
Masked Cat's page

37 posts. Alias of GeoffA.


"That is a title I will wear proudly . . . and try to live up to," The Masked Cat thanks the hostess.

"And regarding our earlier conversation, I would not make unbelievable boasts that I can influence the entire Qadiran Satrapy, but I am on good terms with several Qadiran agents within the Pathfinders. If a small few show that they can put aside their patriotic differences and work to oppose the demons, then perhaps more will follow that good example. Who can say whether the Decemvirate will grant your request for use of the Hao Jin Tapestry, but I will do what I can to help the cause."

I apologize that I have not been very active in this thread since the end of the game. That's partly that The Cat kind of said her piece and waited to see the reaction, and partly that I just got busy in real life.

The Snow Princess wrote:
"An excellent victory, Masked Cat," the hostess announces with approval, having excused herself from her dance partner.

"Thank you, Snow Princess." The Masked Cat then adds, with some humility, "As you correctly point out, there are several others who might have done just as well."

She then crosses the ballroom to speak with The Kuthona Rat, laying a hand on his shoulder to comfort him during one of his coughing fits. "Master Rat, you are truly a gentleman, and a man of integrity. That you would give up your own chance to win to help your competitor . . . well, not many people would have done that. Taldor should be proud to have heroes like you. I feel that, although I have won the game, it is your daring gambit of cooperation that will be long remembered from this night's festivities!"

She then speaks to the wider audience, "However, lest I be cast in role of the villain this evening, let me offer my own story of hope for our future endeavors. As some of you have already revealed your identity, behind the mask, let me share something about myself. I was not born into nobility, nor was I even born within the borders of Taldor. I am something of an outsider, here."

"In that, there is a lesson to be learned. If you hope to "win the game" in the Worldwound, teamwork and cooperation is desperately important, just as The Rat has so eloquently spoken. But cast your net of cooperation wide. Do not overlook any, however humble their beginnings, who might have the skills to swing the advantage in your favor. And, if I may offer one more piece of advice from the perspective of an outsider, do not overlook the talents of your Princess Eutropia. Do not overlook her as future leader just because you have never had a queen before."

Finally The Masked Cat returns to the side of the tiger-masked gentleman with whom she entered the party. She leans in and speaks to him quietly, "Was that too boldly spoken? I think I understand Taldans and then I find that I do not understand them at all . . ."

"While I am intrigued by The Rat's plan to allow everyone to win at the same time, I am not convinced that every player intends to wait so patiently. I am going to make a play to win this turn, and those who wish to share the victory with me are welcome to do so." The Masked Cat seems to throw out a challenge, "I intend to play The Count."

Her tone then softens, and she gives a friendly smile to the other players. "Since I have The Count, I am hardly in a position to question you if you should play The Grand Prince or The Princess. We may yet have a cooperative team of winners."

Brynja the Frost Witch wrote:

The Frost Witch moves from where she is standing, making her way over to the Masked Cat.

"Gentle feline, I hope you do not mind my sister Witch and I paying a visit?"

The Masked Cat gives a polite smile. "But, of course. It is well known that witches and cats often work together. You are welcome to my feathers.'

She then turns to reply to the Kuthona Rat, "It is indeed a remarkable ending which you are trying to orchestrate to this game. Whether I intended to or not, I have helped bring The Frost Witch within striking distance of the shared victory. Unless you and The Samurai argue over who has the true Grand Prince, then the both of you will also have victory within your grasp. It may yet work . . ."

"Still, if you mean for this to serve as a grand gesture, a symbol of how we all stand together against a common threat, I wonder if it sends the right message. If this game represents our common battle against the demons of the Worldwound, then if any one of us, or even some group, has the capability to end the war, should we not strike decisively? It is better for a few to win a victory than to debate and delay until the demons overrun our land. Or am I mis-interpreting your analogy?"

As a math teacher, who teaches a course about game theory, I am LOVING the ending of this game. I am, perhaps, letting my own perspective color what The Masked Cat would really do in this situation . . .

"It is difficult to guess how the Decemvirate will react to such a request. They hide their agenda as well as they hide their faces. Perhaps they even find themselves divided into disagreeing factions, just as the larger body of Pathfinders?"

