Warpriest Deity's Favored Weapon Dependence and Limitation

Class Discussion

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This has been touched on here and there in the General thread, but I wanted to make a dedicated thread because I believe it's a topic worth specific attention.

Many of the warpriest's class abilities are specifically focused on his deity's favored weapon. There are two main issues I see here.

A. What if your deity's favored weapon isn't very good? As much as I love the dagger in some cases, Warpriest is just not a class that will build off it very well. You could go TWF, or dagger/shield if you really wanted to, but it's simply odd to see a character referred to as a WARPRIEST who's just running around with his little dagger, and has no other choice without giving up a couple of his key abilities. Magus limits you to a weapon that fits in one hand, and having nothing in the other, but that's primarily so you can dual-wield spells. This class gets all those limitations and none of the benefits.

B. Throwing Weapons. What if you're focused on throwing weapons? This is a minor point compared to A, but it should be noted that it still nullifies EVEN MORE weapon variety and usefulness when an important class ability is lost the moment you use the weapon as a projectile.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

Thread closed. Please post your comments in the stickied thread for this class, otherwise we'll end up with a hundred parallel discussion threads. Thanks!

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