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Hmmm, think I missed a day, busy weekend, hardly felt like I had one.
3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4) = 8
Advance Civilization Feathered Serpentfolk - Fashion
During their new process of making fabrics the Feathered serpentfolk have discovered that washing them along with certain plants or minerals tends to cause them to take on different colours. Over the years they develop these dyes to greater degrees, beginning to vividly color their fabrics and hides, as well as the threads used to weave the fabric, allowing for the creation of plaids and similar patterns. Some even go so far as to dye their feathers or scales. The art of matching worn colors of clothing, scales, feathers and prodigious bronze (or gold for some) jewelry becoming a high art.
Stock: 89

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More stockpiling, also gives me a chance to do this thing I had planned
Firstly 112 + 3d6 ⇒ 112 + (3, 1, 3) = 119
Secondly, this thing:
The Pantheon of Sekai
Balthe Snyder
-Long dead god of the dwarves
-The bones in the desert
-Transient god of the fey
-Keeper of the woodlands
-The sleeper in the boughs
-Bringer of the first folk
-God of the scales
-The alchemical paragon
Umbral Reaver
-God of Technology
-The Great Innovator
-The silent god
-Watcher of the world
Wrong John Silver
-The god of the deeps, who sleeps at the heart of the world
-Twister of the land and flesh
-God of Change
Lawfull-Evil, or possibly Neutral-Evil
Troas, The Frozen One
-First among the gods
-Leader of the Pantheon
-Bloody God of the endless winter
-Bringer of the dead
-God of fire and smoke
-The patient ember
And there we have it, bit of a description of the gods of sekai, feel free to expand on, change, argue about or straight up ignore this, but I thought it would be fun.

Tacticslion |

Death and destruction, sir! I wouldn't have classified myself as true neutral either, but, hey, that's what my actions (aka "nothing") seems to have wrought/appeared, over-all. Though I have to admit, this and this seem less "death and destruction" and more "here's a potentially villainous race, mabye, -ish!" whereas some of Troas'... "contributions"... seem... far darker. So, I'll just chalk it up to your avatar. :)

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Well someone should be! Can always change that but you did create the race of giant burning skeletons. who are skilled in war and necromancy.
And yeah, Troas definitely earned his evilness, and maybe has more claim on the chaotic as well.
Not to mention that I'm possibly the more evil as well, since I did create the race of giant crazy bloodthirsty snowmen, but they worship Troas now and no one on Sekai remembers that I'm responsible.
Well whatever, in the next roundup of gods we can make adjustments.
*you do have to admit that the "God of Fire and Smoke" is a good title though.*

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Ah, Troas is within Striking distance! Time for my Deus ex Machina, even if he's not around.
119 + 3d6 ⇒ 119 + (5, 1, 6) = 131
Create Avatar [10]
It comes in dreams, the great archon of Hordshyrd, the great winged serpent. It's body resplendent, shimmering and indistinct, it's feathers radiant in every color beyond the rainbow. It is seen by all though it stands not in the physical world, it's thoughts beyond the reach of the psychic realm and it's aura beyond the touch of magic. It exists separate from all things, winding it's way between realities and it gives the Feathered Serpent folk a message...
Command Race [8]
A message to gather, all members of the Feathered Serpentfolk are told to make a great pilgrimage to Ka'i'do. And so they do, bringing with them all they can manage of their belongings, livestock and food, the entirety of the Feathered Serpentfolk, save some pockets of lacking belief that stay behind. As they travel they invite some of the Colony Sophonts to come with them, telling them of the great message fo salvation they have been given.
Cataclysm [10]
Once the many distant villages have made their great pilgrimage to the Great city the whole of tile 12 is shaken by a great earthquake, the ground trembling and seizing, seeming to sunder the land itself for miles around the great city.
Other event [10]
Just as the Feathered Serpentfolk begin to settle down from the great earthquake the land shudders again, as the great city of Ka'i'do begins to rise from the land below, leaving a great cleft in the ground beneath that begins to immediately flood with water from the great canals, leading to an inground sea forming where the city just recently stood.
Other Event [10]
The great city continues to rise higher and higher into the air, floating up past the levels of the clouds to where the strong light of the sun still shines bright and strong. Here high above the world the air is even colder then down in the winter below, but the sun is strong and warm and the people soon come to see this as a blessing, something that will protect them from the winter that grips the land below.
Advance City [8] Advance Civilization x 2 [20] Magic (conjuration, evocation)
The first years in the sky city are hard, the days under the strong sun are warm but the nights grow colder then anything that they have experienced before, the start working with their magic, learning to use it to create fire and warmth to keep them safe through the dark nights, and to conjure food and simple necessities as they work to create farms that can sustain them on the few miles of land around the city that came with them and learn to draw water from the clouds to help sustain their great reservoir.
As time goes by and they learn to live well in their new situation the Feathered Serpentfolk celebrate, holding great festivals and renaming their city "Ho'Ka'I'DO" The great city beyond the clouds.
Stock 55

Umbral Reaver |
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Sure. Keep the Colony Sophonts alive!
The theme is pretty simple: Bizarrely alien beings developing along very realistic lines of technology. Largely nonmagical. The general D&D trend is for the more bizarre intelligent beings to be strongly supernatural. I thought it would be fun to build the reverse of that.
Long term goal: Colonise the moon without using magic!

