Next Adventure Path is Skull and Shackles!!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16


Liberty's Edge

My question is whether the characters from either set be usable in the other - I'm assuming so, but not certain.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Robert Little wrote:
My question is whether the characters from either set be usable in the other - I'm assuming so, but not certain.

Well, they list 4 new classes in the base set (Magus, Oracle, Gunslinger, and Swashbuckler) and 3 new classes in the 6-player expansion (Alchemist, Warpriest, Witch) so I would assume there will be new versions of 4 of the current iconics in there. Given that Valeros is shown fighting pirates on the picture, I'm guessing he'll be one of them. Given Seoni's popularity as a character, she'll probably also likely be one of them.

Robert Little wrote:
My question is whether the characters from either set be usable in the other - I'm assuming so, but not certain.

That's my biggest question too. :-)

How come Nerdtrek has an official paizo announcement before anything here on the website?

(I'm blocked from nerdtrek at work, so I haven't seen it, just the headline on facebook).

Maybe we'll see some fan adventures for Freeport or Razor Coast...

I just saw this. Has literally made my entire week. August 2014 cannot come quickly enough!

I wonder if the RotR iconics will get another set of specialization classes for the new set. I would like for that to happen :)

Excellent, Great AP and now will be a great card game too. Very Happy :)

Liberty's Edge

It's a good Adventure Path. Plus people get the Pirates they want. Really curious if they are going to add a new game mechanic for ship to ship combat.

I'm interested in this!

My concern is: will characters carry over? I've learned, from these forums, that "Adventure Paths" are sort of meant to be one and done, and carry you through a whole progression. That seems weird to me, but that may be because my main experience with tabletop gaming is hearing about my friend's 12+ year long D&D campaign. My worldview may be flawed. Is running your characters through an Adventure Path and then dumping them for new ones the Pathfinder way? Will the card game follow suit?

Dave, I see two ways they can handle it:

1) Dump current characters and "semi-retire" them
2) Have a "sliding scale" of challenge for people who's finished the first. I'm not sure how cross game items will work in that case.

That being said, I think PFS limits characters to Level 12 (essentially) and you're supposed to create new characters when you finish.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If there is to be mixing of the Base Sets, I know a certain Bunyip that is going to be happy to stop lurking in the General Store

Seems the other option is to do what MMOs do with their expansions and scale everything by default. So "Basic" cards in the second set would be just a little less good than the best cards of the last set. Although that does kill the excitement of replacing your crummy Short Sword with the enviable Dogslicer +1, unless all Short Swords are going to be kicking out +d12 out of the box.

I'd think they would go with a "start over" mentality, creating another Base Set comparable to the first one and not a continuation for the same characters.

That would also allow players to mix and match between the two sets. Because you know we're all going to buy the new one...

Not making it a carry over would also allow for non-adventure expansion decks of the dfferent types of Banes and Boons.

I've heard of no plans for this, but I hold out hope. It added a lot to Runebound.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

The answer to all questions about compatibility is "yes." We will be starting at "first level" but you can certainly use RotR characters in the S&S game, and vice versa.

However, you may find that your ships aren't as useful when you're not, y'know, on water.

Mike Selinker wrote:

The answer to all questions about compatibility is "yes." We will be starting at "first level" but you can certainly use RotR characters in the S&S game, and vice versa.

However, you may find that your ships aren't as useful when you're not, y'know, on water.

What if you want to use your AD6 loot and character? Will there be plans for "high-level" adventure packs?

And the official post is up!

But how do we get on the playtest list!?!?!?!? ;)

I have only ever done play testing for War of the Ring 2nd edition forward (and all expansions) -- but understand the concept that your primary objective is to break the game and detail explicitly how you broke it and sometimes some suggestions for fixing it.

If you are short play testers in honest, I am willing to help. I can only reliably playtest 3 or fewer players with real humans .. that is all I have to muster of people who are analysts who are competitive enough gamers to break things.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

zeroth_hour wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:

The answer to all questions about compatibility is "yes." We will be starting at "first level" but you can certainly use RotR characters in the S&S game, and vice versa.

However, you may find that your ships aren't as useful when you're not, y'know, on water.

