Dragons Riddles


So in my game I am going to have my level two wonder into a dragons den to find a massive pile of loot, I want the Red dragon to be intimidating and aggressive but polite and cordial and to expect the players to refer to him as king, lord or even god.
Iv decided he will let them live if they can beat him in a game of riddles
cause he is bored, but if any of the players are rude or attempt stealing from him they will get one warning before having him become aggressive...
This is a adult Wyrm a level two party cannot kill a CR 16 creature like that, and if they are rude the dragon will expect them to make tribute to make amends for being rude by giving up one magical item.

am I expecting to much from my players? to be careful and respectful of the dragon? and is the punishment for failing to do so to harsh? by payment or death?
I want this situation to be incredibly frightening and serious and to put a fear into the players and a feeling of hopelessness but Im not sure if I can predict there actions.
Hopefully they will get the seriousness of it ASAP and buckle down, but if not I would really rather not just flat out kill a player to make my point... but if I did they would realize I am not giving them any slack in this encounter.

Do you think I am being a fair GM?

I think its important to scare them into not stealing the gold cause a level two party walking out of a treasure hoard with there pockets full to the brim and mithrel magical weapons is a little to generous, the point is to tempt them as like a challenge.

I would also like some advice coming up with a few riddles for the dragon.

Riddle: 1) Over fire and over stone,

Over water and over bone,

Shining out like jewels of light,

On a sheet of purest night.



Riddle: 2) The matriarch has 7,

half of them are male,

How can this be possible.



Riddle: 3) The more that there is,

The less that you see.

Squint all you wish when Surrounded by me.

Speak my name!


Do you know the answers to these riddles? and are they to hard... also would any of you know better ones.

Bastion Girl wrote:

Riddle: 3) The more that there is,

The less that you see.

Squint all you wish when Surrounded by me.

Speak my name!

Clearly "Darkness". That one is very easy. Then again, the dragon might start out with that, to gauge the party's intelligence and hook them into the game.

Others don't seem so obvious, at least to me.

As to being fair, I like riddles and don't see them as some burden. Of course,not in ever dungeon or every "intelligent ancient being" encounter, as it can get old quickly, but to me it is a nice pause. Stop thinking about damage, dice and tactics and get shoved into an entirely new ballgame. But this depends on the players. Some might find this annoying, especially if there is not way to obtain hints. Even if a party has a wise sage or a wizard with extraordinary command of language, the players might not be able to match those skills in real life and that can be irritating. In short, if you are willing to leave a little trail of crumbs for the players to follow, full steam ahead.

1) Either glassy obsidian or stars

2) 3 girls + mother + 4 boys - even split of gender

3) Darkness

2) mother included makes 8. 8/4=2
3) darkness

I'm a fan of riddles in obscure or dead languages.



é AN-gin uru ki-gar-ra
é AN-gin uru gar-ra
é AN-gin uru ki-ra

é dub-sen-gin gada mu-un-dul
é dub-sin-gen gada mu-un-dul
é dub-sin-gan gana mu-en-dal

é uz-gin ki-gal-la gub-ba
é uz-gin ki-gal-la guz-za
é uz-gin ki-gal-la gul-la

igi-nu-gál ba-an-ku
igi-nu-bad ba-an-ku
igi-nu-bad ba-an-ku

igi i-gál ba-an-ta-é
igi-bad ba-an-ta-é
igi-bad ib-ta-é

ki-búr-bi é-dub-ba-ám
ki-búr-bi é-dub-ba-a
ki-búr-bi é-dub-ba-ám

Answer: school.

bára-ga-ni nu-sub-ba mu-ni nu-pá-da
dingir nam-lú-lu-gin
su ba-an-kar-re

ki-búr-bi pés-gi

Answer: canebrake mouse.

Answer: "Hi." This translates to "I send you a ship lacking stern and bow." Ship was "navem", and "hi" was "ave". "navem" minus "n" and "m" makes "hi."


The letter "m". It translates as "I am the beginning of the world and the end of ages, yet I am not a god." Mundi, "world" begins with M and saeculoum, ages, ends with M.

Scarab Sages

1. Stars 2. Siblings 3. Light. . . who squints in darkness really? some easy riddles could be like
"No sooner spoken than broken" - silence
Assuming they are all Living "breathing" creatures.
"As light as the air but you cannot hold me longer than a few minutes"
Your breath

Here's some classics

"I can have no color, though there may be darkness within. I have no weight and hold nothing, and if placed in a container it becomes lighter."