The Masked Cat turns her gaze towards The Kuthona Rat. "How does your plan go again? If I hope to show my allegiance to the cause, I should play The Princess a second time? Very well, but eventually it is important that a victory is won, and never mind who gets the credit!"

The Masked Cat plays The Princess. She also throws an extra flourish into her dance, flaunting the new GM star which she has acquired mid-game.

The Masked Cat seems confused as to how to react to The Carpenter's unmasking. She looks back and forth between Theodric, The Kuthona Rat, and The Snow Princess, trying to pick up social cues from masked faces.

She offers a tentative reply, "Lord Montagne, I'm sure my tales of battle are but a pale shadow of those you could tell. I have not your strength of arm, nor your skill with the sword. It is not so great a disguise that I wear the mask of a tigress, who gains advantage by stealthily stalking her prey, rather than a lion who boldly roars his challenge to all."

After a moment's thought she adds, "And yet I will leave my mask on, for the moment. I would not wish to give offense to our hostess, who did invite us to a masquerade."

"An inspiring speech, indeed, Master Rat. For a unified Taldor, and an allied effort against the demonic incursion, I will do just as you suggest. I play the Princess." The Masked Cat seems just a little too enthusiastic of the Kuthona Rat's proposal. Perhaps she is hiding something.

Yes, I am playing the Princess. You don't argue with 39 oratory!

"Oh, there's no need to apologize, Snow Princess. I have just been fooled by a clever play, and that's what makes the game interesting. Perhaps the Merchant has the card that I am looking for - I will use the Lion Blade on her."

I assume that is pretty straightforward. The Masked Cat is playing the Lion Blade on the Merchant of the Sands.

The Masked Cat seems slightly surprised after her play. "Hmm, if our esteemed hostess does not have the card I was looking for, then some of us have not been entirely truthful . . ." She scans the room carefully, as if pondering carefully who might be her next dance partner.

If it were not clear from my previous post, I would like to play the Lion Blade on the Snow Princess. I was trying to get that in early, since I knew I would not be internetting much over the weekend, but in hindsight it could sound like a rules question rather than I play I was definitely going to make.

"Ah, the favor of the Grand Prince comes and goes, and it is difficult to remain long in his good graces. I hope he treats you as well as he did me, your fearsomeness!". The Masked Cat swaps cards with the Monster/Carpenter.

She considers her new card. "The Lion Blade - how appropriate. Most lions I know carry twenty of them.". She makes a clawing motion with one of her tiger-striped gloves.

"There is a card I have not seen for some time, and I think our gracious hostess may have been holding it for me until I needed it. Is it permissible to play the Lion Blade on you, Snow Princess, or must it be played on one of the active participants?"

Byrnja the Frost Witch wrote:
The Master of Games wrote:
The Masked Cat is correct. Once players have an opportunity to challenge the play, and the action is resolved, I will handle the details over Private Messaging.

The Lion Blade: The player secretly looks at his or her own card and another player’s card, then privately chooses whether to swap these two cards or leave them.

--> therefore I believe The Masked Cat must secretly PM me what her card is before I can decide to swap or not...

"Oh, I would definitely take The Grand Prince, if I were you. It's quite a powerful card, and you could probably win in a few turns if no one swapped with you. Of course, The Kuthona Rat might actually have it. Deception, deception . . ."

The Masked Cat smiles at The Frost Witch. "If you want to know my card, you need only ask."

She then turns to address The Samurai. "I have no need to steal feathers from another, for I hold The Grand Prince. Then you and the Rat can go back to stealing my feathers . . ."

I believe it is the Master of Games who should PM Byrnja about my card. Please correct me if I need to take some action regarding the Lion Blade.

A clarifying question - if both priestesses go unchallenged, do they work in sequential order? Most importantly, to me, if The Masked Cat is not the leader in feathers after the first Priestess, then the next two feathers will be stolen from someone else, right?

The Masked Cat gives another dramatic sigh. "Well, my consolation is this - if everyone takes my feathers, then eventually the Priestess will have to steal from some other."

The Masked Cat lingers near the Midnight Samurai after handing over her two feathers, "Oh, you handsome gentleman, you can have ALL of my feathers, for I would dearly love to have the next dance with you."

She awaits his reply but, lacking her usual subtlety, she is clearly eyeing the card which he has played to her repeated disadvantage.

The Masked Cat wishes to dance with, and likely swap cards with, the Midnight Samurai.

