New to Online Play


I usually have Tuesday and Sunday games for Pathfinders at my local game shop or a friends, but recently finding the time to go to either (or actually playing Pathfinders at either) is scarce.

So I'd like to give playing online a go, I'm not too new I've been playing since the beginning of last year and building a character is fairly second-nature to me, I'm still learning rule sets for skills and the sort but I have almost every book by Pazio. I'm willing to join other beginner groups, or any group willing to teach, more than willing to use voice chats if need be or join any website/forums for play.

Ditto. My one PbP experience here was overwhelming, but I'd love to play online.

Play-by-post is 'online'.

It sounds like the OP is looking for just about any sort of online play (play-by-post [PbP], play-by-email [PbEM], virtual tabletop [VTT], etc.), whereas Tam is looking for specifically VTT games.

Lunaus, this is the forum for you if that's the case - there are tons of recruitment threads to look through. My advice to you is to find a game that you like the sound of, and don't settle for just anything. As in real life, the quality of DMs and other players varies wildly... so be picky.

Feel free to PM me if there's anything I can help with, and welcome to online play!

Edit: If you're specifically looking for games to count toward PFS, check out this thread. :)

Oladon wrote:

Play-by-post is 'online'.

It sounds like the OP is looking for just about any sort of online play (play-by-post [PbP], play-by-email [PbEM], virtual tabletop [VTT], etc.), whereas Tam is looking for specifically VTT games.

Lunaus, this is the forum for you if that's the case - there are tons of recruitment threads to look through. My advice to you is to find a game that you like the sound of, and don't settle for just anything. As in real life, the quality of DMs and other players varies wildly... so be picky.

Feel free to PM me if there's anything I can help with, and welcome to online play!

Edit: If you're specifically looking for games to count toward PFS, check out this thread. :)

>_< Yeah, I'm looking for Roll20 or PbP, I'm sorta taking a break from a game I "roleplay" in so looking for something around here to get back into actual type based roleplay again. I've been sifting, but thought I'd also add a thread myself to see if anyone would suggest their personal games.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You will find an overwhelming tendency towards play by post on these Paizo forums, but every blue moon or so you may find someone advertise for a virtual tabletop game (maptools, roll20 are the typical formats) with Skype being the voice chat of choice.

You could always check out the roll20 looking for group forum on the site as well, although if you just want Pathfinder, you will need to sift through the other systems (dark heresy, star wars, d&d 4e, etc).

Just as an aside, many games get a large number of hopeful players, so don't be discouraged if you don't get picked. Just shrug and try again. Also, online games (pbp and vtt) have a tendency to peter out and die much faster than games in-person. That's the downside I have come across.

Oladon wrote:
Play-by-post is 'online'. ... Tam is looking for specifically VTT games.

Sorry--I meant that my one PbP experience was overwhelming because I didn't know what I was doing or what was expected. So I'm looking for a PbP game with either a newbie slant or a slow post rate.

Tam Fillimore wrote:
Oladon wrote:
Play-by-post is 'online'. ... Tam is looking for specifically VTT games.
Sorry--I meant that my one PbP experience was overwhelming because I didn't know what I was doing or what was expected. So I'm looking for a PbP game with either a newbie slant or a slow post rate.

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood.

You might be interested in this one - I don't know anything about that particular DM, but it might be worth a try. :)

The Exchange

You can try here.

Movie plot spoiler:!forum/pathfinder-society-online-collectiv e

It is almost all society play but there is the occasional home game. They mostly use roll20. I have played with people from Europe so there is a good chance you will be able to find a game whenever you have time.

Silver Crusade


4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 1) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 3) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 1) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 3) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 4) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 5) = 14

They're looking at a game via Skype or VTT Oladon. I know because I asked him about that.

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