Ideas for an evil character


So, here's the deal. I'm trying to build an evil character, and since I've been playing nothing but Lawful Goods and Neutral Goods for the past six years, I don't quite know how to make one. Thus far, I've been able to think of Lawful Evil for the alignment, and I don't want him worshiping any deities. Rather, this character is kind of a perversion of my own beliefs. He hates all higher beings, believes that they have the ability to make choices just as humans, elves, and the rest of the midget folk out there do, too (yes, dwarves, you're included), and have failed to help earth bound peoples, so he plans on wiping them out.

Anywho, I was thinking a Lawful Evil cleric for this one just because I don't like being a band-aid, and when people look at me and think "Sweet! We have a healer!" they're quickly going to realize the monstrosity that I am. I'd love to go with a save-or-die build, but, again, most save or die spells for clerics are will based (please, oh please prove me wrong and show me how this could be viable). I was thinking about necromancer, but that's so damned tedious, and a higher level cleric in the party could easily get rid of them (by mistake). Lastly, I was thinking about a summoning cleric. Not summoner. I'm looking at you Dark Tapestry Domain and the sexy beast you are...well, at least you make stuff happen once a day. That's pretty cool.

When it comes to the race, I'm okay with going human, but I would prefer something else for a change. Mechanically, if my character can become immortal by his own powers growing, then, sure, I'll go human, but otherwise, long-lived races are my priorities.

So, we end up with:
Lawful Evil
(some time in the future) immortal human or long-lived race thingy
Cleric of the Dark Tapestry and ???
who either makes things go away because they failed their saves,
or loves to summon demons and stuff because he's to lazy to do the work himself.

The numbers for my stats are as follows and they can be placed anywhere.

STR: 14
DEX: 14
CON: 17
INT: 15
WIS: 17
CHA: 16

Again, they can be switched around to whatever needs being changed or whatever feels preferable for the above two builds.

Thank you in advance for your assistance, and anything falling under the "not-constructive-criticism" category will be ignored, although, any suggestions/ideas/productive-comments are welcome. :)

Oh, forgot a few things.

All things pathfinder (except for 3rd party and D&D 3.5) are acceptable.
Any archetype works.
And the cleric can have traits. (2 to be exact)

If you're set on an evil cleric, you could do worse than specializing in negative channeling. It's to die for. If you want something better than straight damage, try Rulership variant channeling. Deals half damage, but also dazes. Any effect that dazes an area with leveling DCs is automatically sweet. Luck, Envy, and Weapons are also decent variants when used offensively. Selective Channeling keeps your "friends" from getting murdered as well.

I know I'll be using it a lot, but I've been looking at negative channeling and it's feat extensive to keep it viable throughout. Also, it's one save away from being denied. I mean, yes, I see the value in it, but I don't see why I should create a whole build around the feature. Would you mind explaining your reasoning behind channeling as a focus? That might help me understand a little better.

Is your group open to houserules? I've been working on an idea here regarding "magenta" alignments where you basically "loop around" from one side of the alignment spectrum to the other. The basics are that if you are "magenta" on any axis, you count as both extremes on that axis so a Lawful-Magenta character, for example, counts as both Good and Evil (but not Neutral) for all effects related to alignment. He can channel either positive or negative energy and counts as both Lawful Good and Lawful Evil in determining what deities he can follow, but he's affected by anything that affects either Good or Evil as well. He'll be affected by both Smite Good and Smite Evil, he'll ping for both Detect Good and Detect Evil, he'll satisfy the Assassin prereq to be Evil while, at the same time, qualify for the Paladin requirement to be Good. He could take both the Good and Evil domains or do something like Evil domain but channel positive. Could make for some interesting RP if you can convince your GM to let you give it a try.

If you don't mind my asking, how do you reconcile a character that is a cleric, and also hates all higher beings? Does 'higher beings' mean outsiders? gods? And if it includes gods, then where does the character get his divine power from?
As for long-lived races, the errata that aasimar have human lifespans just never made sense to me and my band of players, so we do not follow that. I think that puts them in line with Dwarves?

Clerics can draw their power from ideals rather than a specific deity. Paladins and Oracles already do this; they typically believe in divine powers but they draw their power from the universe itself rather than devoting themselves to a specific deity's following. Clerics can function the same way, choosing two non-conflicting domains (ie. you can't pick both Evil and Good, Fire and Ice, etc). You lose the benefit of a favored weapon going this route. As for the RP aspect, there is a school of thought called misotheism that accepts the existence of God(s) but denies that they deserve worship. Just because such a being exists is no reason to bend knee in subservience. There's also the concept of Dystheism which accepts existence of God(s) but believes them all to be evil, manipulative, and selfishly interfering. In Pathfinder, the sentiment definitely exists that views the various deities as simply "very powerful outsiders" that leverage their great power to impose their personal views on denizens of the various planes. You can have a pragmatic Cleric that views it as less of a religion and more feudalistic, pledging yourself to a powerful being who's philosophy you generally believe in, in exchange for great power. You can also have a Cleric that figures out that great power for themselves since the Universe itself has semi-sentient parts such as what grants Paladins their power merely through their conviction for Good. So, another way to put it is that a Cleric who hates all higher beings, instead, derives their divine power from the Universe (or multi-verse) itself through their conviction of self-reliance.

