Thank Dog |
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In the pursuit of trying to create a character from a concept first, I ended up deciding to scrap the entire notion because whatever I created didn't really work within the system. So I finally just said to Hell with it and went full-on cookie-cutter, dumping the dump stats so hard I almost hurt myself.
Strangely enough I ended up creating a character that I really enjoyed roleplaying. He's... unique. The examples of play below will mostly only make sense if you read the character description in the PDF linked to here (slight note, homebrew rules humans get an extra +2 and 1 extra trait):
- When asked by a fellow party member whether or not he has a knife, he pulls out his greatsword. He then spends the next half an hour trying to put it back in its sheathe and ends up spinning around in circles in order to get the tip closer to the scabbard's opening on his back. When guards in the castle come to ask him if he's going to attend the formal dinner that the rest of the party is engaged in with the lord of the castle, he screams at them, "Can't you see I'm busy!"
- When he notices a beautiful elven woman in a tavern noticing him, he goes up to her, puts his leg up on the table, leans on it, pushes his crotch forward and says, "How would you like to have my rock inside your world?"
- The boat the party were on hits a reef and starts leaking. He goes downstairs to "help" and starts pushing at the gushing water (just the water mind you, not the actual holes where the water is gushing from) with his hands, desperately proclaiming that it's not working. When a party member puts a board up against the flow and tells him to push against it, he almost makes the hole bigger by pushing so hard.
- When he asked a fellow party member if there were dogs in a town the reply he got was that there were no dogs. He then asks what a Nodog is and gets told that they're dogs that aren't there. He then starts searching for invisible dogs.
- In an interaction with a hot elven noble woman, he is told by the DM that she seems familiar. As a player I suspect she's casting a charm spell. He doesn't resist (I think I failed the save anyway but would've denied myself the save regardless) and is now besotten by her and will die on her command. Currently he is championing her in a quest she has sent him on.
- When told that the heaviest thing in the room that he can bench press in order to do his daily exercise routine is the bartender, he starts benching him.
- The party meets with a scatter-brained old wizard who has locked himself in a dungeon and offers the party to sit down with him by saying, "Take a chair." There is only one chair and he's sitting on it. He tries to take the chair with the wizard in it.
- The paladin in the party is influenced by some sort of magic to make a social faux pas against a young woman and thinks he has crossed a line. He then tries to make amends by saying that he will submit himself to the law. When some lawful authorities come to the tavern for an entirely unrelated matter, he puts both wrists forward in submission. Kandros then looks at the paladin, looks at the guards, looks back at the paladin, looks back at the guards, and then offers his own wrists thinking that it is some type of social ritual he is expected to perform.
- Hits on the party (male) elven wizard. At least until he meets the noble elven lady at which point he tells the party wizard, in a sad tone as if saying something that the wizard won't like, that he is no longer interested in him.
I'm not sure if the other players enjoyed his antics but I sure did.

Thank Dog |
Kandros will have some hard time when casters starts focusing him with dominate spells...
Superstition gives him a +15 Will save whilst raging, he has Clear Mind which gives him a Will save reroll once per rage and Eater of Magic which gives him a reroll on any save once per rage and Heart of the Fields which allows him to rage cycle without fatigue thus giving him all those benefits at least twice in a combat. And then there's the paladin who has Fatigue as one of his Mercies. Then there's Witch Hunter and Spell Sunder and Strength Surge to consider.
Outside of combat he's screwed, inside of combat he's a magic-user's worst nightmare.

Thank Dog |
This reminds me of a player in my group who always puts a 7/8 in WIS or INT so that it justifies his stupid/impulsive actions as "playing my character's low mental stat" :-(
That sort of PC gets really old really fast for the other players.
I think it depends on how you play it. Whenever I'm thinking about what to do with him, I take into account how it will affect the other players. My character's actions don't tend to impede other player's or make anything particularly difficult for them. I would say it's no more annoying than a paladin which can be played either incredibly stupid and selfish or be a source of fun for everyone.