Tacticslion |

Stock: 420
Stock: 189
3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) = 14
Stock: 53
Total: 67
Hm. "Doing something." is kind of against my M.O. this game so far... I'll hold the fort down for you, but I'll think about actually doing anything with it. I'd rather you complete your vision with a minor assist from me, than me completing my best guess of your vision. PM me any thoughts, ideas or plans you've got, and I might rock them in your stead. We can talk. :)

Tacticslion |

Why... how... ulgulanoth, sir, your rolls are terrible. EDIT: which is my very awkward way of saying, "I'm sorry." :/ Anyway, still reading up on the Colony Sophonts. So...
3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) = 4
Stock: 420
Total: 424
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 6) = 20
Stock: 189
Total: 209
3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) = 6
Stock: 67
Total: 73

Tacticslion |

Eh, post more in jiff - busy now.

Tacticslion |

By "in a jiff" I apparently mean much, much later. Too tired for now. Tomorrow. ... if I can remember what I was going to type about even.

Tacticslion |

My first act:
- Create Avatar: Herald of All (The avatar is currently no-where, as it is not needed; it only exists when it is needed to act on behalf of a god that is not present)
EDIT: third time's a charm, it seems

Herald of All |

The goddess has spoken, her will be done.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Lens Technology (Light Bending)
By carefully perusing the ancient data kept within and preserved from their ancient computers and the copies made thereafter, combined with their own observations of light and how it interacts with both water, air, and other transparent substances, the Colony Sophonts discover a unique method of bending and altering the light... and by extension, allowing them to see through much greater distances than before. The careful application and alteration of some of the ceramic technologies the serpentfolk had developed allow them to create extremely advanced and complex lens structures. Soon, bizarre towers filled with beautiful lenses rise high from the seas throughout the Colony Sophont's regions.
Initially used with advanced sculpting techniques to create elaborate towers for the purpose of artistic "Light Bending" (the creation of incredible, but delicate and shifting "structures" of beauty from light), it is quickly utilized for exploration and science. It is during this time that they spy the Lunar Orb, and realize that it's a true celestial body - and potentially inhabited. By careful and continued study, it becomes clear, quickly, that it is not currently inhabited and can't sustain life... at least not yet.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Distant Projection (mutation)
After realizing the potential of natural telepathy and the disturbing lack of the Will of All's presence when far enough away, the Colony Sophonts begin a more aggressive breeding strategy, strengthening and increasing the range of their telepathic communication - and, by proxy, the range of the Will of All - substantially. This increase in range, sensitivity, and power also encourages a flurry of activity and creativity - the Sophonts create a new form of performance art based on telepathic projections that their feathered serpentfolk allies quickly dub "thoughtsong" - a method of communicating thoughts, emotions, sensations, and even visualizations to create an local artistic event, similar to other races' vocal performances called "singing". This increase in telepathic ability also created with it a marked increase in electrical energy and output capability of the Colony Sophonts.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Innate Computation (mutation)
Along with their increased telepathic ability and electrical output, the Sophonts complete a powerful coup - a further mutation of the memory pods. This mutation grants the Colony Sophonts an extremely advanced ability to interface with each other, run advanced mathematical calculations rapidly, and index and retrieve information in a far more organized and efficient manner with the memory pods. The Will of All multiplies the individual Colony Sophonts' abilities many, many times, allowing for complex and fascinating thought processes never before realized by the Colony Sophonts as their data is analyzed in an entirely new way.
The Sophonts quickly develop three related but esoteric artforms from this new thought process filtered through their aquatic thought processes - math-forming, codex-spiraling, and index shifting (a kind of performance art). These artfomrs are extremely alien to the Feathered Serpentfolk and difficult to comprehend, but are named by them anyway. These artforms, when combined with their more traditional thought patterns, allow the Sophonts to create advanced and highly projections based off of relatively little information.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Localized Will
With the Explorators planned expeditions occasionally going beyond the comfortable borders of the Will of All's telepathy range, the Colony Sophonts utilize their newfound computational skills to develop a method of helping a local selection of Colony Sophonts stabilize a distant groups' disturbing and potentially deranging distance from the Will of All. This allows them to generate a minor, temporary, and non-physical "Will of All" out of the local groups collective computational ability whenever they would otherwise be beyond the Will of All's telepathic range. This minor aspect of the Will of All would think and behave similarly to how the Will of All would, even without all of the Will of All's knowledge and memory. This would help stabilize and sustain any Explorators that wonder too far until they can return.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Advance Theory of Gravitation, Density, Energy, and Movement
