The Comming Wars of Liberation

Off-Topic Discussions

The Exchange

There is a prolific shortage of Women in China. It is so bad that the Chinese state has ditched it's one child policy. This will not however address the immediate shortage. Consider then India. This nation has a horrific caste system where those born to shovel poop will die in that job. But behold: Chinese mums and dads are raising money to buy their sons a what happens when India's Poorest Women begin migrating to china (Bare with me - I know you are thinking that ain't gonna happen - the caste system and politicians have done their job well in keeping to people brainwashed and inline)? The Bottom of the Caste Structure collapses downward as no one is being born in the lowest rungs of the Caste system to shovel the poop and no-one in their right mind would ever marry downward into slavery. So the arse falls out of the Caste System and suddenly people further up the ladder are expected to shovel everyone's poop.
Good riddance to the caste system - right? China gets women for their husbands - and its good for them because the gene pool gets a refresh - no more marrying your third cousin like in the royal family or Britain. Still this has some nasty side effects for India as women become increasingly targeted by male violence. China topples India without firing a shot. All it had to do was give citizenship to Indian Women looking to marry into a better life.





Sissyl wrote:





Sissyl wrote:





[*Holds gently Sissyl's hand*]

There, there my dear. It will be all right !


I highly doubt that Chinese mums and dads would consider marrying their offspring to an hypothetical poor Indian woman. Chinese from China are very proud of their ethnic (Han) origins, and intercultural marriages* are a generally tricky business.

Also, I doubt that the chinese government would give citizenship to millions of foreigners, women or not.

* or is it all marriages ;-) ?

The Exchange

Its all Asymmetric Warfare these days...

Oh my God! You broke Sissyl! You bastard!!!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Well, I do remember reading that some Chinese men had already abducted their wive some years ago, so buying a wife would be the next logical step.

The Exchange

Darkjoy wrote:

Well, I do remember reading that some Chinese men had already abducted their wive some years ago, so buying a wife would be the next logical step.

Apparently Chinese mums and dads have gone to the effort of saving money to buy wives for their sons. Why not go abroad? Bigotry just hold you back and there are plenty of women in India looking for a better life.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jenny the Jellymancer wrote:
Oh my God! You broke Sissyl! You bastard!!!

hit Sissyl with a stick...we need to be sure before we dig the grave.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

According to wikipedia, it is also cheaper to kidnap your bride

scroll down to China

The Exchange

The nice nest attracts the Phoenix

And importing women into China will bring stability and none of that Bride Abduction rubbish.

Sissyl wrote:





puff puff pass, pretty lady.

My understanding was that their might be an upcoming, although less severe, shortage of women in India as well.

Also, why would low caste women even consider going to China for husbands? Impoverished people usually are the people with the least information and ability to change there circumstances by up and moving to another country

They could just do 2 men 1 women marriages.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh; I know. I mean, it's pretty much standard operating procedure for me to come up with the perfect solution to a problem, meanwhile everybody is to much of a dork to carry it out.

Bare with you?! Bare?!!! You cheeky little...*SLAP!!!* Now, go pick up your teeth and apologize to Sissyl.

Now, then. I went and looked up McLaren's references (actually being an anthropologist helps), and there are a couple of points to be addressed:

1.) Marriage by abduction in China was not (as far as I can find) practiced by the Han majority. On the other hand, they had no trouble attributing such acts to their "barbarian" neighbors.

2.) Under the system of Confucian thought, a woman had no legal identity. Her consent to marriage was never even considered, much less sought.

3.) The real problem: the Han majority in China (how shall I put this?) firmly considers itself to be the pinnacle of human evolution and accomplishment. In other words, the Han have a little problem with cultural elitism. Oh, all right, they have a huge problem. Not to mention a problem with sexism as well: That system of Confucian thought? It ain't dead yet. They wouldn't accept brides from India if you paid them, especially low-caste or out-caste brides.

YD you are one of my favourite loonies.... Your brain is a whirling vortex of what da fruck?, oh my god (and I am an atheist), huh?, keh?, and that's kind of an interesting point.

What you said, 8th Dwarf.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One too many conspiracy theories I think.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

yellowdingo wrote:
Jenny the Jellymancer wrote:
Oh my God! You broke Sissyl! You bastard!!!
hit Sissyl with a stick...we need to be sure before we dig the grave.


If we bury her, it will not matter if she was dead first on not.

The end result is the same.

yellowdingo wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

They could just do 2 men 1 women marriages.

There is a reason the same word for anus in the Indonesian language is related to the Indonesian word for two...and it ain't because one woman with two husbands worked out.

No they aren't.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
SnowJade wrote:

3.) The real problem: the Han majority in China (how shall I put this?) firmly considers itself to be the pinnacle of human evolution and accomplishment. In other words, the Han have a little problem with cultural elitism. Oh, all right, they have a huge problem. Not to mention a problem with sexism as well: That system of Confucian thought? It ain't dead yet. They wouldn't accept brides from India if you paid them, especially low-caste or out-caste brides.