What if you want to use your AD6 loot and character? Will there be plans for "high-level" adventure packs?

Not in our currently announced plans, no.

Scarab Sages

Vic Wertz wrote:
Not in our currently announced plans, no.

Well that's quite a teaser...I guess I'm looking forward to the epic-level adventures that haven't currently been announced...?

Will our subscription include the new base upon release?

Calthaer wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Not in our currently announced plans, no.
Well that's quite a teaser...I guess I'm looking forward to the epic-level adventures that haven't currently been announced...?

You'll have to wait for the mythic Wrath of the Righteous set. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Steve Christian wrote:
Will our subscription include the new base upon release?

Yep... it'll keep going until you cancel.

It's pretty weird to release a new basic set when many people already bought Rise of the Runelords base set.
I am afraid I'll have to pay extra for many cards that will be repeated and not even used in the first place.
Can you tell me how many basic cards (average or percentage is OK too) in this basic set will be duplicates of ones found in Rise of the Runelords base set?
Are there any plans for a conversion kit for fans who already bought the "old" set?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I really doubt there will be a ton of duplicate cards, because the first part of skull and shackles happens almost entirely at sea, and you are just gonna have different equipment on the ship. And all of the monsters are going to be completely different as well. I'm lucky enough to be part of the closed playtest, so i will let you know next month when my playtest cards come in whether there are many duplicates.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The point of the Base Set is to give you the fundamental building blocks of the storyline. And since Skull & Shackles is a different story than Rise of the Runelords, a lot of the building blocks are very different. One has goblins and ogres, one has pirates and sharks. But since both stories are also both fundamentally Pathfinder, a few of the building blocks are the same. You're going to need longswords and cure spells, but you're also going to need harpoons and control water spells.

It's too early to provide exact numbers, but just to give you an idea: The current list of ally cards for S&S—that's including all 6 Adventure Decks—has exactly 2 repeats from RotR. Not surprisingly, the card type with the highest number of repeats is blessings, yet still fewer than half of those blessings appear in RotR. Loot is all new, as are the other highly story-driven card types. Overall, the vast majority of the cards in S&S will be new.

One issue people are starting to question over on BGG is whether there will be a new base set with every AP. I suspect there will be and personally hope there will be a new base each time, as I posted over there, but of course you'll have people complaining no matter what you do. More thematic content specifically pertaining to an individual AP is important in my eyes, so I'd like to see a new base set each time (despite my being a poor grad student, what's an extra $120 a year for a great game that I'll get many, many hours of enjoyment out of). Do you currently know whether you will keep releasing a new base set with each AP?

I can't wait! Shame our characters from RORL have to start back at lv1. Oh well, perhaps in some future we can play high level.

Will it be possible to cancel the subscription for the base game but continue with the expansions? Shipping to EU is killing for large/heavy boxes.

Vic Wertz wrote:
It's too early to provide exact numbers, but just to give you an idea: The current list of ally cards for S&S—that's including all 6 Adventure Decks—has exactly 2 repeats from RotR. Not surprisingly, the card type with the highest number of repeats is blessings, yet still fewer than half of those blessings appear in RotR. Loot is all new, as are the other highly story-driven card types. Overall, the vast majority of the cards in S&S will be new.

Good to hear. I'm guessing Blessing of Besmara is a given. :)

Derca wrote:

I can't wait! Shame our characters from RORL have to start back at lv1. Oh well, perhaps in some future we can play high level.

Will it be possible to cancel the subscription for the base game but continue with the expansions? Shipping to EU is killing for large/heavy boxes.

I'd be willing to guess yes, but I have no idea. Paizo's customer service has been excellent when I have dealt with them.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Mechalibur wrote:
I'm guessing Blessing of Besmara is a given. :)

I wouldn't rule it out.

This is very cool. I'm glad they're switching to a monthly cycle and I'm really happy that characters from one set can be used in another. That should add a lot to the replay-ability of older sets. I'd love to run the witch and alchemist through RotRL.

Now I only wish there was something like PFS for PACG to help organize pickup games at stores.

Dracones wrote:
Now I only wish there was something like PFS for PACG to help organize pickup games at stores.

