Armour and clothing

Rules Questions

Can a character wear a chainshirt above a courtisan outfit? Does the character gain the outfit's bonus? If he can't, can he wear that outfit above the armor or he loose the outfit beneficts?

clothing and armor are different slots so yes you can wear a chainshirt with a courtisan outfit but the ACP will hinder you a little.

What bonus? When does clothing give you bonuses, except for special situations deemed by the DM?

Yes it's possible and assumed to wear clothing under armor, and sometimes over. It might still not be socially acceptable to wear armor during a banquette or at a royal ball.

Some outfits give bonuses on skill checks. However, fancy outfits worn under armor would look strange - it would be entirely within the GM's right to reasonably limit or eliminate outfit benefits for this reason. For example, a courtier's outfit essentially gives a +2 on Diplomacy checks made against nobles and courtiers, but wearing armor with the outfit could reasonably negate that penalty as such people would look at the armor-clad individual as a silly commoner.

Some light armor might be wearable under a bulky outfit. Again, that's up to the GM. Probably not with a courtier's outfit, and certainly not with a courtesan's outfit, but again, each GM might decide differently.

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