The Winter Masquerade


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The Frost Witch has chosen to swap her feathers with the Midnight Samurai's, after which the actions after hers fully resolve. As we proceed to the next verse:

The Masked Cat has ten feathers.
The Frost Witch and the Merchant of Sands each have eight feathers.
The Midnight Samurai and the Kuthona Rat each have six feathers.
The Carpenter has five feathers.
There are now three feathers which can be claimed by the Count.

Sovereign Court

The Green Knight wrote:
"I would imagine the conversation would be much less tense if we spoke of Qadira instead. We know their intentions to strip the Gilded City of everything that shines in the sunlight they claim to own, where with Galt we are never sure of whether to pity them, help them, or fear them."

"Pity them all for they are not of Taldor!" adds The Carpenter, resuming his male human form.

The Carpenter wrote:
"Pity them all for they are not of Taldor!" adds The Carpenter, resuming his male human form.

"As was discussed at length earlier," the hostess says, upon receiving a free moment. "The Empire can stand to gain from the proper carefully-chosen relations with our neighbors. I wonder if Galt is nearly ripe for being courted. With the right leadership, they would make an excellent vassal state."

"Ah, the favor of the Grand Prince comes and goes, and it is difficult to remain long in his good graces. I hope he treats you as well as he did me, your fearsomeness!". The Masked Cat swaps cards with the Monster/Carpenter.

She considers her new card. "The Lion Blade - how appropriate. Most lions I know carry twenty of them.". She makes a clawing motion with one of her tiger-striped gloves.

"There is a card I have not seen for some time, and I think our gracious hostess may have been holding it for me until I needed it. Is it permissible to play the Lion Blade on you, Snow Princess, or must it be played on one of the active participants?"

Masked Cat wrote:
"There is a card I have not seen for some time, and I think our gracious hostess may have been holding it for me until I needed it. Is it permissible to play the Lion Blade on you, Snow Princess, or must it be played on one of the active participants?"

The Snow Princess smiles at the Masked Cat's request. "Tonight, I welcome your spying, my friend Cat," she replies.

Yes, the Snow Princess is a valid target of the Lion Blade.

Scarab Sages

"Satire?!" the Merchant exclaims, glaring daggers at the Green Knight and planting her hands firmly on her hips. Shaking her head, she mutters, "Ignorant lout."

"I believe it is time for me to dance with someone else. Perhaps someone who could better understand what it means to be Qadiran.

She wipes her hands on her hips, and incants a spell. Glowing green smudges appear where her hands were.

DC 15 Spellcraft:
She cast prestidigitation.

She storms off the floor for a moment, but after taking a few deep breaths to compose herself, she returns to the dance, this time right next to the Rat and the Priestess.
"Mr. Rat, may I have the pleasure of this dance?"

The merchant declares her intent to swap partners with the Kuthona Rat.

Lantern Lodge

The Samurai's eyes flash between the Masked Cat, the Snow Princess, and towards his other players. "I play the Priestess!," he yells out in a seeming panic. He rapidly regains his composure. "After all, my feline lady, why end such a fine game so early?"

Sovereign Court

The Kuthona Rat scowls at the Carpenter's loud antics,
"I would yell something back at you, but I have been told by my mom that it is rude to shout at people."

Sense Motive 15 or Spellcraft 19:
The lyrical way he enunciates the word "shout" seems to imply a certain magical potential there, almost like he had intentionally failed at casting a spell.

A few moments pass before he realizes that the Merchant has been speaking to him,
"I'm sorry, but no. I have not seen where Miss Star's at, maybe she is visiting Prince Ess?"
He moves to continue dancing with the priestess, but finds she has already moved on. So he dances with the merchant.
Dance: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26
The Kuthona Rat plays the Princess.

Sovereign Court

The Kuthona rat peeks at his card before retracting his earlier declaration. "I forgot, he ran away earlier. In that case I play the two of clubs."

If it were not clear from my previous post, I would like to play the Lion Blade on the Snow Princess. I was trying to get that in early, since I knew I would not be internetting much over the weekend, but in hindsight it could sound like a rules question rather than I play I was definitely going to make.