Answer: Hole

"Of all your possessions, I am the hardest to guard. If you have me, you will want to share me. If you share me, you no longer have me."

Answer: Secret

"Alive as you but without breath, as cold in my life as in my death; never a thirst though. I always drink dressed in a mail but never a cling."

Answer: Fish

"I am free for the taking through all of your life, though given but once at birth. I am less than nothing in weight, but will fell the strongest of you if held."

Answer: Breath

"I have holes throughout, from back to front and top to bottom to core. More nothing than something within, and yet I still hold water."

Answer: A Sponge

"They flow and leap, but only as you pass. Dress yourself in darkest black, and they are darker still. Always they flee in the light, though without the sun there would be none."

Answer: Shadows

"They come to witness the night without being called, a sailor's guide and a poet's tears. They are lost to sight each day without the hand of a thief."

Answer: Stars

"The more that there is, the less that you see. Squint all you wish when surrounded by me."

Answer: Darkness

"The life I lead is mere hours or less, I serve all my time by being consumed. I am quickest when thin, slowest when fat, and wind is the bane of the gift that I bring."

Answer: A Candle

"The man who invented it, doesn't want it for himself. The man who bought it, doesn't need it for himself. The man who needs it, doesn't know when he needs it."

Answer: A Coffin

"A spirited jig it dances bright, banishing all but darkest night. Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die."

Answer: Fire

"Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden than is seen, I am the bane of the mariner, a tooth within the sea. Speak my name."

Answer: Ice

:3 the answers are

"The stars"

The only way for more than half her kids to be male is if ALL her kids are male so the answer is "all the children are male"

and of course Darkness the one everyone seems to get first try.

I am thinking that if they have a wide sagely wizard or highly educated scholar of come kind that if they roll really well on there Int check i will give them a tiny hint on there riddles like perhaps something like this.

"it comes to you... Perhaps some sort of body of light?"

"suddenly you realize... Perhaps the phrasing of the words lie to my expectations? like a word play"

"when you give it some thought it becomes clear... Maybe it refers to some sort of effect on my senses?"

What would be a good punishment for failure but the players have not angered the dragon?
Keep in mind this is a Golarion Red dragon the most destructive of all dragons, I am thinking that it just demands they pay him tribute for there loss and sends them on there way thankful to have retained there lives.

This Dragon I want to be a Important NPC through the game, while a evil aligned NPC and a hero by no means, I want him to never directly interfere with the players and given the right incentive may ally with them (( however if it feels you have wasted his time you may be taking your life into your own hands )) Like lets say perhaps you go to Krathuran the dragon cause the world will end... well.. he lives in the world to so it may be in his best interest to help, but if you go to him to help catch a petty thief... well even entering his den is intended to be a incredibly intimidating and threatening experience but going to him with such a request would possibly insult him enough to just eat you without a second thought, I want Krathuran to be a villain but never the antagonist but just a force in the world that at times you will have to cross paths with, something overwhelming and threatening.

what do you all think?

Sovereign Court

Well evil dragon can get pissed off very easily but like you say, you don't want to roast them. So just tell them to drop their money and equipment on the ground, now if one of them is foolish enough to actually fight the dragon for it...yeah it's a dragon, he will not show any mercy, even less from not even level 3 adventurers. Or of course, you could take advantage of the wyrm being able to cast sorcerer spells, to cast a spell that would knock them out, like sleep and fade to black with them later on without any equipment somewhere outside of the forest.

The answer to the male one is incorrect. It says "half", not "more than half", and 5 male, 2 female is still more than half, so all of them having to be male doesn't make sense even with that proviso.

Ipslore the Red wrote:
The answer to the male one is incorrect. It says "half", not "more than half", and 5 male, 2 female is still more than half, so all of them having to be male doesn't make sense even with that proviso.

Its a old famouse Riddle, dont blame me, blame the riddle makers of old.

Ipslore the Red wrote:
The answer to the male one is incorrect. It says "half", not "more than half", and 5 male, 2 female is still more than half, so all of them having to be male doesn't make sense even with that proviso.

Yes half are male, and the other half are also male.

Bastion Girl you could also use Bilbo and Gollum's riddles.

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