[Contest] Little Red Goblin Games Racial Guide 2.5: Half Races and Hybrids

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Ahh the issue is I think it is beyond the 300-700 word limit and isn't really the hybrid offspring of two races (if I read it correctly, they are awakened constructs).

It seems like a decent race, I just don't know if they work well for this contest.

Actually, they ARENT awakened constructs; they are the descendants of awakened constructs. I'll split them up into their respective variants, and submit them separately.

Edit: Just to be absolutely clear, the are the descendants of constructs and biologicals (like humans)

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Ok, here is a (more or less) official submission of my construct-kin races. Each one takes about a page, with a short paragraph of description. Here's the basic setup:

While awakened constructs are rare, they do exist. Sometimes, through the infinite strangeness of the universe, they manage to breed with other races. While the resultant creatures are generally unique, their descendants present a series of common traits displaying their odd ancestors. Several variants exist, depending in the nature of the original construct progenitor.

Ok, here are the files:




Each thing is about 400 words. I will try to write small 300 words additions for specific feats (a lot are coming to mind at the moment).

So for a listed hybrid would you say "(Construct/Human)".

Pretty much; I'll add that in the newer versions, though in the document I marked type (humanoid, half-construct).

I've thought of a bunch of interesting feats that can go with the flavor (I have a bunch of ideas for the metalborn, but I've already hit 700 words! Sigh), which I will put up soon.

Ok, so they are ALL under 700 words, with all the required stuiff from the first post (including hybrid). Thanks for your patience, it's my first time doing this.




Well, hopefully you guys enjoy. The feats that I added where really off the top of my head, so I havent had the chance to test them. I have been having fun hower with a metalborn (clockwork eyes) for the last few months, so these should definitely be possible fun races.

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I'll have to have a think about this when I'm not at work. I'm sure I can come up with something... whether or it it's interesting is another matter :P

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Hm. Just made my entry exactly like one in the book. I wonder if that was wise....

williamoak wrote:

Ok, so they are ALL under 700 words, with all the required stuiff from the first post (including hybrid). Thanks for your patience, it's my first time doing this.





Well, hopefully you guys enjoy. The feats that I added where really off the top of my head, so I havent had the chance to test them. I have been having fun hower with a metalborn (clockwork eyes) for the last few months, so these should definitely be possible fun races.

Any chance you could send those over in a text format rather than a PDF file? (We have one doc we are placing all submitted races in)

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Doesn't matter. As long as we can toss them in a shared Google doc.

Well this is getting interesting.

Silver Crusade

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....that feeling when you realize you're actually giving gnome/flumphs serious consideration...

edit-Hell with it, I'M DOING THIS

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Mikaze wrote:
....that feeling when you realize you're actually giving gnome/flumphs serious consideration...

ill take that and raise you an aboleth kitsune.

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Mikaze: the Leroy Jenkins of PFRPG racial crossbreeding. :P

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Mikaze wrote:

....that feeling when you realize you're actually giving gnome/flumphs serious consideration...

edit-Hell with it, I'M DOING THIS

No, no, the gnome and flumph are those who should be doing this.

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christos gurd wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
....that feeling when you realize you're actually giving gnome/flumphs serious consideration...
ill take that and raise you an aboleth kitsune.

{TV announcer voice} Can two aberrant hybrids share an apartment without driving each other crazy?

Ok, here goes for my things in "docx" format:


Thank you, williamoak- they are all in there now.

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Just finished mine. I'll let it percolate in my brain overnight and make a final pass in the morning to tighten the flavor paragraphs and (hopefully) catch any typo stragglers.

Have two mroe on the way the moment I can sit down to do them.

Sounds good! Can't wait!

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My entry is on its way. Good luck to everyone with your hybrids!

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I read that as good luck to everyone with your hubris...

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
My entry is on its way. Good luck to everyone with your hybrids!

We've got a contender guys.

It's a very solid entry.
With like 2 weeks left, we've got about a dozen submitted races and only 2-3 spots open for this!

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Kulit-a gnome/wayang hybrid-send.

Shot you an email back regarding it. There were a few Golarion specific things in there.

Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
Shot you an email back regarding it. There were a few Golarion specific things in there.

Sorry about that - I started using First World as a name of plane of fey interchangeably with D&D 4th edition name Feywild and forgot that the former is Golarion specific and not general Pathfinder term for a fey world.

After sending the submission late in the night I started to think about expanding Font Of Life a bit but I am not sure which of the expansion options I would to add and which make into racial feats.

Drejk wrote:
Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
Shot you an email back regarding it. There were a few Golarion specific things in there.

Sorry about that - I started using First World as a name of plane of fey interchangeably with D&D 4th edition name Feywild and forgot that the former is Golarion specific and not general Pathfinder term for a fey world.

After sending the submission late in the night I started to think about expanding Font Of Life a bit but I am not sure which of the expansion options I would to add and which make into racial feats.

yeah, i think that would be cool.