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Hopefully the main lesson you learned was:
It's easier to design characters from mechanics to specific concept in Pathfinder, because some things you can build to be effective in this system, and some things you can't (like the archer rogue).
And satisfaction with your character mechanics is important for having fun (for me at least).

DM Under The Bridge |

In the pursuit of trying to create a character from a concept first, I ended up deciding to scrap the entire notion because whatever I created didn't really work within the system. So I finally just said to Hell with it and went full-on cookie-cutter, dumping the dump stats so hard I almost hurt myself.
Strangely enough I ended up creating a character that I really enjoyed roleplaying. He's... unique. The examples of play below will mostly only make sense if you read the character description in the PDF linked to here (slight note, homebrew rules humans get an extra +2 and 1 extra trait):
- When asked by a fellow party member whether or not he has a knife, he pulls out his greatsword. He then spends the next half an hour trying to put it back in its sheathe and ends up spinning around in circles in order to get the tip closer to the scabbard's opening on his back. When guards in the castle come to ask him if he's going to attend the formal dinner that the rest of the party is engaged in with the lord of the castle, he screams at them, "Can't you see I'm busy!"
- When he notices a beautiful elven woman in a tavern noticing him, he goes up to her, puts his leg up on the table, leans on it, pushes his crotch forward and says, "How would you like to have my rock inside your world?"
- The boat the party were on hits a reef and starts leaking. He goes downstairs to "help" and starts pushing at the gushing water (just the water mind you, not the actual holes where the water is gushing from) with his hands, desperately proclaiming that it's not working. When a party member puts a board up against the flow and tells him to push against it, he almost makes the hole bigger by pushing so hard.
- When he asked a fellow party member if there were dogs in a town the reply he got was that there were no dogs. He then asks what a Nodog is and gets told that they're dogs that aren't there. He then starts searching
Fantastic. What an entertaining read. I would have you at my table anytime.

DM Under The Bridge |

That sort of PC gets really old really fast for the other players.
Once there was an adventuring party with a dumb barbarian and an arrogant wizard. This grated on the nerves of the other adventurers.
Eventually, the wizard accidentally blasted the barb and didn't apologise. Thus began a hot pursuit, in which the wizard could not escape.
Wiz ended up being impaled to the barn. There was a sigh of relief. Everyone warmed to the barbarian after that.

Thank Dog |
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Oh, I forgot another one.
In baking an apple pie he actually managed to get a 17 on the skill roll despite having a -2 to the attempt. When he asked everyone what it was like, one of the players commented that it was actually quite good and that he especially liked the use of cinnamon. Kandros asked him what cinnamon was and the character pointed it out to him in the kitchen saying, "It's this cylindrical bark-like thing that is crushed into a powder like that." Kandros then proceeds to sniff at the bowl, very close and very powerfully, drawing a bunch of powdered cinnamon up his nose. After some coughing and spluttering he says, "Guh... good shit!"

DrDeth |

This reminds me quite a bit of my PFS paladin that has a 5 in Int. She also has a 20 in Cha, so no matter how stupid she is, it never gets annoying, just endearing.
You would think so. But I dated the stereotypical ‘dumb blonde” decades ago in Hollywood, a woman so hot men walked into streetlights turning to watch her. Believe it or not, I had to end it. I admit it took a while, but honestly after a bit it gets old.
And, your fellow PC’s may appreciate the high CHA, but are you annoying your fellow players?
How do you get a 5 int in PFS?

MrSin |

How do you get a 5 int in PFS?
Start with 7, play a race with -2.
I don't think it gets grating or anything, depends on how you play it and who your with. I know I once played with a guy with 6 int barbarian and he was actually pretty fun because of the way he did it. The player was smart, the barbarian wasn't, but he was sure entertaining! Always explained his logic in an interesting way, I always have trouble describing it though.

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Demon-spawn tiefling, actually. It is +2 Str, +2 Cha, and -2 Int. Daemon-spawn is +2 Dex and Int and -2 Wis. I always get confused as well.
And yes DrDeth, I've known plenty of women who are as stupid as they are hot and I agree it is annoying. But I think the way I play my paladin is just funny and I try not to make the lawful stupidity too grating.