Svirfneblin speed? No entry in prd

Rules Questions

What would the speed of a Sverfneblin character be?

There is no speed entry in the advanced race guide and the prd also has no speed listed for these creatures.

I suppose it would be 20feet/round, just like another gnome.

On the other hand 30feet might as just as wel be possible.

The entry to the racial traits says that "Svirfneblin are fast and observant..."
Both the Goblin and Kobold entrys say that "Goblins are fast ..." and they have 30ft speed. So it might be argued that based on that entry, Svirfneblins also have 30feet speed?

And also 30ft is 'normal speed'. You might reason that since their is no explicit speed entry, that the Svirfneblin has a normal speed.

your thoughts?

The Bestiary Svirfneblin has a 20 ft speed, so it would be safe to assume that would be the speed also of a PC Svirfneblin.

Thanks! Hadn't thought of looking there!

It's 20ft. See here (scroll down to the entry for Svirfneblin).

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