K177Y C47 |
Personally I want to see one focused on Reptiles. Like... a snake one that focuses on commanding reptiles and gaining venom and such.
The abilities i can see for it would be:
1) Gain a Animal Companion using your Oracle levels as your effective druid level. The animal companion is limited to Giant Chameleon, Giant Gecko, Monitor Lizard, Constrictor/Viper Snake, Snapping Turtle. At level 12 you can gain the ability to take on teh dinosaurs.
2) You gain natural armor from your skin hardening with scales. This ability would scale in the same manner as the other armor abilities. When it maxes out you would gain DR 5/Adamantine or something of that nature.
3)You gain the ability to grow fangs and claws for so many rounds.
4) You gain the ability to inflict some sort of poison whenever you strike with a natural attack.
5) You gain a bonus to fort saves vs poisons. As you level it would eventually turn into immunity.
6)You gain the use of wild Empathy, but can only use it on reptiles. You also have a constant Speak with Animals with reptiles as well. As you level you would eventually gian the ability to use Command on them.
Something like that would be cool xD
insaneogeddon |
Ones for each of the planes in the golorian cosmology. Allocating gods that support them is easy - any gods that live on that plane.
Frankly I think they should have started like that from first principals, not just a brainstorm of stuff. The final revelationsh of the elemental ones are just a waste.