That. I've taught french classes to young upper class chinese men and women, and they're quite certain that China is the salt of the earth and ready to gently gobble up the rest of the world.

Confucean doctrine does certainly play a part in it, and also the memory of the humiliation that was the 19th century, when occidental superpowers of that time asserted their domination over a backward and debilitated Chinese empire.

I quite like Chinese, strangely enough. They remind me of occidentals in the 19th century : sure of themselves, ultra-nationalistic and oblivious of the strange complexities of the indigenous people in the rest of the world (like, for instance, the intricacies of democracy in the western world).

Still, they're less (overtly) arrogant than our forebears ever were - their leaders excepted, but autocratic, unaccountable and corrupt old men tend to exhibit strange behaviors, no matter their ethnicity.

[*raises his hands to the sky in supplication*]

Ho dear lord, I beseech thee : save us from our leaders !

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quiche Lisp wrote:
SnowJade wrote:

3.) The real problem: the Han majority in China (how shall I put this?) firmly considers itself to be the pinnacle of human evolution and accomplishment. In other words, the Han have a little problem with cultural elitism. Oh, all right, they have a huge problem. Not to mention a problem with sexism as well: That system of Confucian thought? It ain't dead yet. They wouldn't accept brides from India if you paid them, especially low-caste or out-caste brides.

That. I've taught french classes to young upper class chinese men and women, and they're quite certain that China is the salt of the earth and ready to gently gobble up the rest of the world.

Confucean doctrine does certainly play a part in it, and also the memory of the humiliation that was the 19th century, when occidental superpowers of that time asserted their domination over a backward and debilitated Chinese empire.

I quite like Chinese, strangely enough. They remind me of occidentals in the 19th century : sure of themselves, ultra-nationalistic and oblivious of the strange complexities of the indigenous people in the rest of the world (like, for instance, the intricacies of democracy in the western world).

Still, they're less (overtly) arrogant than our forebears ever were - their leaders excepted, but autocratic, unaccountable and corrupt old men tend to exhibit strange behaviors, no matter their ethnicity.

[*raises his hands to the sky in supplication*]

Ho dear lord, I beseech thee : save us from our leaders !

*Headbonk* Thank you for phrasing that so eloquently, sir/madam. I agree completely - in fact, I am fascinated and truly awed by what the Chinese have managed to do in over 4,000 years of history. My favorite artist is Chinese, and so are some of my favorite novels, poetry, music, etc. That doesn't mean that I consider them perfect; just as with my own country, there are a lot of problems. But, well, there it is. *Paws to the ground in supplicant posture* Gods, hear this humble one: From the machinations of our leaders, preserve us!

Liberty's Edge

China is often called the Middle Kingdom because of the way it is written. What most western people do not realize is that it mean the land at the center. And for Chinese people, the center means the center of the world. What happens in the barbarian places at the fringes of the empire has no real importance (similar to the Roman Empire).

We know just how bad the tendency for the US to see itself as the epitome of civilization can be.

Imagine this for a growing superpower with the most numerous population, great economic strength, 5000 years of civilization and a drive to build up national pride both to forget the recent centuries of weakness and unite the people so that current leaders need not fear a revolution.

Scary I think.

The Exchange

Gallo wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

They could just do 2 men 1 women marriages.

There is a reason the same word for anus in the Indonesian language is related to the Indonesian word for two...and it ain't because one woman with two husbands worked out.
No they aren't.

Du-a: Two

Du-bur: Anus

Yeah...they are.

yellowdingo wrote:
Gallo wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

There is a reason the same word for anus in the Indonesian language is related to the Indonesian word for two...and it ain't because one woman with two husbands worked out.

No they aren't.

Du-a: Two

Du-bur: Anus

Yeah...they are.

Dooby dooby dooooooooo

Strangers in the night, exchanging mangoes...

Remember to teach your kid about mango danger!

I think theres a conspiracy with Chili's putting mango salsa on everything...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alanis Morissette wrote:
Dooby dooby dooooooooo


The Exchange

Kryzbyn wrote:
I think theres a conspiracy with Chili's putting mango salsa on everything...

Mango Chutney...

*Sigh* Yes, indeed - don't I just wish I weren't so very, very allergic to them.

yellowdingo wrote:
Gallo wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

They could just do 2 men 1 women marriages.

There is a reason the same word for anus in the Indonesian language is related to the Indonesian word for two...and it ain't because one woman with two husbands worked out.
No they aren't.

Du-a: Two

Du-bur: Anus

Yeah...they are.

No they aren't. Just because they start with the two same letters doesn't mean they are related.

And in case you are wondering, I have worked much of my adult life as an Indonesian translator and interpreter.....

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