As the Colony Sophonts continue to build their flying ships and make their observations, they begin to expand upon their earlier realizations about the differences between the "heaviness" of air and water, how difficult it is to move one or the other, or within one or the other, and taking careful note of the fact that everything always goes "down". Delving into the ancient secrets once locked in the computers and now the Will of All, combined with their own observations, they begin to realize that the moon itself is a body that circles Sekai, which, itself, circles the sun, which, itself, circles something else - all increasingly bigger objects (though, of course, they have no name for these things - they simply are, as noted within the Will of All's memory and computations).
Using these observations, they create extremely elaborate and advanced theories based on the principles of gravity, density, movement, and energy. It becomes clear in a moment of genius amongst the Explorators that there will be far and away many more difficulties they will have to face in actually reaching the lunar orb than previously thought, including supplies on the barren rock. The first thing they will need to overcome is their own weight.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Recycling Systems
The first idea the race explores is the concept of Recycling. Careful observation of the methods and function of the world around them reveals to the Colony Sophonts that natural systems are effectively one, large recycling system that takes waste and transforms it into usable material again.
The Colony Sophonts work hard at imitating this system, but creating a shorter (and smaller-scale), thus faster, variant for long-distance trips with little to no supply stations. This technology proves to be extremely effective, allowing the Explorators to travel much faster and farther with fewer stops more successfully. The ships are able to be made smaller and sleeker as well as a result, also increasing the speed and distances able to be traveled.
These technologies were applicable even the Colony Sophonts' own self-crafted shells, creating potent and lighter exoskeletons capable of assisting the Colony Sophonts in their individualized tasks.
This new technology even permits a successful minor expedition to the desert, though the Explorators do not interact with any of the natives there, avoiding them at all costs.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Artificial Low-Resource Supply Production and Storage
The Colony Sophonts' success was only the first step. The secondary element to the natural cycle is the production of sustainable supplies. The Colony Sophonts again bent their collective minds to the task of finding methods of taking low-resources and creating a semi-sustainable resource production out of it all, with little in the way of supplies.
With a sudden influx of supplies, the Colony Sophonts found they quickly ran out of room again, due to the low-mass, but high-volume their usable supplies tended to require. Thus they developed extremely efficient storage methods to gather the artificially generated supplies and keep them quasi-indefinitely.
When combined with the Recycling technologies, the Supply-Production and Storage technology was developed into a physical artform that would be known to the Feathered Serpentfolk as "Cyclical Essence" - a physical art from derived from math-forming, codex-spiraling, and index-shifting but placed in the physical world based on their technology to create pleasing, but also practical and highly utility-focused forms. It is later described by those few Feathered Serpentfolk who comprehend it as a form of "creation and keeping through energy and movement", a mystery handed down by scholars and thinkers for ages.
Cyclical Essence comes to define Colony Sophont ships and their exoskeletons, redefining their art and sculpture in a fundamental way.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Launch Systems
With the advent of Cyclical Essence, the construction capabilities of the Colony Sophonts come to the fore. Using their advanced materials science, powerful artistry, and deep understanding of the natural cycles, energy, gravitation, and movement, they begin the centuries-long task of crafting a usable system that will launch them beyond what their calculated range of "air" is into what they expect to be a complete void. The scaffolding created heavily utilizes their aesthetics in the sculpting, light bending, and advance material sciences.
Through trial and very, very painful error, it is discovered that the calculations required are so complex that only the Will of All is capable of making them with any degree of accuracy.
After several disastrous early attempts, the Colony Sophonts content themselves - for now - with launching various crafted items with no living creatures in order to gain feedback and other information.
COMMAND CIVILIZATION (8) Colony Sophonts, launch near-Sakai probes and data-relays, and gather and record all the information generated
Using their lens and computer technologies, with their light-bending math-forming, and codex-spiraling artforms; the Colony Sophonts are able to launch extremely elaborate constructions into the sky, generating vast amounts of information that is relayed back to the Sophonts. They also discover the limits to such launched items, and that many fall and are destroyed.
Eventually, however, they succeed in placing a large number of relatively stable objects in the sky that send information down to the planet, leading other races to wonder at these "moving stars". The Colony Sophonts begin to realize exactly how vast Sekai actually is, much less the region beyond it. The Feathered Serpentfolk will come to refer to these as the Celestial Eyes.
ADVANCE CIVILIZATION (10) Colony Sophonts, Sekaian and extra-Sekaian mapping
Using their advanced celestial eyes, the Colony Sophonts generate advanced maps of every portion of the globe. Additionally, they begin charting and mapping all of the near-Sakai objects (including the lunar surface and asteroids that are farther out), learning exactly how large a task lies before them.
Undaunted by the danger before them, they begin searching for locations for a good new colony beyond Sekai itself. Realizing there is dreadfully little in the way of supplies, and that even their Cyclical Essence will only take them so far, they also carefully locate and map the moving elements of smaller rock and ice formations that circle through the night sky.
Total Spent: 98 points