SlimGauge |

Do you get to add your str bonus to your bab to hit when using a lion shield bite attack?
I assume you mean the Lion's Shield.
I lean towards not. It does what it says it does, no more.

Jeff Clem |
I've resurrected this question to ask another question about lion shield magic item.
Lion's Shield
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 10th Weight 15 lbs.; Price 9,170 gp
This +2 heavy steel shield is fashioned to appear to be a roaring lion's head. Three times per day as a free action, the lion's head can be commanded to attack (independently of the shield wearer), biting with the wielder's base attack bonus (including multiple attacks, if the wielder has them) and dealing 2d6 points of damage. This attack is in addition to any actions performed by the wielder.
Can you add sneak attack damage to these attacks?

![]() |

James Risner wrote:Does the Shield have Sneak Attack class feature?From the Rogue class feature.
So the "independent form the wearer" shield has levels in Rogue? How did you accomplish that?
If you add STR or Sneak Attack to this, then you must add it in addition to Wis to Spiritual Weapon.

Ravingdork |

I don't really see how the shield couldn't use your strength and other bonuses. It basically can't hit if it only uses your BAB.
And the blinding shield can't blind anyone with its low static DC. Some items are just plain bad.

Jeff Clem |
How about this question. If you use more then one lion shield can you use all the attacks from each shield in one round considering these attacks are independent from the shield wielder or would it fall under the FAQ:
Speed Weapons: Can I get two extra attacks per round if I dual-wield two speed weapons?
No. The benefits of speed are not cumulative with similar effects, and "a second speed weapon" is a similar effect.

C4M3R0N |

I figured it'd be easier to ask this here than start a new thread for it since its fairly relevant.
Suppose you bought the throwing straps add on for a lion shield (assuming that's a valid modification for a specific shield at your table) and you then throw the shield (if you don't have the throwing straps then you take the appropriate penalties here). Since you aren't wielding the shield anymore, would you still be able to command it to attack as a free action? You aren't wielding it so all logic says no.
And then technically anyone else could pick it up and use it as well.
But my question specifically is, is the interpretation correct that you cannot active the lion shield's attacks when you're not physically holding it?