Apologies for this post being late. The good news is that I ended up GMing Spires of Xin-Shalast yesterday!

dancing: 6d20 ⇒ (5, 7, 16, 3, 19, 14) = 64

The Merchant of Sands has left a dumbfounded Green Knight behind in favor of a dance with the Kuthona Rat.

The Kuthona Rat, after a bout of confusion and giggles from the Priestess, has opted to take the Merchant up on her offer, and dance with her.

The Masked Cat has eyed the card hidden in the folds of the Snow Princess's fan, and has declared her desire to play the Lion Blade.

The Midnight Samurai, perhaps sensing the Masked Cat's proximity to victory, has played the Priestess in response.

Challenges to the Masked Cat and the Midnight Samurai will be due Monday night. The next set of actions will be due by Wednesday night.

With no challenges with the two plays, they both occur.

The Masked Cat has played the Lion Blade. She can examine her own card and the Snow Princess's card, and may choose to swap them.

The Midnight Samurai has played the Priestess. He takes two feathers from the current leader, the Masked Cat.

The Masked Cat, Frost Witch, Midnight Samurai, and Merchant of Sands each have eight feathers.
The Kuthona Rat has six feathers.
The Carpenter has five feathers.
There are now three feathers which can be claimed by the Count.

Masked Cat, check your PMs.

The dance (and the game) continues. The next set of actions is due Wednesday night.

The Masked Cat seems slightly surprised after her play. "Hmm, if our esteemed hostess does not have the card I was looking for, then some of us have not been entirely truthful . . ." She scans the room carefully, as if pondering carefully who might be her next dance partner.

"I am sorry that I did not possess just what you were looking for, friend Cat," the hostess says. "Although, I am finding the chaos of mistaken memories quite entertaining."

"Oh, there's no need to apologize, Snow Princess. I have just been fooled by a clever play, and that's what makes the game interesting. Perhaps the Merchant has the card that I am looking for - I will use the Lion Blade on her."

I assume that is pretty straightforward. The Masked Cat is playing the Lion Blade on the Merchant of the Sands.

Sovereign Court

The Carpenter declares that he intends to play the Grand Prince

Scarab Sages

"Well, things did just get more confusing, now didn't they, Cat? I myself am curious about what card I possess at this moment. Perhaps I should take a peek."

The Merchant of the Sands will check her own card this round.

Lantern Lodge

The Samurai's mask does little to hide his blatant confusion. He looks at his card.

Silver Crusade

The Frost Witch looks at her card as well.

Sovereign Court

The Winter Drake watches each player in the game, with practiced eyes, his claws still working the lyre masterfully. The rainbow shades of the Borealis, flash once or twice with the lighting and once again ethereal snow falls among the crowd.

dancing: 6d20 ⇒ (16, 10, 12, 17, 8, 8) = 71

The Masked Cat's realization has caused a lull in the game, with many players wondering just who holds which card.

The Masked Cat has declared that she holds the Lion Blade, and she intends to choose the Merchant of Sands.

The Carpenter has declared that he holds the Grand Prince.

Kuthona Rat, check your PMs.

Challenges to the above plays are due by Thursday night. The next actions will then be due by Saturday night as usual.

With no challenges to the Masked Cat and the Carpenter's actions, they both resolve.

The Masked Cat may look at her own card and the Merchant of Sands's card, and may choose to swap them.

The Carpenter gains three feathers.

The Masked Cat, Frost Witch, Midnight Samurai, Carpenter, and Merchant of Sands each have eight feathers.
The Kuthona Rat has six feathers.
There are now three feathers which can be claimed by the Count.

Masked Cat, Frost Witch, Midnight Samurai, Merchant of Sands, check your PMs.

The next choices of actions are due by Saturday night.

Sovereign Court

The Kuthona Rat ceases standing around absentmindedly and suddenly cries out in a strangely lucid manner, "Hey everyone, I figured out the secret to this game! I have learned how to allow every single one of us to win at exactly the same time. It is an extra-size of trust, and right now every one of us except myself are tied for first. If everyone plays the princess for the next three turns without challenging each other, then we will all win. I will play the Grand Prince twice and then the Princess on the third turn. This will result in all of us acquiring 14 points on the same turn. This has probably never worked before, but if we execute it in this manner, we will symbolize a united Taldor unlike any that the world has seen thus far. A favorable omen if there ever was one for the coming of the Army of Exploration's crusade on the wound of the world! Who's with me?"
Perform Oratory: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27
Everyone receives +2 Inspire Courage.