The Masked Cat gives a dramatic sigh. "That is not very gentlemanly, to give a lady a present and then ask for it back. But, I will be gracious and return your feathers for I believe the Grand Prince is my true friend, and will bring me some others."

She makes a show of addressing her card. "Why thank you, Grand Prince. You are most generous to grant this boon to your humble servant."

The Masked Cat claims to have the Grand Prince. Is she hamming it up because of bluff and bravado, or because she is confident that she actually holds that card?

"I think I would enjoy that," replies The Masked Cat, curtsying to The Carpenter. "You dance quite . . . energetically!"

As she takes The Carpenters hand, she take a a subtle peek at her own card, just checking whether her new dance partner has initiated an exchange. When she is not trying to draw attention, The Cat handles the cards quite dexterously, and if you were not paying attention, you might have missed that she made any move at all.

Just looking at my own card.

"You dance very gracefully," The Masked Cat compliments her partner. "Perhaps much of what I had heard about rats is simply ugly inter-species prejudice."

She spins away from The Kuthona Rat momentarily, and produces her card with a flourish (without showing it to anyone, of course, that would be cheating). "As you no doubt remember from the start of the game, I hold the Priestess. My own small store of feathers is insufficient for my feline curiosity, and I would dearly love to see two of the Samurai's. Perhaps they are a different color, which would complement the ones I already have."

The Masked Cat claims to have the Priestess. Unless something happens to break the game-wide tie for most feathers, I should have a choice of whose I steal. If The Midnight Samurai becomes an illegal target, then I presume I will have to choose differently.

At the end of the first verse, The Masked Cat spins away from her partner with a dramatic flourish. She looks back over her shoulder, both to blow a kiss to Lord Tiger, and also to spy out who will become his next dance partner.

She approaches The Carpenter and The Winter Faerie, laying a hand on The Carpenter's shoulder. "You do know how to make a dramatic entrance!". Even as she is complimenting him, her other hand moves quickly and subtly. It is difficult, even for those standing close by, to tell whether or not cards were exchanged. "I would enjoy a dance with you later this evening, but I believe the rules of the game dictate that we must swap partners at this time."

As they begin to dance, The Masked Cat whispers conspiratorially to the Winter Faerie. "He's quite a handsome gentleman, though I dare say not a subtle one. Do you have any idea who he might be?"

Masked Cat intends to swap partners with The Carpenter. Thanks to Matt for his patience; I believe I have finally made a legal move!

The Masked Cat approaches the tiger costumed gentleman, with whom she entered the party, and offers her hand for the first dance. She speaks to him quietly, "Remember, I have not grown up dancing your courtly Taldor dances. Still, I can follow the steps well enough, if you give a strong lead, and I will be careful of your toes." She gives him a reassuring smile.

If anyone did not overhear the initial conversation, it will become obvious when the dancing begins that The Masked Cat is a reasonably graceful individual but she does not appear to have any particular training in dance.

The Carpenter wrote:
"Hail and well met fellow BEARDED of Taldor!"

The Masked Cat smiles at the new arrival. "You honor me too much. I am no bearded of Taldor, having only whiskers." She seems about to direct The Carpenter towards The Master of Games.

The Carpenter wrote:
"Lady are you being harassed by an invisible attacker or prankster? Do you need help?"

"I don't believe it is serious. Perhaps the invisible hand of the market has just pinched her in an un-gentlemanly fashion?"

"What friendship, indeed!" replies The Cat, cheerfully. "It is a great credit to you, Snow Princess, that you host a party where Prince Stavian and a Qadiran Merchant can share a toast, and a Rat and a Cat may play at cards with one another."

"As for the dancing, I would enjoy that very much. It is said that we cats are graceful creatures, but there is not much opportunity to dance the gavotte in the Mwangi jungles. I hope I remember the steps."

Ryan Blomquist wrote:
Closing the Worldwound will require an army," he (the male twin) continues, gesturing expansively with one arm, "One larger than any single nation can field, and most of those who march will die abroad. Drunkenly invoking mythic heroes to be your salvation is sheer lunacy and unbecoming of a leader."

The Masked Cat continues to speak out of character, "You are absolutely right! This task requires an army, and many will die in the fighting. However, you are not likely to get many recruits, from any nation, if you ask who wants to march to almost certain death. The common soldier needs an inspiration. Tell the men it is dangerous, and they may die, but there's a chance that they might achieve something glorious. They might be the next Midnight Samurai!"

