Who was Golarions Gutenberg?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Was there one?

The Gutenberg printing press is , I think, THE most important invention of the modern era. It brought about an information revolution unheard of till the development of the Internet.

Does Golarion have printing presses or do people still copy by hand? If someone were to invent it, how much do you think Golarion would be affected?

IIRC, the old version of the Campaign Setting hardcover specifically included printing-presses in its technology section. It was a section of a paragraph or two that cast them as a relatively new invention, a technology whose full implications and impact people hadn’t yet fully recognised or realised, much less actioned.

Are there any "copy this book" spells? If the printing press it that new I'd be surprised if there is non.

I don't have the CS handy and won't for a few days. Anyone know for sure?

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Natan Linggod 327 wrote:
I don't have the CS handy and won't for a few days. Anyone know for sure?

Golarion has the printing press. There's a section on it on page 257 of the Inner Sea World Guide.

Specifically, Absalom, Nex, and Qadira are called out as having presses. The aristocracies of Andoran, Cheliax, Galt, and Nex also have movable type.


Dark Archive

Unless it changed, it's on page 257 of the Campaign setting (in chapter 4, Technology sub section). It doesn't name their Gutenberg, but it does mention that several countries also have movable type printing presses.

Ah thanks guys.

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What if Gutenberg was Golarion's Gutenberg? He was buried in a Franciscan Church after his death, but the church was destroyed and there is no trace of his body. Maybe it was never really there...? Muahahahahahaaaaaa!

Andoran: Spirit of Liberty makes a brief mention of how government owned printing presses are made available to the public for use during election seasons to encourage their young democratic process. I don't recall the exact wording, but it certainly gives the impression that the Printing Press has been happily embraced in the country

Liberty's Edge

Cthulhudrew wrote:
What if Gutenberg was Golarion's Gutenberg? He was buried in a Franciscan Church after his death, but the church was destroyed and there is no trace of his body. Maybe it was never really there...? Muahahahahahaaaaaa!

Hey, if Baba Yaga and Rasputin have a connection with Golarion, why not Gutenberg?

Louis Lyons wrote:
Hey, if Baba Yaga and Rasputin have a connection with Golarion, why not Gutenberg?

Precisely. :)

(Perhaps Baba Yaga brought him over to print propaganda for her daughters in Irrisen.)

More importantly, who is Golarion's Steve Guttenberg ...

Grand Lodge

Um, maybe it's Steve Guttenberg?

Grand Lodge


In 3E there was a 1st Lvl spell (maybe zero lvl) that allows a temporary copy of (I think) 1 page per caster level for (I think) 1 hour per level.

...Not hard to design a 3rd or 4th level spell to make it permanent.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If you have paper and ink, fabricate will do it. If you have Craft (calligraphy), you can even make it fancy.

My name was not Steve.

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Umbranus wrote:
Are there any "copy this book" spells? If the printing press it that new I'd be surprised if there is non.

Not quite what you're looking for, but there's a "Steal Book" spell in the Prince of Wolves article in Kobold Quarterly #14. It's a 3rd level arcane caster and inquisitor spell.


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