Heal, Sense Motive, or Alchemy check DC 15:
Strange, his eyes are not dilated and his skin has paled considerably.

The Kuthona Rat has played the Grand Prince.

Sovereign Court

"There can only be one!" booms the Carpenter. "Do not let yourselves be lulled into mediocrity by an irrational fear of competition, lack of good sport and the absence of a thirst for adventure, fellow Taldans! If Taldor is to prevail in the eons ahead, it will be with a genuine alertness and awareness of its own surroundings! NOT A ONE laid a challenge on ME for playing the GRAND PRINCE!! have I impressed you all so much that I am beyond doubt and reproach! I say challenge me fine Sirs and Ladies! For I, the humble Carpenter, representing the hard working laborers and artisans of Taldor, intends to play the GRAND PRINCE again!"

The Carpenter has also played the Grand Prince

"Oh dear," the hostess says in reaction, concealing her expression with her fan for a moment. She then returns her attention to her dance, wondering just how the Kuthona Rat's proposal will turn out.

Sovereign Court

"The only thing to fear is our walls falling to the endless onslaught of demons that shall crash against them should we be too fractious to engage the enemy effectively. Will you forsake cooperation in these dire times, Carpenter? This game involves individuals from more regions than just this, it would be better for all to work together and create a coalition rather than devolve to infighting. This is just a game, but it has the potential to become a rallying point. There is no glory in winning alone if there no one to share in the revelry! Please Carpenter, for the sake of the establishment of a positive communal morale, I urge you to reconsider your play."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Perform Oratory: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (19) + 20 = 39

Heal, Alchemy, or Sense Motive DC 14:
His pupils are contracting. His skin is quite pale now and his hands are shaking slightly.

"An inspiring speech, indeed, Master Rat. For a unified Taldor, and an allied effort against the demonic incursion, I will do just as you suggest. I play the Princess." The Masked Cat seems just a little too enthusiastic of the Kuthona Rat's proposal. Perhaps she is hiding something.

Yes, I am playing the Princess. You don't argue with 39 oratory!

Sovereign Court

The Carpenter's eyes seem to water a little, emotions clearly welling up to the surface. He finishes his drink and slowly sets it down on the Fairie's tray. He then slowly reaches for his Grand Prince card, and looks at it longingly. He then methodically proceeds to tear the card in little pieces, and puts them on the Fairie's tray beside his empty drink.

"Mr. Rat, you have inspired us all to something greater than ourselves. I will also be a dainty little Princess for your sake, if it means a better world, and a more noble Taldor."

The Carpenter drops his disguise and declares that he plays the Princess too. He shakes everyone's hands and congratulates everyone on a great game and a great evening!

"My name is Theodric, and I hope this evening yields durable friendships and partnerships that will stand the years to come!"

Lantern Lodge

"Master Rat, I'm afraid I must stay the fly in the ointment. Unified as we must be, there remains the question of personal glory - and I, for one, would never dream of surrendering a battle while there was victory still to be had. I play the Lion Blade on The Snow Princess." The Samurai stands impassive, his mask concealing his emotions.

Sovereign Court

"Personal glory? Battle????" muses Theodric, raising an arch brow in an inquisitive manner. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! that is hilarious."

Theodric goes back to his drink, turns his back to the Midnight Samurai, and starts chatting with the Rat and Masked Cat, thirsty to exchange REAL battle stories and TRUE tales of adventures.

The Snow Princess snaps her fan closed, creating a single discordant note from the sound of metal sliding against metal as she purposefully watches the Carpenter tear up his card, unmask himself, and reply to the Midnight Samurai's clever remark.

A moment later, she turns to the Kuthona Rat. "What you have proposed will require a great deal of unity and trust. I look forward to seeing how it all works out," she says to him, before signalling the Master of Games to continue.