After pausing briefly for emphasis, she continues, "And if we can convince some of our Qadiran brethren from the Society that this is a worthy cause, then they might serve as a similar inspiration to their people. There will be some cold calculators, who will not move unless their profit is sure, but there will be others who are motivated to follow their heroes. If the example of Trade Prince Melchior of Katheer, who slew a demon in Sarenrae's name, inspires a troop of Kellish soldier's to march bravely towards the battle, then that is a success.

"In order to properly put this plan into action, we need two things. First, the doers of great deeds - the best and bravest Taldoran Pathfinders must be seen in action, winning battles and leading by example. We must also give our fellow Pathfinders, from across Golarion, a chance to showcase their own particular talents. Second, the spreaders of tales - we must make sure that these heroes are known far and wide. If you wish to portray Taldor in the best light, tell of them leading the charge, but let each land hear of its own heroes contributing to the fight. Though I have the visage of a tigress, I am not a strong warrior, but I can spread the tales of those who are. And if I might embellish the story just a little, I am not writing a history text, but trying to inspire the multitudes to face a grave threat.". The Cat pauses for breath, considering that she might have said as much in one outburst than she has said up to this point at the party.

The Masked Cat seems intrigued by the idea of cooperation between Taldor and Qadira, and breaks from her character as she replies to The Snow Princess. "Could we not reach out to the Qadiran Pathfinders? I know I've had to work with them in the field. They've saved my life a couple of times, I've saved some of theirs. If you've got that bond of past cooperation, then they're less likely to come on with the attitude of I hate Taldor because my family back twenty generations has always hated Taldor. I know it makes me re-think my attitude, knowing that there's some decent Qadirans, who have bailed me out of trouble."

An insightful character might notice that she is dancing around something with that last statement.

"I don't think, if push came to shove, the Pathfinder Society could hold back the entire Satrapy, but it's a good place to start talking about cooperation. It's right there in the motto, and there's some that take it seriously, even amongst the Qadirans."

She adds quietly, presumably speaking to herself, "Oh, who would have guessed that I'd be involved in this sort of discussion when I first walked into the Grand Lodge?"

The Masked Cat tries to move quietly to a spot where she can observe The Kuthona Rat, and the secret alcove he has found. When The Winter Drake tries to influence The Rat, she watches them both carefully to see the effect.

I am traveling, with questionable internet access, for the next couple of days. I may not have more to add to this until Sunday evening.

The Masked Cat thoughtfully directs her attention from Prince Stavian, to The Merchant, and back The Prince. "It is true that the Qadirans are highly motivated by the chance to turn a profit - that's where the diplomacy part comes in. You need only point out to them that, should the demons of the Worldwound overrun the lands, the forces of evil refuse to pay full price, and they are forever breaking things and trying to return them for credit." She gives a nervous smile, as if unsure how her jest will be received.

The Masked Cat does her best to look interested and thoughtful during the discussion of Princess Eutropia, and the Taldan forces dispatched to the Worldwound. She nods occasionally when she feels someone has made a good point, such as the female twin emphasizing "silver-tongued diplomacy". Particularly insightful party-goers might guess that her silence betrays a lack of detailed knowledge about Taldan politics.

Occasionally she speaks quietly with Lord Tiger, comments like, "Isn't that a bit silly that she can't inherit the throne because she's a woman? Certainly other countries have had queens and they're not, on average, any better or worse than kings. I don't see why it's such a big deal . . ."

Both Tiger and Tigress raise their glasses to the Dark Lady's toast. To the discerning viewer, Lord Tiger seems more genuine in his love for Princess Eutropia, and the bright future of Taldor. The Masked Cat seems to be making an honest effort to be polite, and go along with the crowd.

The Cat speaks quietly to her companion, "It will be a bit of an unmasking if we must honestly discuss what we have done . . . or not done in support of the Princess."

The Masked Cat looks like she was about to make some reply to the Kuthona Rat's story about the kitten. When he launches into his panicked monologue, she appears to be slightly overwhelmed and confused. Though her mask hides her true expression, her head is tilted slightly to one side as if she is trying, and failing, to make sense of the Rat's chatter.

