Character Announcements you Make at the Start of Games

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 2/5

Makes note to get to washington for PFS as soon as possible

Grand Lodge 4/5

Kyrie Ebonblade
A brown haired Varisian woman of medium height and build, clad in mithril chain, with bandolier of bullets across her chest, a varisian kapena with over a dozen Aspsis badge(either with a hole in them or still blood). In her hands is a rugged and worn musket.

"I'm Kyrie.. Kyrie Ebonblade. I grew up in the Smoke of Arkenstar, my parents were pathfinders, an my grandparents before them. I dabble in alchemy, study lore, help when I can in any way I can.. you want someone to watch your back.. I'm your Pathfinder. You want someone to avenge you.. I'm your Pathfinder. All I ask.. we meet Grandmaster Torch.. stay out of my way."

Cindrana Longpath
A teifling clad in a mix of Varsian and Osirion fashion, with her extensively tattooed arms bare to allow them to be seen. Her right arm literally glows with a fiery tattoo that encircles a sidhedron rune with a glowing green rune in the middle. On her shoulders is a small faerie dragon that she feeds something that looks like salt water taffy

"Greetings fellows of the Society, I am Cindrana Longpath, servant in service to the Ruby Prince, Lady of the Seven Rods, Student of Thassalonian Lore, One of the Runeslayers and a member of Cayden's Crewe." She takes a foaming mug from an unseen servent and smiles. "Shall we see what .. interesting times we can inflict on others?"

The Exchange 5/5

"Hi, I'm Winnifred, and I'm a rogue," Winnifred starts, seated in a circle of chairs with her fellow Pathfinders. She is dressed in a suit of darkleaf lamellar armor, with a delicate mithril rapier at her side. "My interests include taking long walks in the dark and stabbing the bad guys where it hurts the most. I kind of have a thing for sheets, only the nicest ones, though. I used to kind of have a thing for the law, but that turned out to be a passing infatuation." Winnifred looks around, adjusts her red hair, spots a gnome, and waves happily. "Brigid! Nice to see you again! Why're you here? Sheila caught me trying to steal her sheets again. But how could I resist that fine Osiriani cotton? The thread count was re-dic-u-lous!" Winnifred pushes her Spectacles of Understanding back up the bridge of her nose, and finishes, "Well, that's about it! Now let's get this show on the road!"

Dark Archive

Winnifred Hayley wrote:
"Hi, I'm Winnifred, and I'm a rogue,"

"Hi Winnifred"

Did you get a chance to pilfer Zarta's bedroom sheets? I heard they were nice, but I don't think they were as good as the ones at the Grey Revelation Inn. Those were, like, 1200 TC Osiriani cotton with satin finish sheets. I'd have stolen the pillows, since I bet Ghenshau himself doesn't have fluffier and softer ones, but it's neither lawful nor good to take pillows from little, old ladies.

The Exchange 5/5

Ugh, did I take Zarta's sheets from her sex dungeon? I would have, but I didn't want to pay for the remove disease I would have needed afterwards. And whatever, those old ladies had it coming. But pillows, that's a good idea, I'm going to have to be on the.lookout for those as well. They're not as easy to get around with as sheets, but I'll endure the occasional odd look for the added comfort. Yes, I think it's time to branch out.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/55/5

This is Azhi Dahaka.

His is a Paladin.

He has an int of 7.

He has No ranks in sense motive. If you need to do something evil, please point him to the lovely rustic peasant architecture.

He has no ranks in perception. If he catches you doing something evil you probably deserve to be caught.

Scarab Sages 5/5

I wish to formally apologize for setting you on fire during the course of our upcoming adventure together. Really...

I once was handed a 8x11 piece of paper by a fellow player at Convention. He wanted me to read his backstory.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

grognard1964 wrote:
I once was handed a 8x11 piece of paper by a fellow player at Convention. He wanted me to read his backstory.

At least it was only one page. Maybe next time you should wear one of the T-shirts that says, "No, I don't want to hear about your character."

Was it a blank piece of paper? Because that would have made me laugh.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

"As you are all aware, I am of course, the one and only, GRRRREEEEAT RRRRRRRINALDOOOOOOOO! Front man and trick rider for the world famous Flying Flutterfoot Family Circus! It shall be my pleasure to travel with all of you, providing support and helping all of you do what you do even better!"

I pass out copies of the poster for the Flying Flutterfoot Family Circus, and wait to see if anyone notices the inconspicuous bellflower in the corner. ;-)

My wife then begins her introduction by apologizing for "my overbearing cousin...".

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Well Ksenia for a while would introduce herself as the semiour pathfinder (spent third, and part of 4th, with 1st and second level characters).

Now she can introduce herself as "Lady Ksenia Skarten, great granddaughter of Baba Yaga, Baronette of Almas. Oh and Eagle Knight."

(Fun of taking the Taldor noble title and Eagle Knight vanities.)

Samiel, after last night and I got a good handle on his personality, will likely be saying, "It's good business."

OOC: I try to gage the party, depending on the mix of players, Mayim is a bit 'intense' for some parties.

Sovereign Court 5/5 *

You see a plain looking man walk in wearing House Henderthane (a noble house of Cheliax), livery. He plays a brief fanfare on a trumpet and announces boldly:"I present to you: The Hero of Five Kings, The Captor of the Spider, The Exemplar of Falcon's Hollow, The Hero of the Fey, Favored of House Thrune; Lady Jasmine Henderthane, Armiger of the Order of the Chain, Commander of Fangwood Keep, Upstanding member of the Order of the Cockatrice and the Pathfinder Society."

Then you see a beautiful red haired woman walk in wearing spiked red lacquered Hellknight Plate along with an extremely fashionable cloth of gold and emerald caul that brings out the green of her eyes. Following her are two more people. The first is wearing flowing robes and carrying what appears to be an extensive medical kit. The second figure is dressed in House Henderthane livery as was the herald and carrying a lance and a horse grooming kit. She looks over the group, then dons a mask with glowing runes. "That will suffice for now Renald. Tell me what requires my attention, and I will strike fear into enemies of the society, and enemies of the law."

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

Walter Sheppard wrote:
Steven Huffstutler wrote:

An exceptionally corpulent man in garish purple silken ceremonial robes floats into the room on a chair that does not touch the ground. He is snacking on a cupcake that appeared in his hand as he floated through the door.

"Thank you cookie."

Looking over the assembled group. "This is the group? Well you'd better begin the briefing, the quicker I resolve your 'problem' the faster I can get back to something more interesting; like finding a better pastry chef."

He appears to barely pay attention through the briefing and leaves without asking any questions.

"I think the Sczarni man with the blue eyes and the mustache will get an audition. I think a Vanilla Cake with Strawberries but what twist to challenge the man..."

"MAGIC MAN!!!" Rukk bellows as he sees the familiar face, before rushing over and hugging both the obese man and his floating chair.


"Yes, yes, tall as a Troll. Now put me down! I thought I recognized your hulking mass..." He adjusts his robes back into order. "I do so hope we find something worthwhile to eat on our 'mission', since that dwarf we shared I've not had an interesting meal."

"Speaking of interesting, I've done a few things since last we met, I wrote them all down on some scrolls in orcish for you. I know how dreadful it is for you to read the common language. Please tell me if I'm using the big words again, you had that confused look in your eyes."

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