An unusual situation has presented itself. The Kuthona Rat has proposed a truce, while the festivities (and the alcohol) may have finally caught up with the Carpenter.

dancing: 5d20 ⇒ (8, 6, 16, 10, 20) = 60

The Merchant of Sands and the Frost Witch may examine their own cards.

Meanwhile, the Kuthona Rat has declared that he holds the Grand Prince, the first leg of his proposed truce. If his play resolves, he will gain three feathers.

The Midnight Samurai has declared that he holds the Lion Blade. If his play resolves, he will be able to examine his own card, as well as the Snow Princess's card, and he may choose to swap them.

The Masked Cat, in keeping with the Rat's proposal, has declared that she holds the Princess. If her play resolves, she will gain two feathers.

The Carpenter has chosen to exit the game. Thanks to several spells cast by the Master of Games, his card, its face unknown, has been recovered and repaired.

Challenges to the above plays are due by Saturday night.

Silver Crusade

The Frost Witch silently watches the proceedings, and then takes a quick glance at her card.

Sovereign Court

Technically the Carpenter has declared his intent to play the Princess, as per the Rat's proposal. What happens to the Grand Prince, however, is totally up to the Master of Games! :)

The Masked Cat seems confused as to how to react to The Carpenter's unmasking. She looks back and forth between Theodric, The Kuthona Rat, and The Snow Princess, trying to pick up social cues from masked faces.

She offers a tentative reply, "Lord Montagne, I'm sure my tales of battle are but a pale shadow of those you could tell. I have not your strength of arm, nor your skill with the sword. It is not so great a disguise that I wear the mask of a tigress, who gains advantage by stealthily stalking her prey, rather than a lion who boldly roars his challenge to all."

After a moment's thought she adds, "And yet I will leave my mask on, for the moment. I would not wish to give offense to our hostess, who did invite us to a masquerade."

Sovereign Court

"Dear Masked Lady, it is well known that tigers are much more dangerous than lions. Tigers are powerfully built creatures and the true kings and queens of the jungle, and can take down their prey single-handedly. Lions rely on their pack to prevail, whether their roar is louder or not. My first instinct was to disregard the Rat's proposal as well, as it goes against self-preservation. However, his speech had the true ring of honor to it, and contained much wisdom. For Taldor finds itself at a similar crossroad: continue to scheme for its self-interest (and perish soon after under demon claws and blades) or work with the international community in order to join the worldwide effort to shut down the Worldwound (and thus survive and live another day). I fear for humankind if we are not even able to yield to the greater good for a simple game. The situation with Mendev is not a game and will require some very real personal sacrifices for us all, very soon..."

He pauses, holding his wine glass to the light to judge the quality of the wine.

"Take this game for example. The Rat's gambit has all of us winning, but there will always be one or two in the group who cannot make such a leap of faith, and thus undermine the overall effort. I have no doubt that there will be profiteers in a multinational effort to support Mendev - by Desna, I intend to profit in this endeavor as well, or at least come out even - but the greater question is 'Will our efforts be enough to repel the demons?' - and if you find a nagging doubt within yourself in this regard, I recommend you lead by example, for actions speak louder than words..."

With no challenges to the Kuthona Rat, the Midnight Samurai, and the Masked Cat, their actions are resolved.

The Kuthona Rat receives three feathers.
The Masked Cat receives two feathers.
The Midnight Samurai may examine his own card and the Snow Princess's, and may choose to swap them.

The Carpenter's choice to tear up his card and unmask himself is the end of his participation. After the card is repaired, it is given to the Snow Princess, who has hidden it in the sleeve of her gown.

The Snow Princess now carries two cards: one in her fan, and the other in the sleeve of her gown. Players who choose to change partners with the Snow Princess may swap their card (or not) with either the one in her fan or in her sleeve. Be sure to specify which when posting.

The Masked Cat has ten feathers.
The Kuthona Rat has nine feathers.
The Frost Witch, Midnight Samurai, and Merchant of Sands each have eight feathers.

There are now three feathers which can be claimed by the Count.

Midnight Samurai, check your PMs.

The game (and the dance) continues, the Winter Drake directing the music throughout. The next round's actions are due by Wednesday night.