Fantasy Flight Games puts out seasonal organized play kits for their games, with promo cards, posters, and goodies to give out as prizes.

That would be a really cool addition for PACG...

Please, please don't release promos exclusive to these events like FFG does. I like the current system of getting them with a subscription. Everyone has the same opportunity to get them. If they're only available at events, many of us won't be able to get them.

I guess seasonal kits and what not would be cool, especially at conventions, but I'd just be happy with a way to register PACG events/characters on the Paizo website.

That way I could post an event for a local store, have people show up, run through an AP, mark off on character sheets the character loot, advances and what AP's they ran that day, etc.

There'd be some issues to resolve(not enough of some cards), but I really think the format would work better for PACG than it currently does for the rpg. The table sizes are a lot more flexible in PACG, no DMs are required, there's less character power variance(new characters can still play in later APs up to a point) and it's a lot more newbie friendly for people who don't know Pathfinder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a recent discoverer of pathfinder (very. Lol) and proud subscriber this pack is awesome news.
I'd like to take a sec to thank mike and the team for this game. I'm a stepdad and this game has unified my family in a way i never thought possible. It has all the elements if coop and adventure that I enjoyed from my role play days as a child , but factors in the reality that u don't have countless hours to setup and run a RPGs properly.
I suppose I'll pull my tongue out if everyone's asses now. Lol. Keep up the good work.

Derca wrote:

Will it be possible to cancel the subscription for the base game but continue with the expansions? Shipping to EU is killing for large/heavy boxes.

Yes. You can always cancel a paizo subscription by contacting customer service. It takes until the next business day and they never give people grief over it.

I'm sure you'll be able to cancel in the days before the next big box ships, wait for the base set to pass and restart (probably the same day you cancel) with the character add-on pack.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

bobot wrote:
I'd like to take a sec to thank mike and the team for this game. I'm a stepdad and this game has unified my family in a way i never thought possible. It has all the elements if coop and adventure that I enjoyed from my role play days as a child , but factors in the reality that u don't have countless hours to setup and run a RPGs properly.

Very nice to hear.

Hi Ray here,
What wonderful news! I love how the AP's will be released at a faster rate. Anyone who is complaining about this, just don't buy them this frequently. Customers allover BGG and Paizo's site have been begging for this. When Paizo acquiesces, what do some people do? Complain. You can't please everyone guys.

Not having any knowledge about pathfinder, the theme sounds awesome! Pirates and sharks! Hope there's big sea monsters, war galleys and sunken treasure!

Aye Aye mateys!

By the way, is there any chance Hook Mountain massacre will reach Australia prior to Christmas? Loving Skinsaw too.

Wow! What a game!

vagabondriot wrote:
Please, please don't release promos exclusive to these events like FFG does. I like the current system of getting them with a subscription. Everyone has the same opportunity to get them. If they're only available at events, many of us won't be able to get them.

From what I've seen, the FFG promos are simply alternate artwork versions of existing cards; they tend to stick to their "equal access to all cards" policy. Even the LOTR:LCG nightmare decks are made available as POD options after the season is over. FFG is the only card game company that comes to mind that doesn't create exclusive promos (artwork notwithstanding).

And I'll bring up the "Fire Sneeze" promo for this game, a card I'll likely never see because I don't go to conventions.

Flat the Impaler wrote:
vagabondriot wrote:
Please, please don't release promos exclusive to these events like FFG does. I like the current system of getting them with a subscription. Everyone has the same opportunity to get them. If they're only available at events, many of us won't be able to get them.

From what I've seen, the FFG promos are simply alternate artwork versions of existing cards; they tend to stick to their "equal access to all cards" policy. Even the LOTR:LCG nightmare decks are made available as POD options after the season is over. FFG is the only card game company that comes to mind that doesn't create exclusive promos (artwork notwithstanding).

And I'll bring up the "Fire Sneeze" promo for this game, a card I'll likely never see because I don't go to conventions.

I did not know this about the alt artwork from FFG. But several companies certainly do release unique promos to conventions, and that is infuriating to someone with a completionist mentality like me. This is also a major issue for me with kick starter exclusives, but that is neither here nor there.

