Need a help with druid


Heya all, me and my friends are going to start a short campaign soon, arena type mini-campaign inspired by hunger games (book not movie). I jumped right ahead and took a Druid, made some pretty standard-ish build, but after what i saw others do with their characters (mainly cleric that went full necromancy, as well as sorcerer that did the same) i am here looking for help as i do not have as much free time as i used to make and research broken builds.

It is a 25 point buy, nothing is barred as far as i know so go nuts. It is a pretty theme-less druid and i would like to keep it that way. That being said, archtypes(not that i encountered any good ones), races, etc. all can be changed. No 3rd party stuff. I know i will be summoning tons of stirges to deal con based damage and ruin people should it come to players battling each other.

Build so far looking like this:
PT 25

Human Druid 7

Str 10
Dex 12 (2pt)
Con 15(17) (7pt [+2belt])
Int 12 (2pt)
Wis 20(22) (13pt +2 race +1 4th leel + [+2 headband])
Cha 10

Fort: 5+3+2=10
Refl: 2+2+2=6
Will: 5+5+2=12

Skills(4+2+1): Handle Animal; Heal; Knowledge (Nature); Perception; Spellcraft; Survival; Fly;

Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration); Augment Summoning; Natural Spell; Superior Summoning; Toughness;


0(4+0)(DC16): Detect Magic; Know Direction; Purify Food and Drink; Mending ; Read Magic (S);

1(4+2)(DC17): Bristle (S); Charm Animal; Entangle; Faerie Fire (S); Long Strider (S); Ray of Sickening;

2(3+1)(DC18): Barkskin; Frigid Touch; Warp Wood; Feast of Ashes (S); Tree Shape (S); Neutralize Poison (S); Poison (S); Fog Cloud (S); Sickening Strikes (S);

3(2+1)(DC19): Call Lighting (S); Heatstroke; Water Breathing (S); Spike Growth; Sheet Lighting (S);Resinous Skin(Zavisi sta luka odogovori); Wind Wall(S);

4(1+1)(DC20): Atavism (S); Air Walk(S); Life Bubble; Giant Vermin (S);

Animal Companion (Big Cat, Lion):

Str 24(26) ( +2 level + 1ASI[+2 belt])
Dex 17
Con 17
Int 2
Wis 15
Cha 10

AC: 10 + 7 Nat + 3 Dex +4 AC -1 Size = 23

Fort: 5 +3 = 8
Refl: 5 +3 = 8
Will: 2 +2 = 4

Attack: 4 BAB + 8 STR -1PA -1 Size = +10

Attacks: +10 bite, +10 claw x2, +10 rake x2
Damage: 1d8+10 bite, 1d4+10 claw x2, 1d4+10 rake x2

Feats: Power Attack; Toughness; Armor Proficency (Light);

Skills: Swim

Wealth:23,500(7th level)
Me: Belt of Con +2(4k); Headband of Wisdom +2(4k); Rod of Reach, Lesser (3k); Wand of CLW (750); Cloak of Resistance +2 (4k); Potion of Invisibility x2 (600);

AC: Belt of Str +2(4k); Chain Shirt Barding (400);

I will suggest you to go with Saurian Shaman druid. The benefits are multiple:

- Standard action summoning (huge boost to your efficiency, or you risk to have your summon spells disrupted)
- You can wild-shape in a huge animal right away. A regular druid has to wait until lvl 8 in order to be able to wild-shape into a huge animal.

Dwarf Saurian Shaman Druid 7

Traits: Glory of Old, Second Chance

Feats: Steel Soul, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Natural Spell, Augment Summoning

You do not need sky-high Wis in order to summon, it is better to raise your Str in order to be able to attack and make combat maneuvers effectively (grappled caster=dead caster).

STR 18
DEX 14
CON 18
WIS 16

Your saves are going to be ultra-pumped (+5 vs spell-like abilities, along with Con 18, Wis 16 and Dex 14 and with the second chance trait).

You have Allosaurus and Pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus for combat wild-shaping.

You can bring a Dinosaur, Deinonychus and a Pterosaur, Pteranodon with SNAIV and a Crocodile with SNAIII.

Companion: Allosaurus (pretty similar to the big cat, no rake but more AC)

Feats: Toughness, Weapon Focus (Bite), Power Attack

No light armor prof, take a leaf armor instead. If you would rather have the +1 AC take Dodge instead of Toughness. Weapon focus is great because it increases your chances of grabbing the enemy.

And the benefits of being a Huge creature can't fit in a lot of places.

Seriously, you should add a lot more to strength. In fact, I would drop Wisdom down to something around 14ish and push strength up to 18 and add your bonus to Strength. Your spells aren't necessarily cast against other players, so there really isn't a huge need for super high wisdom.

If you go straight Druid, by level 4 you can become a medium dinosaur with 4 attacks for 4 hours. Combine that with a decent pet (say, leopard with trip) and you got yourself a killing machine that can also cast spells.

If I were you, take the birthmark trait so that you can use that as your divine focus for some of your spells. Start out with the toughness feat, get Natural Spell feat at level 3 (so you can cast spells at level 4 when you wildshape) and then get improved natural attack. At level 6 you'll wildshape into a dire tiger and just pwn most everything. If you can get vital strike + strong jaw spell (4th level druid spell) there is a large herd animal that does 4d8 gore damage, but with improved natural attack, vital strike and strong jaw spell you can do 24d8 damage around level 8. And since it's only a large creature, it fits in most spaces.

At later levels you still deal a lot of damage but you also have lots of summoning spells that last long enough to be helpful.

Base Druid is an extremely powerful class. I avoid things that delay wildshape, which are most of the archetypes. Maybe consider the Reincarnated Druid archetype, which allows you to be reincarnated the next day 1 mile away in a safe location with knowledge of where your belongings are. What you gain versus what you give up is pretty decent trade off.

The benefits of Huge creatures is being able to wild-shape in awesome choices like Allosaurus with Pounce and grab and Quetzalcoatlus for a flyer with 3 natural attacks.

For Vital Strike cheese there is Behemoth Hippopotamus, that can become nasty indeed. But, it requires you to be lvl 8, which can be a problem if you start at 7th lvl in a pvp setting, and the hippo is Huge too.

This tactic works even better with the Carnivorous Crystal Ooze as shown here. The big downside is that you need to be 10 lvl in order to abuse this mechanism.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

In 3.5, I played an elf archer druid generalist that was super fun and versatile. PBS, Rapid Shot (fun with produce flame!!!), Natural Spell, Improved Counterspell (trade flame strikes to undo fireballs!). Through the roof Perception (High Wisdom + Racial Bonus + Class Skill). I used a dog familiar (I was missing having a dog IRL at the time), that was trained for combat, so it had Armor Proficiency, so barding! My dog had the highest AC of the party, and the Spring Attack feat chain, so very unhittable.

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