Sovereign Court

Theodric continues to mingle and talk about politics, if possible. He is enjoying the evening tremendously regardless of his unmasking! :)

"I believe we had collectively arrived upon a plan of action regarding the Worldwound," the Snow Princess comments between dances. "The Decemvirate can grant the armies of the Empire use of the Hao Jin Tapestry for transportation and for supplying them, thus eliminating many of the harsh consequences of such an expedition."

She gently taps her closed ladies' fan as she speaks, in rhythm to the points she makes. "Though we can pledge to do what we can, in this case it is on the Decemvirate to decide whether the Pathfinder Society is a genuine ally of Mendev. As you have mentioned, actions speak louder than words."

Lantern Lodge

"I will play the Grand Prince," the Samurai remarks offhandedly, before returning to the conversation.

"I, for one, trust that our masked benefactors can guide us to a solution for the Worldwound. Surely the top of the Society recognizes the need for the demons to be driven back in order for them to continue..." He trails off, leaving unspoken his hesitation. " continue whatever it is that they are trying to do with the Society."

Sovereign Court

"Ha ha ha! well said, Midnight Samurai! I for one, as a foreign investor, would clearly appreciate any attempt by the Society at adopting a culture of transparency. I would NOT, however, appreciate if they use me or my caravan as pawns in their schemes."

Scarab Sages

"Carpenter, I find this disguise far more pleasing than your bestial form. You have a caravan, you say? Ah, such a pity that you are leaving the game. Please, let me give you my contact information, so that we may speak of trade at a later date."

The Merchant withdraws a dirt-smudged card from one of the slit purses and extends it toward Theodric.

The card says:

On the front: "Mun-Grubbi Al'Greedin, master Merchant, of Qadira. Ask anyone and they will know where to find me," in shaky, childish handwriting.
On the back: In ornate and flowing script, "May we meet again someday. Sincerely yours, L."

The merchant catches the Samurai's offhanded remark. "The Grand Prince, you say? I would like to discuss trade arrangements with him. Oh, where did he go..." The merchant mutters to herself, scanning the room for the one dressed as the Grand Prince. She catches her mistake, shaking her head at her own "folly".

"Oh, right, of course, the card! Well, in that case, Samurai of the Night, might I interest you in a dance?"

The Merchant would like to trade partners with the Midnight Samurai

"It is difficult to guess how the Decemvirate will react to such a request. They hide their agenda as well as they hide their faces. Perhaps they even find themselves divided into disagreeing factions, just as the larger body of Pathfinders?"

The Masked Cat turns her gaze towards The Kuthona Rat. "How does your plan go again? If I hope to show my allegiance to the cause, I should play The Princess a second time? Very well, but eventually it is important that a victory is won, and never mind who gets the credit!"

The Masked Cat plays The Princess. She also throws an extra flourish into her dance, flaunting the new GM star which she has acquired mid-game.

Scarab Sages

Woohoo, congrats, Masked Cat! Welcome to the starred-GM club!

The hostess considers the Masked Cat's question for a moment. "The Decemvirate possesses the power of a nation," she says. "But their agenda is more hidden than the agenda of any nation."

"Perhaps that is what is truly needed. If the Decemvirate truly wishes to involve the Pathfinder Society in the Worldwound, then their agenda in the Worldwound needs to be unmasked."

She looks to the Midnight Samurai. "I also trust that the Ten possess the ability to guide the Society to a solution to the Worldwound. What we cannot be certain of is whether they will."

Sovereign Court

"Lady Merchant, thank you for your contact information. I have the feeling that this handwriting has a great deal of significance for you, and I am honored. I know the game is still ongoing, and thus I am unsure if you are acting the personae of your disguise or not, so I propose we discuss business at great length after the game. Would you accept an invitation to my country estate? it is half a day's ride north of Oppara. You are free to remain at the Freedom Country Estates as long as you like. Master Gontrand, my Seneschal will be at your service. I have a few horses and the countryside is wonderful this time of year."

Silver Crusade

The Frost Witch moves from where she is standing, making her way over to the Masked Cat.

"Gentle feline, I hope you do not mind my sister Witch and I paying a visit?"

The Frost Witch is playing the Witch.

Sovereign Court

The Kuthona Rat shakes his head in dismay before coughing loudly. A few moments pass before he speaks again, his demeanor strangely lucid and coherent in comparison to his earlier mannerisms.