When the Rat eventually excuses himself, she says to no one in particular, "What an odd fellow."

Her subsequent comments are addressed to the Merchant/Apple, "That was artfully done. Too often people assume that magic is for raining fiery death on one's foes, and they overlook the subtler applications. And it is a rare wit that can keep up with, and react to, a Rat's erratic scurrying."

The Masked Cat takes advantage of the break in the game to mingle with the other guests at the Masquerade . . .

She curtsies low before Grand Prince Stavian, "Your majesty, it is a great honor to meet you in person. Even in the Mwangi Jungles, your name is known, and spoken with the deepest of respect."

As she passes under the Winter Drake, she smiles and calls up to him, "Your music is most beautiful, a pleasant addition to an already excellent fete."

She moves on, appearing at the elbow of the tiger, with whom she entered the party. She speaks a few words to him to him quietly, which seems to improve his spirits.

What the Tigress said to the Tiger (if one were inclined to eavesdrop):
"Be of good cheer. Have I done anything to embarrass you? If I truly acted as brashly as Mistress Merchant over yonder, then I would be deserving of your scorn. But I have been polite and ladylike towards all - our gracious hostess, the honorable Grand Prince, even those who won at cards.

As for the card game, it is a clever one. Since I did not grow up playing it, I fear I underestimated the importance of the last few turns, but I think I am picking it up quickly. Don't think me dull witted for losing at the first attempt."

Eventually she maneuvers her way to where the Kuthona Rat, the Merchant and the Midnight Samurai are still involved in their game. She waits for the Kuthona Rat to finish his rambling speech before addressing him. "I could not help but overhear, when you made your entrance, something about a cat. A friend of cats is a friend of mine, if you will forgive my poor pun."

I am grouping several things together, here, since I will be on a plane for most of the rest of today. If I do not respond until tomorrow some time, please don't think that I (or my character) are treating you rudely.

"Well played," the Masked Cat says to the Dark Lady, politely. "The Angel has dealt with me, just as you requested. Now, I feel, you hold the advantage over him."

The Snow Princess wrote:
The Snow Princess approaches the Masked Cat, with a happy expression. "That was a tense moment," she says. "I must admit, this first round has been very interesting from my perspective, as I watch and wonder just what is behind your decisions."

"An intriguing game, indeed, Snow Princess. The timely play of Handmaidens by both of my opponents kept me from making the plays that I would have truly chosen. I would have liked to have played the Count against the Angel in the previous turn - if he held the card then that he holds now, that would have changed the game considerably. Likewise, I would have preferred to play the Baron against the Dark Lady. At least she spared me the indignity of guessing incorrectly." The Cat gives a wry smile, and tries to accept her defeat graciously.

The Masked Cat considers the previous two plays, and looks carefully at her own cards. "You were so very close, Angel. If only you had flipped a coin between smiting the Dark Lady's Baron and the one in my hand, you might have had one less competitor. And now, the rules dictate that I must play it against you."

She hands the Baron to the Master of Games. "Please tell us, who holds the higher card between the two of us?"

The Angel wrote:

The Angel chuckles a bit after watching the Merchant of the Sands' display of negotiation.

"I'm afraid that this is a weapon of divine justice ma'am. It is worth far more in its fight against evil than it weight in gold," says The Angel. Under his breath, he adds "Given the amount I spent on it and how little it weighs…"

Turning his attention to the game at hand, The Angel looks at his two cards. "Well, that's enough about me. What about the rest of you?" he asks as he plays The Handmaiden.

"You value the gold for its quantity," the Masked Cat replies to the Merchant. "And you value it for its utility, that you may better smite the forces of evil," she turns to address the Angel. "As for me, I value it for its beauty, its sparkle in the light which pleases the eye . . . but, I distract myself, as cats are wont to do."

The Dark Lady wrote:
"Guard? I think the Grand Prince is dallying with the Masked Cat. If my suspicions are correct, arrest them both at once!" the Dark Lady announces, playing the House Guard on the only player who isn't immune to all cards.

"Would that I had such an ally as the Grand Prince. I have only this Count, and I shall send him packing, along with his lackey the Baron, in the hopes that I can secure a more influential friend." The Masked Cat discards her own card, handing the pair of the Master of Games.

