Getting started with miniatures?


I'm slowly trying to get back into RPG's after a long absence. What is the best way to acquire a critical mass of miniatures quickly and at a reasonable price?

My first inclination was to buy a case of Heroes & Monsters, but it's not available from Paizo (and was at the upper end of what I wanted to spend to get started anyway). They do have a brick, but I'm not guaranteed as wide a variety with 4 bricks as opposed to a case, correct? Any other sources for sealed cases? I need a place that can ship to Canada reasonably, or else a brick and mortar store that has one in SW Ontario.

I do have the Pathfinder Beginner Box, so I have a few paper pawns. I also have my beloved Warhammer Quest boxed set with a fair number of minis, plus a couple of dozen (mostly characters) lead mini's from my old 2E days.

Any other sources I'm overlooking for a decent quantity of the basics? ie skeletons, zombies, orcs, goblins, humans, ogres and trolls and whatnot. I don't mind painting the singles and smaller groups, but would rather not sit down painting all the goblins, skeletons and such.

Also, has anyone made a portable chest with pull out trays for miniatures? I'm thinking of making something the size of a large tool box that I can load up with trays with miniature compartments for travelling, and then a larger piece of furniture to hold the trays back at my lair here. If anyone has done the same and has any suggestions I'd love to hear em.

Sovereign Court

Ebay & Craigslist are good (I've had good luck anyhow) for lots people are trying to get rid of. and have decent prices and you can pick & choose what you get.

See here.

And here.

You should be able to get Reaper's stuff just about anywhere. I use most of the time because they discount EVERYTHING. They ship for free for orders of $75 or more, though not sure if they do so to Canada.

Reaper's bone line are cheep and have really good detail for plastic unpainted minies. After a light washing they can be painted without primer.

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