"I have no intention to stop those of you who seek personal glory over that of the benefit of the collective group. Nor shall I attempt to shame you into compliance as that would be to no end and would likely be a futile gesture. Instead, I ask you to assess this situation beyond its literal context. This game is an exercise in trust, one's ability to do good for the benefit of others, as well as one's ability to resist the temptation to take advantage of others.

Some of you have declared that personal glory is what you seek or that victory may still be had. Others are inclined to more financial incentives. I argue that my earlier proposal is one that holds a greater amount of glory, wealth, and victory than any other possible end-game. This is due to the unprecedented nature of the potential result.

There has likely never been a game that resulted in every participant satisfying the victory condition simultaneously. As such, this game would effectively be an immortal example of what good can happen when a group of people who are otherwise in competition are willing to set aside their differences for their collective benefit. This would be a game whose story could be considered legendary, or at least worthy of a good tell now and then. Should this succeed, then every one of us would have the proverbial claim to fame that we succeeded where none had succeeded before.

Choosing personal victory instead will result in a game that shall be forgotten and lost in the mists of time. There will be few cheers, little renown, no money, and no story worth telling. I ask each of you now, for a third and final time: let us please work together. I will not attempt to receive a thirteenth point until everyone else is ready to as well. I swear such on my honor as the left hand of Her Lady Rose, Shelyn. I swear such on my honor as the Lead Battalion Herald of the Ninth Army of Exploration. For whenever there is even the slightest chance that all of us may yet play parts in a story to make Shelyn proud, then I shall not leave anyone else behind."

He pauses to catch his breath, coughing again.

"I play the Grand Prince, to put me at twelve points where I intend to stay until everyone else is likewise at twelve. Lady Cat, you may do as you please. If you wish to go for victory, then I will not think ill of you on the next turn. Alternatively, you may opt to wait as well at twelve points. The choice is yours and I trust your judgement."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Perform: Oratory: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 20 = 36

Heal, Sense Motive, or Alchemy check DC 12:
What skin of his that is visible has taken on a definite pale pallor, a sheen of sweat glistening in the ballroom lighting. His eyes seem duller in comparison to his earlier appearance and his hands have continued trembling. These symptoms collectively are sure signs of withdrawal from some sort of drug.

The Kuthona Rat has played the Grand Prince. Also, congratulations to the Masked Cat on their first star!

dancing: 5d20 ⇒ (3, 14, 9, 6, 17) = 49

As the dance (and the game) continues, it is apparent that victory in this game could still go to anyone, or perhaps everyone, as the Kuthona Rat has proposed. More than one player means to find themselves on the precipice of victory.

The Merchant of Sands has asked the Midnight Samurai for a dance.

The Kuthona Rat, after another rousing speech, has declared that he holds the Grand Prince.

The Frost Witch, having held her tongue and waited for the right moment, has declared that she holds the Witch, and intends to swap her feathers with the Masked Cat's.

The Midnight Samurai, intent on forging towards victory, has declared that he holds the Grand Prince.

The Masked Cat, her interests perhaps aligned with the Kuthona Rat's, or perhaps setting herself up for a victory, has declared that she holds the Princess.

Challenges to the above four actions are due by Thursday night. Since I'll be GMing at a convention over the weekend, the next choices of actions will be due by Sunday night.

Sovereign Court

"Ha dear Lead Battalion Herald, I cannot wait to talk to you in your true form. Alas, I have attempted to support your endeavor by destroying the Grand Prince and declaring the Princess, but I believe the Master of Games has frowned on this initiative and declared me out of the game. It would have been nice to see this room united and all tied in a victory. Alas, ha ha ha, I have been known to be naive as I always hope that there is goodness in everyone, buried in there somewhere. My mind knows that not everyone is good and that there are those who have committed themselves to evil or apathy or greed, but I'd rather refuse to see it sometimes if it could permit an attempt at redemption in an individual. Yes I've paid the price several times, just like tonight, but as you said, a united victory would have made this Winter Masquerade a thing to remember! I still hope your impassioned plea will not meet deaf ears, and that the rest of the players all agree to join in a united victory, even though I have been rejected for my actions!"

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