Mystic Theurge (PFS)


Always wanted to try a mystic theurge, and with the new looph..erm.. clarification, the time seems to be right to give it a shot.

STR: 7 DEX: 12 CON: 16 INT: 15 WIS: 16 CHA: 14

Aasimar (Archon-Blooded)for the +2 con +2 wisdom. Free continual flames for everyone!

Scion of humanity (looks human, counts as human)
Truespeaker There are some aasimars whose language transcends all boundaries. They gain a +2 bonus on Linguistics and Sense Motive checks, and they learn two languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics. This racial trait replaces skilled.- for the cost of +2 to intimidate I learn two languages at 1 go.

Traits: Magical Knack (of course) Exalted of the society (for 1 extra channel)

Level 1 Cleric of Apsu. Travel and Artifice domains (creation sub domain just in the astronomically small chance of getting 7th level spells)

Feat-Selective channel (alternate channel) Self-Perfection:

Heal—Creatures may ignore one temporary condition of their choice until the end of your next turn. (because the healing will stop when I go mystic theurge)

Level 2 Cleric-
Level 3 Cleric- Extra channel? School focus? Toughness?
Level 4 Wizard (diviner)
Level 5 Mystic theurge
Level 6 Mystic theurge- Quick channel? Always at a loss on feats. Rods always seem a better option than metamagic.

Seems the class bonus will be going into HP 3 times and then vanishing

Character: First, yes, Apsu grants spells. They've corrected it a few times.

The character is a 68 year old male that's just found out his family history may have had a little too much angelic influence. He's leaving Hermea to act as a recruiter, and figures if any character survives what the PFS throws them through they probably have some genes worth preserving. Lawful or neutral good characters will get a brochure.

Any hints, tips, tricks etc?

Pretty sure magical knack is not allowed in PFS.

Don't know if continual flame counts as 2wiz as normal, or if coming from a divine heritage means it's counting as 3cleric and thus useless for the MT prereqs.

I like your concept, good luck.

It actually is now. I literally watched it happen in a thread.

Heh. Between that and the SLAs, seems like this year should be renamed to the Year of Mystic Theurging.

Hey, it makes the MT decent. I'm not complaining.

Sorry, what's the clarification / loophole? Don't you still need lvl 2 arcane and divine spells to qualify?

Shadow Lodge

Might I suggest giving up a domain and being a separatist cleric for the trickery domain? It nets you a 2nd level SLA, so you could save yourself 1 caster level.

Note that the SLA from the domain counts as a divine spell.

Dark Archive

Katya wrote:
Sorry, what's the clarification / loophole? Don't you still need lvl 2 arcane and divine spells to qualify?

The good folks at paizo have clarified that racial spell like abilities and spell like domain abilities count as being able to cast spells of x level for the purposes of qualifying for prestige classes. That means, for example, that a tiefling cleric(darkness an arcane spell like ability) with the trickery domain (mirror image as a divine spell like ability) already qualifies for the spellcasting portion of mystic theurge. It also means that an aasimar fighter (daylight as an arcane spell like ability) already meets the spellcasting qualification for eldritch knight. This means that the subpar "band aid" PrC's are now fairly good.

I don't know PFS, but can you drop the cha and con to boost your casting stats? It seems like you are going to have trouble getting anything to fail a save.

Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
This means that the subpar "band aid" PrC's are now fairly good.

No it means that those PrCs are now insanely skewed towards certain races over others.

Not only is that not good design, but this is something that Paizo had said that it was purposefully moving away from!

I would rather see a useful revamp to those PrCs, than thrown together happenstance like this.


It's been shown a few times around the board that just about any race can mange this.

