, where can we get food? Preferable a few cheaper options than the hotel restaurant.

Yer best bet is to take the light rail into downtown Seattle and hit up Pike's Place Market, or a nearby grocery store. But really, you should visit the Market. A friend of mine form high school works at the Fish Market at Pike Place Market. Stop and say hello! Lots of tasty fruit and vegetables can be had, along with various baked things.

There really is nothing near the hotel.

Shadow Sorceress and Mine all...
Last year was also my (and my wife's) first experience with PiazoCon and we understand the flying across the country concern. We're coming from Florida and we're coming again this year - that is how much fun we had.

RE: Denny's - yes its a long walk. The return trip from the restaurant is up hill. Distance wise, it all depends on how fast you walk, how far you're comfortable walking, and if or not you have many uphill walks in the VA area you're from. We never made it down the hill to Denny's (because we had a tight schedule) but we did walk from the airport to the hotel. That walk is longer than the walk from the hotel to Denny's. I'll admit I'm a fat man and uphill does not exist in Florida and I would be willing to go if given ample time to go and come back to make sure I didn't miss any scheduled events. The major minus is, after you are done eating, (for me at least) the last thing I want to do is take a walk, and even less have the walk uphill (healthy baa - I wouldn't be going to Denny's now would I?).

Food Alternatives:
-There is a 7-11 across the street from the hotel. They sell fresh fruit so there is at least that.

-I did spot some other restaurants while I was on the metro rail (which you have to walk past the metro in order to get to Denny's) at the next stop going into Seattle, but I can't recall what they were and I believe you would need to walk just as far from the metro rail station to that restaurant as what you've already travailed from the hotel to the metro (I hope that description made sense). I never found out what was in the opposite direction further down the metro rail, so there could be something...

-Dominoes delivers and they have an app.

-Last year we wound up packing snacks (beef jerky and breakfast bars in our suitcase before we got on the plane) just so we would have some form of a snack while we were at the table gaming. Surprisingly its filling enough between that, the fresh fruit from 7-11, and the banquet we didn't starve outright. This year we'll be packing more snacks (one box per person wasn't enough) now that we've seen the options.

-There is always a taxi and if you meet some folks you can share the expense or take some orders of other people that can't leave to offset the price. I might even be down to split a taxi with you guys if we go to a grocery store.

Other things to consider:
I will say this as something no one ever mentioned to me. Sure in the back of your mind you know there is a three hour time difference between EST and PST. I was prepared for that. But what nobody talks about is in July (At least at Piazo last year) the sun didn't go down until very late and even by 9:30-10 o'clock pm local it is still light out. So for us our body is screaming its 1AM and it's still light out. So, that 3 hr difference is a lie! You may not be hit with it as bad because VA and WA are just as far north on the curve of the earth but from where I'm from closer to the equator it was closer to a 5 hr difference and just wrong.

Associate Editor

The hotel also has a menus for local restaurants that deliver, most of which should be cheaper than their resto—just ask at the front desk. The closest grocery store is a Safeway (should be 24 hr) about 1 mile north, which is closer if you hop one stop up the light rail.

Judy Bauer wrote:
The hotel also has a menus for local restaurants that deliver, most of which should be cheaper than their resto—just ask at the front desk. The closest grocery store is a Safeway (should be 24 hr) about 1 mile north, which is closer if you hop one stop up the light rail.

Perfect. Just have to stop there on Thursday and we'll be all set for the weekend. For direction sake, "north" and "up the light rail" would be considered going towards Seattle Downtown?

Edit: Nevermind - google map'd it. Yes. Also Bus 156 runs up to Safeway and eventually back to the hotel.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I definitely recommend having a good supply of food in your room (don't count on a fridge unless you check in Thursday at the earliest check in time), and snacks and drinks with you for during the day/gaming. It's easy to have back to back blocks of activities meaning there's no time for significant food!

As an aside, something I always take to conferences … and outlet splitter/surge protector to split one outlet to two or three. Often outlets are taken. If you can split it then you have a spot! I two way splitter is better as if you do a three, a third person will fill the last spot, then when you go you're leaving someone high and dry when you take your splitter. Also helps in the room when you are trying to power multiple devices as most hotels have not figured out the outlet needs of the modern traveler.

I think South Center Mall is 2 or three miles east (that might be the mall you heard about.) … but if you are bussing or taxiing you should see pike place market instead.

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

As a native Seattleite I highly recommend going downtown to visit Pike Place Market. Just keep in mind that it's sure to be crowded on a weekend in July, so it may not be the best place to go if you're trying to catch a relaxing meal.

Also a local (Hi Mike!). The FAQ says that there's a free shuttle to area restaurants, including the mall. The Southcenter Mall (which has a "new" name that I still can't remember) has a number of fast food/sit down options in and around.

If you travel on the light rail or transit, you'll hear about the ORCA pass ( You don't need one to travel, but while you can pay for light rail tickets with a credit/debit card, you'll need cash or an ORCA pass for the bus. The OneBusAway app is available on iOS/Android/Windows and is super-handy if you're actually finding your way by bus (; the train has a regular schedule from 5AM(ish)-1AM every day.

King County Transit website:

If you'll have half a day or more to wander, there are plenty of cheap/free things to see in and around Seattle. Feel free to message me if you'd like any suggestions.

My best tip to enjoy any gaming con:

Pack healthy snacks and water each day to the con to keep your energy up as well as your mood.

Bottled water (not soda)
Nuts ( steady source of protein to keep your energy up)
Dried fruit or trail mix

Start with a big breakfast (eggs for protein)

Liberty's Edge

Im also in the same boat, but with a difference. Im coming from Perth , Western Australia for a month a bit holiday in America. All the tips people have been providing are great and much appreciated.

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