Elan from Order of the Stick has inspired me.


So, I have been inspired by Elan from OOTS to make a Bard who believes he is the greatest swordsman in the land. I plan on using a rapier and whip, and either going vanilla Bard or Sound Striker. This character would be for ROTRL. These are the specifics...

Any core race.

Pure Bard.

15 point buy.

250 starting gold.

2 Traits, one must be campaign trait.

All Paizo books allowed.

Looking to build a swashbuckling, witless, dramatic Elan like bard.


The Exchange

May I recommend: Treantmonk's Guide to Bards?

Dark Archive

Rapier is not going to be quite as good as longsword for this, because you won't be able to take advantage of two-handed strength modifiers. Still, I think the build is fairly simple

Start with a high strength, medium charisma and constitution, and low wisdom. If you want to play faithfully to being witless, an 8 in both intellect and wisdom would function nicely.

Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 14

1 Arcane Strike, Toughness
3 Power Attack
5 Craft Magic Arms and Armour
7 Weapon Focus (rapier)
9 Improved Critical (rapier)

Alternatively, if your GM is willing to allow the agile enhancement to play a part, you can go for a more mobile skirmishing build. This would be closer to Elan's supporting style.

Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14

1 Arcane Strike, Weapon Finesse
3 Dodge
5 Mobility
7 Spring Attack
9 Improved Critical (rapier)

Was certainly going to focus more on a supporting style, though I like the str build. Was originally considering being dex based and focusing on a whip and rapier, any thoughts on that?

I like Mergy's Dex build (regardless of 'Agile') - I'd suggest Arcane Strike at 3rd or 5th though, and suggest Power Attack at 3rd. Int 10, Wis 8 (or lower...) seems more like Elan.

Possibly Two-weapon Fighting in place of arcane strike. Weapon Focus does seem his style, though you can't take Improved Critical until 11th.

Plan for up to 15th+ level - Runelords will take you there.

Court Bard is tempting for the taunting of enemies Elan does, but he really is strong on inspiration of his allies, so that doesn't quite work.

You could lead into Duelist for him (maybe alternating levels once you get there).

Sounds fun, useful for Runelords (pick up any knowledge skills the rest of the party doesn't cover!) Elan knows things, he just usually doesn't realize it's important things. Perform (Act) of course, and probably Sing.

Dark Archive

Note that Elan's Dex is actually low, as evidenced by his 0 stealth modifier.


Dark Archive

Psyren wrote:

Note that Elan's Dex is actually low, as evidenced by his 0 stealth modifier.


Debatable. He also has Spring Attack, so he has at least a 13. A four could be a natural 1 with a 16 Dex, and he obviously doesn't use strength to hit. His prestige class also only gives him charisma to damage, so there must be something there.

Elan doesn't really do any serious damage till he picks up the prestige class that adds CHA modifier to damage.

So...a STR of around 10 or at most 12.

He's got a decent DEX but cruddy dice rolls :D. But no where near a good thief DEX. I'd go around 14 here.

INT & WIS, Elan isn't the sharpest for either of these. 7 or 8 depending on how you want to go.

CHA pump it as high as you can. It's Elan's charm and good looks that he relies on.

Now to make up for Elan's poor INT, isn't there a trait or class ability that allows you to use CHA for knowledge checks?
It might require a class dip into Oracle, of which Elan can take the deity of Banjo and the curse of haunted to explain why he fumbles stuff every now and then.

Grand Lodge

All I can think of is be sure to announce, when you're eaten by the Gelatinous Cube, "I'm a pineapple chunk!"

Dark Archive

Bards do well enough on Knowledge that they don't often need high intelligence. Half your level to all rolls adds up.

The Exchange

Is there an Oracle curse called "Delusional"?

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