As an update we have:

  • 4 NEW Contributing Artists
  • 2 In House Artists
  • 9 Submitted 1/2 Races
  • 23 In House Races*
  • 19 In House Feats*

    *This number is pre "clipping". There will likely be a different number upon release.

    We are going to be setting the hard deadline for submissions for Jan 3rd at midnight.
    We have a large meeting on Saturdays so as long as it is in before then, you're probably ok.

  • Silver Crusade

    Finishing up, but had some other questions:

    1. If we're going by the ARG Race Builder, do you want us to stick by the prerequisites or ignore them where appropriate thematically and balance-wise? (the arbitrariness of the prereqs were a matter of much debate both during the playtest and after the final release)

    2. Where racial features aren't supported by the ARG(such as certain body types, like a serpentine lower half), are we cleared to make it up and gauge the RP cost ourselves?

    I was just thinking about the 10 RP maximum when I realized I had no idea about the answers to those questions. :)

    my race got weird

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    A good aesthetic (thematic) core is the most important than (but not the only thing). I want you to be creative. If creative means using the race builder- go for it.
    Personally I am not a fan of the race builder. It has some good ideas and can serve as a decent guide, but it tends to stifle creative thinking by creating expectations and boundaries.

    (In short: I don't care about prerequisites for the APG)

    And weird is normally good.

    Silver Crusade

    4 people marked this as a favorite.


    That makes things much easier. Thanks!

    That's good. BEcause I'm finding it very difficult to balance a Plant type guy.

    TarkXT wrote:
    That's good. BEcause I'm finding it very difficult to balance a Plant type guy.

    ok, you got my attention now.

    TarkXT wrote:
    That's good. BEcause I'm finding it very difficult to balance a Plant type guy.

    I was completely goofing around when I first suggested "beard sproutlings" to explain dwarven pride in their beards, their attachment to the earth, and fondness for beer... but now I kinda want to see a plant/dwarf.

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    That is hilarious! I love the beard planting!

    We actually did a whole sexually dimorphic elf/dwarf thing in a book of ours (Our 1st product, the Sample Pack). They were called "Vættir" and their females were elves and all the males were dwarves (so no male elves or female dwarves).

    It came from a home game where in both genders passionately hated the other for legitimate reasons. They felt "chained" to each other in order to continue their own survival. They only breed during a masked ceremony once a year or so and the rest of the year the murdered the heck out of each other.

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    Seeing this 11 days after it was started. CRUNCH TIME IT IS!

    EDIT: Are any and all races ok for mixing?

    When is the planned release date for this?

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    @Golarion Goblin
    Good luck!
    Be creative. Nothing is out of bounds as long as you create something whose offspring falls into the category of PC (or NPC) level.

    @Dungeon Grrrl
    We don't have a finalized date (we'll have one closer to launch) but we have it penciled in for about 2 months after the closure of the contest. That way we can have our artists do their pieces, we can editing and playtest, and generally make it pretty.

    Just a general tip/clarification:
    We've been getting a few races that are not really specific half-breeds but more "templates".
    Please make sure they are the physical union of two races because the section of the book these are going to be in has the section heading, "Specific Unions".

    So, when we do up the example creature, can we use the hybrid classes from the new playtest? It seems fitting.

    We are expressly and exclusively looking for racial stats.
    Not feats, examples characters, racial archetypes, items, etc.

    Edit: Lore and background are also required. To see what you need to include, please read the first post.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Dotted for potentiality!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Looking forward to it!

    We just got a great entry last night! (Wavelings) Can't wait!

    Little Red Goblin Games wrote:


    Looking forward to it!

    We just got a great entry last night! (Wavelings) Can't wait!

    yep, that one blew me awau folks. Keep em coming!

    I was just wondering what racial stats you were looking for specifically? I know the few initial paragraphs, and I assume physical description, society, and relations. What about alignment, religion, and the adventurers description? Male and female names?

    I know racial traits are required, or abilities. Are alternative ones allowed? Favored Class options?

    I know feats, example characters, archetypes and items are not allowed, but I wasn't sure if that meant the what I mentioned before were not as well.

    Sorry if I missed something.

    EDIT: I suppose most of the first paragraph would all be wrapped up in the one-two paragraph description now that I notice it.

    EDIT2: Are ages/height/weight considered racial mechanics? Forgive my ignorance.

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    christos gurd wrote:
    Little Red Goblin Games wrote:


    Looking forward to it!

    We just got a great entry last night! (Wavelings) Can't wait!

    yep, that one blew me awau folks. Keep em coming!

    Sounds like a lovechild of an undine and a halfling.

    Dot. I have a small little thing i came up with once called a Derukk. I will make a PF worthy and more complete writeup when I have some more time.

    Just don't wait too long. And good luck. :)

    We generally just require an intro paragraph and their racial abilities
    (Racial ability score racial trait, racial traits, languages, etc)
    If you include ages/height/weight that is fine. A lot of time we just include it in the intro paragraph because they are half races (example: "They stand about the same height as their dwarven parents").

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