Five level 8 PC vs CR 13 Dragon


Hey everyone, I am running a certain module in the middle of Jade Regent. They are on book 3 (Hungry Storm), so they currently are level 8. The Pc's are all level 8, 20 point build. They Include Summoner, Ranger (Ranged), Barbarian, Witch, Oracle. I am wondering if you think the fight is possible? It is a Adult Blue Dragon. Or if the party leveling to level 9 would make a huge difference, or either way it will end poorly for the party? Gear is fairly average for there level. Now the party may also have a Level 7 Bard (Ameiko)and a Level 7 cleric of Desna (Koya) once they manage to free her and bring her into the combat.

Level 8 Barbarian, Witch, Oracle, Ranger, Summon + Level 7 Bard, Cleric


CR 13 Adult Blue Dragon.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

My opinion is that it sounds like it could be a nasty fight, but with the addition of the two extra NPC's it should be do-able. If they have bad luck it could go very poorly (that goes for any fight though).

What strategies were you planning on using with the dragon?

EDIT: Reading comprehension helps sometimes. Removed the parts that didnt make sense.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Parable wrote:

Hey everyone, I am running a certain module in the middle of Jade Regent. They are on book 3 (Hungry Storm), so they currently are level 8. The Pc's are all level 8, 20 point build. They Include Summoner, Ranger (Ranged), Barbarian, Witch, Oracle. I am wondering if you think the fight is possible? It is a Adult Blue Dragon. Or if the party leveling to level 9 would make a huge difference, or either way it will end poorly for the party? Gear is fairly average for there level. Now the party may also have a Level 7 Bard (Ameiko)and a Level 7 cleric of Desna (Koya) once they manage to free her and bring her into the combat.

Level 8 Barbarian, Witch, Oracle, Ranger, Summon + Level 7 Bard, Cleric


CR 13 Adult Blue Dragon.


According to the guide in the front of each book, what level should the group be at when they face it? A lot will depend if they prepare properly for the fight or whether they simply get ambushed unawares.

So does this adventure path think you are at a higher level or what? It sounds a little tough.

Also I recommend you compare the to-hits and damage dice, and saves of both the dragon and the party, and the DCs of the abilities of the dragon and party (such as spells, sla's, hexes, breath weapons, other special attacks, etc...

That way you will know if the party really has a chance.

Generally that Cr difference is extremely tough for a party, and will probay be disastrous

It's a tough battle, but...

5 regular 15 pt buy level 8 PCs total 24,000 XP of firepower (4,800 each), and this is roughly equivalent to a CR13 creature (25,600 xp). But your party is 20 pt buy, a couple of other likely NPC allies, and a serious advantage with action economy.

Fair chance a PC could die, particularly if someone makes a serious tactical error. But, barring terrible dice rolls the party should prevail. Unless they're pretty weak mechanically.

However, let me qualify that: It also depends on the flow of the adventure (I don't know Jade Regent). If this battle is largely a standalone encounter, shouldn't be a problem. If it's at the end of a series of encounters that have sapped the party's resources, could be the end of the road very easily.

Snow_Tiger's suggestions are also good. Compare combat stats.

Its a level 9 module. The AP is irrelevant. I added the module in to skip caravan rules they have had no trouble yet. But the last fight seems difficult

The CR difference is a bit much I have to agree.

That said the party is fairly well equipped to take on the dragon as is otherwise.

So do as others have suggested and compare the two and decide whether or not theres time to make up the gear/level to make them around level 9 or 10 so it can still be the tough doable fight you want while still being relatively fair.

Parable wrote:
Its a level 9 module. The AP is irrelevant. I added the module in to skip caravan rules they have had no trouble yet. But the last fight seems difficult

This was in response to..?

I wrote:
However, let me qualify that: It also depends on the flow of the adventure (I don't know Jade Regent). If this battle is largely a standalone encounter, shouldn't be a problem. If it's at the end of a series of encounters that have sapped the party's resources, could be the end of the road very easily.

Take out the bracketed reference to JR in sentence one. The point still stands. If it is a single encounter when the party is at full strength it shouldn't be too much trouble (though bad rolls could mean death for a character or two), though the allies could be instrumental.

If there are 6 CR 6-10 encounters before it, it's gonna be really tough.

If the party uses minimal tactics (i.e. Summoner hastes at least the ranger, and the barbarian and the Oracle casts Resist Energy (cold) on as many members of the party as possible the the party should win without losing anyone.

The ease of victory depends on overcoming SR and if the Oracle Channels Energy and whether enlarge person is cast on the Barbarian and the Ranger.

The addition of the Cleric and the Bard to the party should ensure victory.

Chaoswalker wrote:

If the party uses minimal tactics (i.e. Summoner hastes at least the ranger, and the barbarian and the Oracle casts Resist Energy (cold) on as many members of the party as possible the the party should win without losing anyone.

The ease of victory depends on overcoming SR and if the Oracle Channels Energy and whether enlarge person is cast on the Barbarian and the Ranger.

The addition of the Cleric and the Bard to the party should ensure victory.

Well you killed them already. Blue dragons are electric. :P

Bear in mind even with minimal tactics this thing is in good shape to drop people in one solid full attack. You'll definitely want to put on your thinking caps on this. It has all the tools necessary to hear you coming, make a good prep and then straight up slaughter one pc right from the get go. This is even at level 9.

If the dragon( i am gonna assume mit is the adjunkt blues dragon) have mage armor and shield up it is gonna be a hard figth. If the casters have greater Spell penetration that will help but generally i find that dragons is cuttet hard to figth if they are several levels above the group. With SR 24 and AC 28 (36 with self buff) it is a hard nut to take Down if unprepared even for a rested group of level 8s. And the NPCs, it is always sad to let NPCs save the Day IMOP.
Look at there to hits with buff, there fligth options and there Offensive Spell power before you send a CR13 dragon after them.

It depends on the setting of the fight. If the Adult Blue Dragon fights them anywhere in the open, plays to its strengths and fights smart, the party will be utterly annihilated. Blue Dragons are masters of hit and run strategies, able to deprive their enemies of water and take repeated shots at them with its lightning breath.

If the dragon plays to its strengths, the party should run in terror, NPCs or not.


You may want to consider, on the way to this encounter, or during this encounter if its spread out, your pcs maybe able to scavenge some very useful expendie magic items, and other useful items that can go all go along way, to lev the playing field.

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