As for fire sneeze, you could have received it with a subscription order of the base set or character add-on. That's how I got mine. Perhaps if you talk to paizo's customer service, they may have some extras if you purchase a character add-on. They were very helpful with me. I was able to then trade away my (now extra) character add-on for close to what I paid for it, making the promos I wanted come to a very reasonable price. I will remain a subscriber from here on out to receive all of the promos.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
vagabondriot wrote:
One issue people are starting to question over on BGG is whether there will be a new base set with every AP. I suspect there will be and personally hope there will be a new base each time, as I posted over there, but of course you'll have people complaining no matter what you do. More thematic content specifically pertaining to an individual AP is important in my eyes, so I'd like to see a new base set each time (despite my being a poor grad student, what's an extra $120 a year for a great game that I'll get many, many hours of enjoyment out of). Do you currently know whether you will keep releasing a new base set with each AP?

That's the plan. We really need new Base Sets to make each AP's theme work. (That said, we have ideas about ways to extend the play value of Base Sets beyond the APs as well. But that's an announcement for another time.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Derca wrote:

I can't wait! Shame our characters from RORL have to start back at lv1. Oh well, perhaps in some future we can play high level.

Will it be possible to cancel the subscription for the base game but continue with the expansions? Shipping to EU is killing for large/heavy boxes.

You'll be able to contact Customer Service and have them send you just the Character Add-On Deck. (You could also cancel your sub for the month, meaning you wouldn't get the Add-On Deck—but you'd also miss the promo cards.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dracones wrote:
Now I only wish there was something like PFS for PACG to help organize pickup games at stores.

We think that's an interesting idea too!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
vagabondriot wrote:
Please, please don't release promos exclusive to these events like FFG does. I like the current system of getting them with a subscription. Everyone has the same opportunity to get them. If they're only available at events, many of us won't be able to get them.

I'm a big fan of ensuring that promo cards are made available to subscribers.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

darth plagus wrote:
By the way, is there any chance Hook Mountain massacre will reach Australia prior to Christmas?

The street date for that is December 18... but we can't guarantee that international retailers will necessarily have it by the street date.

(We have zero visibility into international distribution timelines. Most of the overseas distributors use consolidators within the US—that is, a US location that takes all the stuff they order from a bunch of manufacturers and bundles it together into a single shipment. This saves them money, but introduces a big time variable, as stuff may wait around at the consolidator until they have enough to ship overseas. And once it gets there, it also has to clear customs, which sometimes happens quickly, and sometimes slowly. And it's totally opaque to us—all we can discern is whether or not it arrived at the consolidator.)

Vic Wertz wrote:
We really need new Base Sets to make each AP's theme work. (That said, we have ideas about ways to extend the play value of Base Sets beyond the APs as well. But that's an announcement for another time.)

I am very excited about said announcement!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Derca wrote:

I can't wait! Shame our characters from RORL have to start back at lv1. Oh well, perhaps in some future we can play high level.

Will it be possible to cancel the subscription for the base game but continue with the expansions? Shipping to EU is killing for large/heavy boxes.

You'll be able to contact Customer Service and have them send you just the Character Add-On Deck. (You could also cancel your sub for the month, meaning you wouldn't get the Add-On Deck—but you'd also miss the promo cards.)

Awesome and yeah I want all the promo/addon stuff. But the big boxes I prefer to buy in the local store. Shipping and customs can be a real joy killer.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Derca wrote:

I can't wait! Shame our characters from RORL have to start back at lv1. Oh well, perhaps in some future we can play high level.

Will it be possible to cancel the subscription for the base game but continue with the expansions? Shipping to EU is killing for large/heavy boxes.

You'll be able to contact Customer Service and have them send you just the Character Add-On Deck. (You could also cancel your sub for the month, meaning you wouldn't get the Add-On Deck—but you'd also miss the promo cards.)

Could I make a suggestion here, Vic? Is it possible to just create a "small-pack only subscription" for people who want to buy the base sets in the store because of shipping concerns? I've seen this concern from many people on the forums, here and BGG (not me really since I'm in Seattle). I'm not sure of course if that creates more questions than it answers though (since people might get confused about the two), or if the logistics may be too complicated.

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