My apologies for taking a long time on my turn. Final grades are due for my classes today, so I have been furiously grading exams. After today I should have more time for Winter Masquerading . . .

Cat turns at the entrance of The Kuthona Rat, and the announcements of his mother. "The cat is not allowed in the house?" she says in mock indignation. "Well, I have known some unruly toms that I would not invite to a party, either."

She then concentrates her attention on the game at hand. "Perhaps, Angel," she begins, thoughtfully. "You are concerned that I have a Handmaiden for you have only a Baron in your own hand. Is that true?" She flips over a House Guard and hands it to the Master of Games.

EDIT: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

The Snow Princess wrote:
The hostess excitedly greets the latest pair of guests once the Master of Games has received their invitation. "Good evening, Lord Tiger, Lady Tigress, and welcome," she says with excited eyes. "And of the Mwangi, I understand?" she smiles and lets out a gentle laugh. "I was there once, and it was quite a story. One for at least two glasses of wine," she gently laughs once more, as if remembering something very funny.

"It sounds like you have an interesting story to tell," replies Cat. "If it is an uplifting tale, please share. I would love to hear of your travels. If it is a sad one, which would dampen the good spirit of the party, then perhaps it is best saved for another time."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The spoilered conversation would not be overheard by any other characters (except those with remarkable eavesdropping capabilities) but it may provide the out of character participants a little explanation of who Cat is, and how she came to be at the Winter Masquerade.

Most notably, “Lord Tiger” is not a character of mine, but rather a means for delivering Cat to the party. If anyone wants to rescue him from talking to other boring NPCs by the punch bowl, feel free to take him for a spin around the dance floor, or tell him about your latest outing to the opera. Once he gets a drink or two in him, I’m sure he’ll relax and have a good time . . .

A Conversation Five Minutes Prior to Arrival:

”Don’t fidget so!” Cat laid her hand on the man’s arm. ”It would be highly impolite to withdraw your invitation at this point and, just think, it’s a win-win situation for you. If I don’t embarrass you, and I won’t, then you will be the talk of the party. Who was that charming young lady who was dancing with Lord Corbray? She had an unusual accent? Where is she from? You’ll have the ultimate piece of juicy gossip to share with your friends and rivals.”

“And if I do embarrass you, which I won’t, then you have the ultimate in deniability.” Cat smoothed the whiskers on her mask. “I had no idea who she was behind he mask. I thought she was Lady Taldoria, honored guest from Oppara, who could slay a troll by dropping her genealogy of noble ancestors out of second story window. She’s not even Taldan – who invites that sort of riff-raff to a party, anyway?”

Cat continued, without giving her companion time to object, ”Just because I’m a Pathfinder doesn’t mean I make a habit of stabbing random strangers for the contents of their purse. I was at the wedding of Michellia Blackros, and I managed to make it through the entire ceremony without knifing a single guest. Furthermore, I’m told that I acquitted myself with a modicum of grace on the dance floor. Trust me, everything will be fine.”

The young Lord Corbray did not seem entirely convinced, but he offered Cat his arm and helped her descend from the coach. The two of them approached Chrysanthemum House looking every part the happy couple . . .

The young couple approaching Chrysanthemum House have clearly coordinated their outfits for the evening’s festivities. The young man’s mask is that of a fearsome white tiger. If it is not a real tiger’s head, then it is the work of a highly skilled craftsman for it is correct down to the smallest detail. The remainder of his outfit is striped in the likeness of a tiger. The young woman, on his arm, wears a slightly smaller mask, in the form of a tigress. Her dress is also patterned with tiger stripes, and the tasteful fur trim helps to ward against the winter cold.

”We’re, umm, here for the Winter Masquerade . . .” begins the young man, with a touch of nerves. He searches briefly for his invitation, flustered.

With a barely perceptible motion, the young woman produces two invitations from . . . well, it is not entirely clear from whence she produced them. ”Lord Tiger,” she gestures to the young man. “Surely even this far removed from the Mwangi Expanse you have heard of his reputation for grace and ferocity in the hunt. If you have any gazelles, or eligible young ladies, on the dance floor then I fear for their safety.”

“As for myself, you can call me Lady Tigress, or the Masked Cat. Just, please, don't call me a kitten.” She gives a graceful curtsy as she hands the invitations to the Master of Ceremonies. The young man’s nerves seem to calm as the pair is ushered inside.