Nalkin69 |

We are about to start aow this weekend. I told my GM that I built a twf barbarian, He laughed and asked if I had meta gamed and use kukris. While I do use kukris its not because of meta gaming ie: high crit range light weapons and using two of the same weapons means feats like focus apply to both. I don't want spoilers but are kukris such a big part of this campaign that one would meta game and use them?

Peasant |
Well... kukris don't have to have anything to do with the actual campaign to merit that kind of response. I know nothing about the campaign but the title alone hints at the presence of dragons. Kukris are an optimal choice for high AC targets but not the stereotypical barbarian weapon. And so, his mind put 2+2 together and came up with Pi. Given that he laughed it off I also rather doubt it was really meant as an accusation.

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It's been a long time since I read/played AoW, but I can't think of anything that would make the use of kukri's metagaming. Actually, under 3.5 rules, kukri's would be a fairly poor choice given that the AP tends to be heavy with creatures that were not subject to critical hits under that rules set.
I've also always been under the impression that two handed weapons are the best choice for a barbarian, so choosing to go with two weapon fighting seems even less metagamey.

DrDeth |

Not metagaming at all. Not even close.
Now, let us say you’re playing a ranger, and it’s going to be “Against the giants’ but your character doesn’t know that giants will be the main foe. Picking giants as your favored foe= metagaming.
BTW, if you were metagaming you’d be playing a paladin or cleric focused on killing undead. Your BBn is gonna die a horrible death. (I say that because the campaign is pretty lethal) .

wraithstrike |

We are about to start aow this weekend. I told my GM that I built a twf barbarian, He laughed and asked if I had meta gamed and use kukris. While I do use kukris its not because of meta gaming ie: high crit range light weapons and using two of the same weapons means feats like focus apply to both. I don't want spoilers but are kukris such a big part of this campaign that one would meta game and use them?
Your GM was either joking or he used the wrong word.

Nalkin69 |

Ok thanks everyone. I was sure how one weapon choice could be so ground breaking, I guess it cant I was just confused by his response. He has told us to make multiple characters as he expects a high death toll, so a cleric the specializes in destroying undead you say lol that's meta gaming. Thanks everyone.

wraithstrike |

so a cleric the specializes in destroying undead you say lol that's meta gaming. Thanks everyone.
I dont even call that metagaming. Players should have an idea about what they will face, generally speaking so they can make effective characters. Now if you specific story information such as spell X is the best way to _____, that is different because you as a player should probably discover that in game, not ahead of time. :)

JRB1983 |

Metagaming would be if you a made a turning focused cleric that could auto-destroy a certain undead encounter in a certain fissure (and thus by default could auto-destroy all the other undead encounters).
Is it even possible to make a turning cleric strong enough to do that?
It has been awhile since I played that AP but wouldn't said undead being higher hd then your cleric level so you wouldn't be able to auto destroy it.
wraithstrike |

Anzyr wrote:Metagaming would be if you a made a turning focused cleric that could auto-destroy a certain undead encounter in a certain fissure (and thus by default could auto-destroy all the other undead encounters).Is it even possible to make a turning cleric strong enough to do that?
It has been awhile since I played that AP but wouldn't said undead being higher hd then your cleric level so you wouldn't be able to auto destroy it.
I don't think you can do it in Pathfinder, but I do think it was possible in 3.5 since you could raise your effective cleric level. IIRC I think the Sun Domain made it possible.