3rd level: you slow down you Channel progression, so Extra Channel us nice to have.
5th level: Toughness or Improved Initiative or Spell Focus
7th level: if Spell Focus, take Spell Specialization

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

hmm... it depends on what you are trying to accomplish...

unless there's been another 'clarification' (very recently) racial SLAs (unlike those granted by domains and what not) still follow the default rules (so continual flame would still be 2nd level arcane).

it looks like your favoring divine... without knowing exactly what you want its hard to give very specific advice but you would definitely be better off tightening up your stats. sorc/oracle only need Cha (and then up dex&con for survivability) or a wildblooded sorcerer [empyreal]/cleric casts with Wis for both classes and just needs enough Cha for channeling (but doesn't need Int), even a cleric/sorcerer would just need Wis and Cha instead of all 3...

you can actually meet the casting prereqs at 1st level (racial SLA plus a 2nd level divine SLA from cleric domain or oracle mystery) but you need 3 levels for the skill ranks, so here's a couple options:

oracle [wood] (with Bend the Grain revelation) 2/sorc 1/MT 8 (PFS caps at 11 right?)

cleric (darkness domain) 2/sorc 1/MT 8

there are other ways, too, but the bottom line is that MT is one of those PrCs that's better the earlier you take (and the less you invest into the secondary side).

Dark Archive

james maissen wrote:
Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
This means that the subpar "band aid" PrC's are now fairly good.

No it means that those PrCs are now insanely skewed towards certain races over others.

Not only is that not good design, but this is something that Paizo had said that it was purposefully moving away from!

I would rather see a useful revamp to those PrCs, than thrown together happenstance like this.


That is true. I don't believe they were designed intentionally that way. The ruling was for PFS, and maybe the devs realized that I was better to have at least some people consider using these PrC's than have them be completely ignored. After all, if you go eldritch knight or mystic theurge or arcane trickster the standard way in PFS, you are really gimping yourself, especially since you aren't likely to get past 12th level.

Ummm, you know your channel energy will cap at 2d6 right? Why are you boosting this really weak skill? Also this is pathfinder, I can't beleive I'm the first to notice this but you get your third feat at level 5 not 6 and every odd numbered level thereafter, not every third.

Having your cha at 10 would be more reasonable from an optimization point of view as you will find that you can't rely on your channel energy at all by your first level of mystic theurge

Have you considered an archetype that trades it? There is one that trades it and a domain to get a bonus to init, and always act in the surprise round. Some other stuff.

Hogeyhead wrote:
Ummm, you know your channel energy will cap at 2d6 right? Why are you boosting this really weak skill?

Because I'm taking the alternate channel, which is to ignore one condition of your choice for once round. PFS LOVES to give people weird conditions

Getting to ignore

Deafened (some)
Petrified (some)
Prone (probably not)

can be a life saver in PFS. Hit points are usually topped off between fights by wands of CLW.

Having your cha at 10 would be more reasonable from an optimization point of view as you will find that you can't rely on your channel energy at all by your first level of mystic theurge

I thought about it, but this is the year of the diplomat and clerics have diplomacy as a class skill.

Have you considered an archetype that trades it? There is one that trades it and a domain to get a bonus to init, and always act in the surprise round. Some other stuff.

I'll be getting that from diviner at level 3 anyway.

Ah I didn't see that, that is good, nm

You know magical lineage + heighten spell could allow earlier entry into mystic theurge on the cleric side. This would also alow you to chose the third level you get to be wizard instead of cleric if you prefer, though I don't know if this would be accepted.

If that doesn't fly the augery from the fate inquisition does, so does the copycat from the trickery domain. Go separatist and pick up trickery for early entry and invisibility, and something to do with move actions!

They specifically kyboshed the Cleric abilities counting as arcane spells.

For spell-like abilities gained from a creature's race or type (including PC races), the same rule should apply: the creature's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

For spell-like abiities gained from a class, use the spell type (arcane or divine) of that class to determine whether the spell-like ability is arcane or divine. If the class doesn't cast spells, use the above rule for spell-like abilities from race or type.

The augery still works then, and highten

Hogeyhead wrote:
The augery still works then, and highten

Augery from an inquisition is still gained through class, a divine class, so its still divine.

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