Enlarge creature ruling in difficult quarters / Falling interrupt coup de grace?

Rules Questions

I have a map link for my map -> HERE.

The medium sized creature at X10 just had enlarge person cast on him by the creature at W11. The space around X10 has become rather tight and I'm unsure how to rule this one. The area that X10 is on is 10' above the area to the west/north of it. As it is now, the creature is standing on the edge that is only 2-3' wide.

The creature at X10 who is being enlarged is also unconscious, he was just knocked out in between the start of the spell and the finish of the casting of the spell. Since he is out, it wouldn't seem likely he can make a strength check to push the other creatures back.

As an aside, the previous round Enlarge Person wore off on this same creature at X10. I wasn't sure how to handle this, so I rolled a d4 and had the creature shrink to one of the squares from the d4. I considered taking this approach for the enlarge. But since then, two creatures have moved in closer to him and now occupy the space he is in.

Would he grow to 10x10 and fall off the balcony down below on top of the other creature that is standing down there? Would he push the monsters back? Does he fail to enlarge? Does he enlarge west to X10/W10 even though the map shows this to be about 2-3' instead of a full 5' of space to stand on?

Follow-up question. Assuming someone says he falls... How do I handle THIS part. In X9 where that creature is standing, he is being coupdegraced by a tiny creature who is currently invisible in obscuring mist. The creature in X9 is paralyzed. Anyway, the enlarged falling creature would fall into this square, does this interrupt the CDG? Does she get a reflex save to finish the CDG and avoid being squished or is the CDG nulled and she can reflex to avoid being pinned under him.

You can't make this stuff up, I love pathfinder :)

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