Mapleswitch |

Sleight of Hand is shenanigans sometimes. You steal some adventurer's purse containing 700 gold pieces. Somehow they do not realize the 14 pounds of weight being lifted off them.
Scent normally gives a range of 30 feet to determine of something or someone is in the area. If there is wind, the area is more like a teardrop. There is 15 feet where the wind is blowing in your face and 60 feet where the wind is going behind you. Scent only allows you to find a target if they are within 5 feet of you. Scent is much better than blind-fighting feat tree. Druids, Wizards, and Summoners are three example classes that can get scent.
Vivisectionist (Alchemist Archetype) is the fastest way to qualify for Arcane Trickster Prestige class.
All arcane bonded objects are masterwork quality. Wizards planning on becoming Arcane Archers can choose MW Mighty (+str) Composite Longbows as their arcane bonded object at L1. They may not have this bow be darkwood.
Spikes on spiked shields are enchanted separately from the shield itself.
Unarmed Fighter L1, L2, then Master of Many Styles L3 allows someone to have the third style feat in any style chain they want.

karossii |
Unarmed Fighter L1, L2, then Master of Many Styles L3 should be banned in all games, since it allows someone to have the third style feat in any style chain they want.
Actually, L2 of Unarmed fighter is not required. MoMS L1 ignores all prerequisites, including other feats in the chain; once the base style feat is taken.

Mojorat |

Sleight of Hand is shenanigans sometimes. You steal some adventurer's purse containing 700 gold pieces. Somehow they do not realize the 14 pounds of weight being lifted off them.
Vivisectionist (Alchemist Archetype) is the fastest way to qualify for Arcane Trickster Prestige class.
All arcane bonded objects are masterwork quality. Wizards planning on becoming Arcane Archers can choose MW Mighty (+str) Composite Longbows as their arcane bonded object at L1. They may not have this bow be darkwood.
You made a few mistakes here. The sleight of hand check is for a small object. The sleight of hand rules are for stuff that is so light they wouldn't notice it is gone.
Unless there was a change alchemists are not spellcasters for the purposes of prc. Vivisectionists also don't get mage hand.
A lvl 1 wizard would have to pay money to get a str bow. Outside of a singke trait this isn't possible. (I'm also not sure anyone planning on arcane archer takes their first level in wizard but that's a side issue). But a lvl 6 fighter taking 1 lvl of wizard could get a mw str arcane bonded weapon. However he can't cast spells with the bow so its moot :p

Mapleswitch |

Unless there was a change alchemists are not spellcasters for the purposes of prc. Vivisectionists also don't get mage hand.
Three routes:
1) Trait at beginning of game: Magical Talent Trait (Mage Hand)2) Extra Traits feat: Magical Talent Trait (Mage Hand)
3) Take a Level dip in a class that gives mage hand (L5 is still faster to Arcane Trickster than L6)
You made a few mistakes here. The sleight of hand check is for a small object. The sleight of hand rules are for stuff that is so light they wouldn't notice it is gone.
Sleight of Hand
DC Task10 Palm a coin-sized object, make a coin disappear
20 Lift a small object from a person
700 gold coins = 14 pounds of gold
14 pounds of gold = 16.5 cubic inches
16.5 cubic inches is slightly larger than 2 inches x 2 inches x 4 inches
This volume is slightly smaller than a purse, thus a DC 20 check.
A lvl 1 wizard would have to pay money to get a str bow. Outside of a single trait this isn't possible. (I'm also not sure anyone planning on arcane archer takes their first level in wizard but that's a side issue). But a lvl 6 fighter taking 1 lvl of wizard could get a mw str arcane bonded weapon. However he can't cast spells with the bow so its moot :p
"Wizards who select a bonded object begin play with one at no cost. Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon. These objects are always masterwork quality. Weapons acquired at 1st level are not made of any special material."
Beginning play, not after L6 Fighter. The bow costs nothing - check. The bow is always masterwork quality - check. The bow cannot be made of darkwood - check. There are no restrictions mentioned about how the bow cannot be mighty.

karossii |
I don't know, Arcane Bond says they get it at no cost, but getting a Mighty Bow seems excessive, same as getting a masterwork firearm for free doing the same thing.
If you use Caught Off Guard, a bow is a one-handed improvised weapon, allowing you to cast. :)
Presumably the arcane bond is "meant" to apply to either melee weapons or weapons with which you are proficient.
Leaving debates on RAI or commmon houserulings aside, RAW is what this thread is about. And yes, RAW a 1st level wizard can get a free masterwork firearm or mighty bow as an arcane bonded item.

![]() |

On what basis can a 1st level wizard choose a mighty bow as his masterwork weapon? Just because it's masterwork?
My +5 Vorpal dagger is also masterwork; can I choose that?
Your chosen weapon gets to be masterwork. Not magic, not made from a special material, just masterwork. Why should my 1st level wizard with 20 Strength get 500gp worth of Mighty for free? What rule justifies that?

karossii |
I stand corrected. I was thinking a mighty bow was listed as a separate (nonmagical) item. I now see that no such item exists; instead under the composite longbow description there is a provision for increasing the strength bonus at a higher cost (100 GP per point of STR bonus).
I am unsure how this would interact with the wizard's arcane bonded weapon. It is not a magical enhancement, nor is it a special material; but it is also not a defined item.
I would think it is still allowed, but it is not as clear cut as I thought.
(Firearms, on the other hand, are clear cut; any firearm can be a bonded weapon.)