Kazaan, you are amazing, and I thank you for all of that.

Although, this cleric is able to choose whichever favored weapon he so chooses because the dms allow it.

That last bit, "another way to put it is that a Cleric who hates all higher beings, instead, derives their divine power from the Universe (or multi-verse) itself through their conviction of self-reliance", describes my character's philosophy in it's fullest.

And Aasimars, Tieflings, and any other extraplanar creature is assumed to have long life-spans.

Clerics can not draw their power from ideals Clerics must have a god unless you are using houserules

Dark Archive

xavier c wrote:
Clerics can not draw their power from ideals Clerics must have a god unless you are using houserules

"Domains: A cleric's deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, her values, and how others see her. A cleric chooses two domains from among those belonging to her deity. A cleric can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her alignment matches that domain. If a cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects two domains to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The restriction on alignment domains still applies."


Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

The world of Golarion requires that clerics have a chosen deity. Core rules do not have that requirement, and DragoDorn has quoted the relevant rules.

The world I'm playing in is not Golarion, Eberron, Dragonlance, or whatever the heck you wish to name off the top of your head. It's a homebrew world that the dm controls and what the dm says goes.

Bottom line, DM says I can use ideals as a source of divine power. I'm repeating again, anything that does not fall under "constructive criticism", or progress relevant to the first thread will be ignored.

Lawful Evil Cleric
Any Favored Weapon (because dm says I can)
Any domain (because dm says I can)
I prefer a build based on summoning with the Dark Tapestry domain, or if you can show me a viable save or die cleric, that would work, too.

Think god killer. That's what I'm aiming for.

Scarab Sages

Unlikely to be allowed but Ur-Priest from 3.5 is such a perfect fit.

Loved the UR-Priest class.

Can't play the Ur-Priest because it's not pathfinder.

"All things pathfinder (except for 3rd party and D&D 3.5) are acceptable."

If you're hard set on Dark Tapestry, consider the Theologian archetype as it lets you focus on a single domain instead of splitting focus between two. You count as 2 levels higher for affects related to a single domain and get free metamagics for your domain spells. Beyond that, maybe Alignment Channel to be able to channel against outsiders only. It also lets you heal or harm with either energy type so you can channel vs Outsiders to harm or heal with your negative energy. This can be helpful if your party includes Outsiders as you can channel negative to heal outsiders without harming non-outsider teammates. If you get a favored weapon by GM fiat, Guided Hand might be a boon for you as you can use Wis for attack.

Scarab Sages

Madness domain is good for Save-or-Dies I feel

Vision of Madness (Sp): You can give a creature a vision of madness as a melee touch attack. Choose one of the following: attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The target receives a bonus to the chosen rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1) and a penalty to the other two types of rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum –1). This effect fades after 3 rounds. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Give them a bonus to a skill check and rinse their AC and Saves.

Metaflux, you're in my wheel house, my friend.

My absolute favorite Cleric (the only one I'll play in fact) has been made with two variations - one for an almost forgotten Second Darkness campaign and one for a Way of the Wicked campaign that's been put on indefinite hold until such a time as Fire Mountain Games decides to actually print the books. The concept was the same each time - The Mad Dwarf.

Short version of the backstory is that he was a deep miner who was captured by servants of the Aboleths, served as a slave for a few centuries before making his escape - he fled up, up, as fast and as far away as he could to escape the clutches of the aberrations, only to emerge onto the surface world for the first time in the dead of night. All of that endless space dotted by infinite stars from which his former overloards had come was enough to break his mind. He didn't worship the Old Ones exactly, but more saw himself as a herald of the doom they were sure to bring.

The mechanics are what makes him fun though. The two versions of him were an Evangelist (Second Darkness) and a Theologian who took two levels of Wild Rager (Way of the Wicked). The second wielded a Dwarven Dorn Dergar who's weighted end was a chunk of sky metal that served as his holy symbol. In both cases the lone Domain he took was Madness, which just happens to feature the most potent buff/debuff in the game (Visions of Madness) as well as the always fun Aura of Madness. With the Dwarven favored class option he got basically unlimited uses of the ability and found all sorts of utility for it both in and out of combat.

When it came to spells I tried to stick with necromancy spells (though nothing to do with undead) and spells that mimic'ed the debilitating effects of the Tapestry, like Blindness/Deafness. I can't tell you how long and hard I looked at the Murder Subdomain just to get Suffocation and Mass Suffocation as they would be ideal for both the theme and the mechanics of the build.

Let me know if any of this interests you and I'll be happy to work on a build that suits your particular needs and desires.

Save or die can be based on reflex with wall of stone, it's far from perfect, but under the right circumstances it's very powerful, especially when combined with dimensional anchor, save or dies in general can be combined with a +2 metamagic that forces the person to save twice and take the worst result. baleful polymorph is available with certain domains (but go with madness it's great for you) or get it by being a samsaran and get it from the druid list. It's fort first will secondary.

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