insaneogeddon |
NPC idea, just light on time at moment. Vital Strike and Arrow erruption seem a great combo..
Arrow Eruption
School conjuration (creation); Level ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (arrow or crossbow bolt)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area 30-ft.-radius burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
You create exact duplicates of the arrow or crossbow bolt you used to kill a creature in the previous round and launch one at enemy creatures within a 30-foot radius of the corpse. You can target one creature per caster level (maximum 15) within range of the burst and must make a single attack roll and apply it to each arrow. These duplicate arrows possess all the intrinsic magical properties of the arrow that killed the original creature as well as those passed on to it by your bow. They also enjoy the full benefit of any bonuses or modifiers you applied to the attack from other magical items, feats, and class or racial features. However, this spell cannot reproduce any spells or other limited-use magical effects that you used to enhance that particular attack. This includes such effects as the true strike spell, as well as any area spell you might have placed on the arrow by means of the arcane archer's imbue arrow class feature.

princeimrahil |

This seems like the key line:
"They also enjoy the full benefit of any bonuses or modifiers you applied to the attack from other magical items, feats, and class or racial features."
Looks like it would work mechanically to me.
That said, I don't know that this would really add a whole lot of punch. Even with greater vital strike, you're looking at what - a total of 4d8 in a 30' radius? That still has to hit things? That doesn't seem any better than just casting fireball.

StreamOfTheSky |

You'd want to use Gravity Bow, for sure. So Greater Vital Strike would be adding 6d6 to your normal 2d6, and definitely Deadly Aim since you're only solo shotting anyway. If you actually buy a large bow and get an enlarge person (not enlarged from the spell, an actual large bow that you...I guess toss from one hand to the other so the worthless enlarge magic leaves it) and apply gravity bow...man, you like prep rounds! But then you're up to 3d6 base, so GVS is then adding 9d6.
Even optimized as much as possible, it's not going to be worth it. Volleying with rapid and manyshot is just too good, and requires far less effort, prep rounds, and spells.
I really think Arrow Eruption is a cool spell. But...it's just too weak for Ranger level 2, it's never worth using. Rangers really should have gotten it at a reduced level, it's ridiculous they get it at the same level as wizards do. Either that, or leave it Ranger 2, boost it to Sorc/Wiz 4, and make its casting time a swift action.

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I agree with StreamOfTheSky. The only time it Might be worth it would be lower levels during the times there are many enemies clustered together and you have to move anyways to get a good shot off.
But intentionally doing a vital strike shot with plans to get this spell off the next round? There are so many things that can go wrong with it. Enemies can run away depending on their morale of how the fight is going, they can move more than 30 feet than the corpse, your allies could drop several more of the enemies making the attack less worth-while.
And once you get improved precise shot? I think you'd always be better off standing still and getting off a full attack. The whole "shooting once for the first round to set up this spell" versus 2 full attacks is what hurts it.
And that's not taking into account using Clustered Shots with a full-attack versus enemies with DR. Using this feat and spell you're going against full DR.

Cult of Vorg |
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My kingmaker group has a crossbow vital strike scout that loves using scrolls of arrow eruption. I have a very liberal interpretation of the familiar's Share Spells ability, though, pretty sure it's not RAW to let his mephit UMD the scroll to do this in one round. But if he's willing to spend the gp, i'm willing to allow it as a reward for his style, rp, and the trail of murdered familiars he's left behind him.

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My kingmaker group has a crossbow vital strike scout that loves using scrolls of arrow eruption. I have a very liberal interpretation of the familiar's Share Spells ability, though, pretty sure it's not RAW to let his mephit UMD the scroll to do this in one round. But if he's willing to spend the gp, i'm willing to allow it as a reward for his style, rp, and the trail of murdered familiars he's left behind him.
um that is pretty sick and twisted =)