Trying to get into the Paladin Role


Hey everyone.

First time poster here, also relatively first time playing pathfinder as well. just had a question when it comes to the role of a paladin. I know that they have a lawfully good nature and shun the fact of killing things while they are down correct. I guess i should give an example.

Last night i was fighting a sin spawn. Knowing they are fully evil in their doings, i eventually knocked it out. While the later turns took place, DM said it stopped bleeding...meaning i think aprox. in the next 20 turns im sure it would get up again. Me trying to be in character, i really didn't feel like hurting an enemy while it was down. What do you think i should have done? We eventually beat that current stage without him getting back up, but i didn't know if there might be a like "guide for being a paladin" flying around somewhere.

Thanks in advance guys! Planning on having alot of fun with this!

this is the kind of questions that brings a wide variance in opinions.

some say a Paladin should try to subdue/redeem all enemies
some say a Paladin in the face of evil will do anything to purge said evil from the world
some say there is only one way to play a Paladin
some say you shouldn't feel pressured by the opinions of others.

Long story short, work out what is "appropriate" for a Paladin of your deity with your GM, what behavior is required by the paladin's code of conduct in the eyes of the GM.

Once that is determined, follow whatever "good" means to you within those constraints.

Relies heavily upon your God (and the GM as Templar!).

Imodae(sp?) demands all monsters die.
Seranrae(sp?!) says redemption for all!


Pretty much I'd have killed it in that situation, but only because it's a "monster." Any humanoid race would be another story.

=P Funny story, I just executed someone at extra life... cause my Paladin follows Dammerich, Empyreal Lord of Execution! The bad guy confessed to torture people till they turned to specters, so my usually quiet and "redeeming" Paladin suddenly stands up and informs the party to finish their business with the captured bad guy. They do so, then she gave a speech about the person crimes, and sliced their head off!

Back on topic... Paladin code is a long discussion. If home game, talk to your GM. Elsewise do your God's bidding, then anything "good" and lawful. *Shrug*

I second (third?) talking to your GM. The two of you ought to discuss a few things:

1) Who is your deity? What are your deity's goals? What is your deity's portfolio?

2) What are the internal politics of your paladin's church? Where do the clergy split on doctrine?

3) Where does your paladin's order fall in these internal church politics?

4) What is your paladin's history? How did he end up taking up the sword? Where does his duty lie?

Redjack_rose wrote:
Imodae(sp?) demands all monsters die.


That said, given what I've heard of sinspawn, putting it down and releasing the component souls used to produce it may be the best course of action. I would consult someone that actually knows what those beasts truly are, however.

If playing a paladin is gonna be any fun, You need to be on the same page as your DM regarding: What is an Evil act? What does being good meen?
If you have a DW who is gonna test you with The classic ork kindergarden and the not quite dead aberration. It may be an uphill travel.
I, my self, like the WWJD(What would Jesus Do) paladin, somthing about putting faith in the divine sponsor, always try to be mercyfull but tolerate no hyppocracy or evil and giving to the poor. But it kind of need a DM that dosent think it is evil to welcome a taxcollector.
But other ways to play a paladin is also fine.
And it is about undestanding what the GM think is in the codex more than what i think.
So talk to your GM and remember it is about having fun.

Edit: i see that others said it before me. they are also rigth:)

Silver Crusade

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My own path as a Paladin of Sarenrae has been a rough one indeed. While I am one many would call a "monster" for the demonic blood in my veins, I strive to redeem not only myself, but all creatures who can be turned to the cause of righteousness. I spare the lives of all those I can, in the hopes that I can set an example for them, and turn them to the path of light.

Despite this, I have fought too many evils to remain blind to that which cannot be redeemed. If it is necessary to save the lives of the innocent, I will take life. But as a last resort, only. It is with a heavy heart that I deal the killing blow to any opponent (save for fiends and their ilk, who merely are reborn in the hellish planes when so "slain"), but I do so for the good of that which I protect.

Take heart, fellow paladin. You are not alone in your struggle. Commune with your god, and meditate upon how you will walk your own path. The life of a Paladin is never easy - but that is why it is worthwhile. Our struggle is to protect that which must never fall.

Faith and strength, friend.

Your GM needs to give a clear-cut standard on what types of enemies count as "always permanently and irredeemably evil, which must be destroyed." Devils and demons usually qualify; I'd say sinspawn do too, but the GM has to give you an indication in advance.

Wow Micah. Can I use that in the background story for a Paladin that I want to run?

Silver Crusade

Certainly! What about it did you like? I'm glad you thought it was an interesting backstory.

Micah is probably my most interesting character. He's got quite a distinct look - he takes "half-demon" very literally. The left half of his body is scaled and demonic, while the right half is human, split right down the middle. When he was born, his parents threw him into the river, terrified of the "cursed child" they had wrought, and buried an empty casket to claim their child was stillborn. His basket was found by a ranger who lived alone in the woods, who raised the infant demon-spawn as his own son, knowing the tiefling would never survive in civilization.

When his father passed away, Micah found his way into human society, where he was run out of towns, turned away from inns, and feared for his terrifying appearance. He finally found his way to a temple of Sarenrae, where he met the first people since his adoptive father to welcome him with open arms. He learned the teachings of the Dawnflower, and in time, heard the call to become one of her paladins. He still struggles with the dark urges common to all tieflings, but he knows that with his goddess at his side, he will remain strong and overcome his darker half.

He uses a blunt-edged sword in combat to spare the lives of his foes when he can, but he will use the cutting edge on its reverse side if he must. In all his adventures, I've still managed to avoid slaying a single humanoid. The only things he has actually killed are two evil dragons.

GM/player interpretation aside, here is how I run paladins (as a GM... and currently playing 2 pallys in RotRL and WotR):

1) If it is redeemable, give it that chance.
2) Is it evil undead or an outsider from an "evil" plane like Hell or the Abyss? It is not redeemable.
3) Expand from that basis.

Always remember the core mechanics of being a paladin and how to play that in story - You Are A Goodguy.
1) You have a decent charisma so people will like you and you can influence them.
2) You are lawful good. That means you follow rules and traditions and such plus you cherish life. You are not mandated to be a jerk.
3) You have a code of conduct in the RAW, plus you can supplement it with deeper codes in other books depending on your patron diety.

When a paldin shows up people should be thinking "Thank goodness... some one who will help us." and those "people" are predominately neutral if not good. Treat party members the same.

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