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I suspect The Pallid Plague would also work well so long as you adjust what the disease does to match the Beginner Box's rules (sickened instead of ability damage, perhaps?).
The Infernal Vault is also very nice for the Beginner's Box because it has practically no combat maneuvers, is fairly straightforward, includes some good puzzles for a younger audience, and uses several creatures that appear in the Beginner Box.

Geo Fix |

I've run some kid's games and after going through the modules and old Dungeon Magazine's I have on hand I've found 3 that work well. These aren't Society Scenarios but they have plenty kid appropriate adventure content.
One is Totentanz where most of the townsfolk have been turned into skeletons but the skeletons act like they don't know it. I don't know which issue of Dungeon this came out of as I cut the pages out and inserted them in holders to make them easier to use a number of years ago.
Another is the first module of the Serpent's Skull AP: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv where the group is shipwrecked. Lots of opportunity for camp making, fort making etc. I pulled out the additional castaways to simplify the interactions.
The last is the Snows of Summer which is the first AP for Reign of Winter.

Kahrrl Taciatti |

Two aspect I always keep in mind when walk the kids/teens and there are, 1st, whatever I have a full-story scenario and the spelling out world they can (and do to) find something I don't factor in; and 2nd, they look at me not as the GM, they look at me as I'm the one who knows much more than they, and they try to search that knowledge everytime by all ways they only can. GM screen doesn't give any protection. Therefore, two paths to avoid these aspects; however, its require just a little more time for preparing to game, and there are, 1st, I learn only the key-point of any scenario and show kids the blank and say to them they must draw it themself step by step, and 2nd, improvisation, social aspect I take from my real world, news, work, studing etc... and when I feel the kids mind a trap or encaunter before it happens, I take the counter-measures.
For example, PC's go into the light dungeon corridor with many holes on walls and massonry stone floor. Normal player think that trap in front, no, they are in! How? They can go a straight free with no flames from the holes, no zombies, but when they go back through this corridor...oops, there is no corridor!
So when you draw the map before game, you can lose some latitude in walking the game, and big think for kids - surprising. Psychology says no one can abstract her PC from oneself; if she see the next room, she think how and what PC must do in several situations if even PC do not see that room.
1) Walk free by improvisation not by text in scenario.
2) Learn only main points (you don't need any scenario, genarally).
3) Let kids draw the map room by room themself.
4) Take the counter-measures.
5) Take social aspects from your or their real lifes.
P.S. sorry for my English if I did some mistakes, I'm russianspeaking GM)))

Garrett Guillotte |
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:We presented new short adventures for the Beginner Box at Gen Con. We have not yet released these for download.Wasn't there a post not too long ago that said there were new scenarios coming out for the beginner box?
If so can anyone help me find them.
Any luck?

Sartugha |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

While it's not society scenarios, Wayfinder, the fanzine put out by Paizo, has a few really good scenarios in the most recent issue, written for the beginner box. Here's a link for it. Better yet, the PDF is free.

Garrett Guillotte |
While it's not society scenarios, Wayfinder, the fanzine put out by Paizo, has a few really good scenarios in the most recent issue, written for the beginner box. Here's a link for it. Better yet, the PDF is free.
Keep an eye out for Wayfinder #10 as well.
I'm mostly interested in the GenCon scenarios for demo purposes, as official, kid-tested BB scenarios would be ideal to send in to my neighborhood's family-focused FLGS.

Garrett Guillotte |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Wayfinder 10 is out with a Beginner Box scenario by Mark Garringer and Beginner Box conversions and print-and-play pawns for gnolls and otyughs!
Still would like to hear about the GenCon scenarios.

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I would also add that the Wayfinder #9, also has Beginner Box adventures, some of which continue in Sandpoint, and provide additional creatures converted over to the BB ruleset.

ShallowHammer |

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:We presented new short adventures for the Beginner Box at Gen Con. We have not yet released these for download.Wasn't there a post not too long ago that said there were new scenarios coming out for the beginner box?
If so can anyone help me find them.
Any news yet on when these will be available for download?

Garrett Guillotte |
Wayfinder #11 certainly will :)
Do it got the BB? It dooooo~
We presented new short adventures for the Beginner Box at Gen Con (2013). We have not yet released these for download.
Monthly barumpabump bump. Gen Con 2014, PaizoCon 2014, and onward still!

a2fan |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:We presented new short adventures for the Beginner Box at Gen Con. We have not yet released these for download.Wasn't there a post not too long ago that said there were new scenarios coming out for the beginner box?
If so can anyone help me find them.
Can we please get something official on the above -- will these be made available for download, or not? Thanks in advance.