Magus / Duelist feat


Liberty's Edge

Oh sages of Pathfinder,
I've got a magus/duelist (plus a couple splashes) build that has a couple slots open for some new feats. To give you a general idea of the build, the other feats I've got or will have in addition to the ones provided by the classes are:

Weapon Finesse
Dervish Dance
Crane Style
Crane Wing
Crane Riposte
Snake Style
Snake Fang
Critical Focus
Staggering Critical
Stunning Critical

The idea here is an extremely elusive fighter with a bit of frigid touch casting shazam. She definitely stays in melee, is already crazy hard to hit (so i don't need combat expertise or anything like that), and is looking for something to either take advantage of the many misses opponents have or boost her damage output.
For the purposes of my next feat, I've got one slot open at lvl 9 and one at lvl 15. However, with the lvl progression, I'm not going to be able to utilize any more of the high level magus arcanas, so you can save the suggestions of the Extra Arcana feat for things like Dispelling Strike and whatnot).

Any feats that have worked out well for those of you with duelists or magi out there?

I assume that build is dex-heavy rather than strength-heavy, as you want to be elusive. Therefore you will need Weapon Finesse, and if you are a magus in melee, Combat Casting.

I'm guessing one of those splashes is MoMS monk so you can snake and fang. Combat Style Master would save you two swift actions. I'm sure you'd get more help if we knew classes, race, and stats. Additional traits could be useful, rime spell for more bang for your frigid, or elemental spell to get around resists.

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