Barbarian Oracle Build, The Saga Continues


Things went alright last time, Sunderer looking good. Twist: We're now rotating GMs. This time, we lost our Cleric healer. I'm thinking of MCing into Oracle to make up for that. While the cleric's gone, I can play support AND healer via rage-cycling/Moment of Clarity, and drop to back-up healer, main support when he's back.

Proposed continuous build, focusing on Sunders via Natural Attacks. Rolled 4 kept best 3 for stat gen so they're a bit high despite the race.

Race: Kobold
Racial Traits: Dragonmaw, Wild-Forest Kobold, Dayraider
Stats: Str 15 Dex 18 Con 18 (necklace loot, 16 base; maybe AoMF later) Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 12 (Yes, Cha is low. I was originally under the impression I was being forced to single-class.. Long story.)
Traits: Berserker of the Society, Adopted: Elven Reflexes, Dangerously Curious; Drawback: Pride

Class: Armored Hulk Lvl 5 (Locked out of Urban, unfortunately via GM. Would've been awesome for this.)

1 Barb 1 - Power Attack
2 Barb 2 - Lesser Beast Totem
3 Barb 3 - Improved Sunder
4 Barb 4 - Superstition
5 Barb 5 - ERP: Reckless Abandon
--Set in stone before this--
6 Barb 6 - Beast Totem
7 Barb 6/Oracle 1 - Tail Terror, Battle Mystery, Lame Curse. Maneuver Mastery - Disarm
8 Barb 7/Oracle 1 - Greater Beast Totem
9 Barb 7/Oracle 2 - Combat Reflexes, Enlarge Person
10 Barb 8/Oracle 2 - Witch Hunter
11 Barb 8/Oracle 3 - Dazing Assault, War Sight
12 Barb 9/Oracle 3 - Come and Get Me
13 Barb 9/Oracle 4 - Extra Rage Power: Spell Sunder, Fog Cloud
14 Barb 10/Oracle 4 - Strength Surge
15 Barb 10/Oracle 5 - Greater Sunder

Since I'm focused on sundering via Natural Attacks (bite, claws x2, tail terror) and rage, BAB doesn't need to be focused on as much for iteratives, and considering how quickly our group focuses spellcasters down, I'm thinking Spell Sunder can wait. I could also just drop Beast Totem and Greater BT til later (since my +2 Stoneplate and 91 raging HP is serving me well), say 10/11, and pick up the Spell Sunder line sooner, grabbing an earlier start on Oracle...maybe even just switching straight to Oracle up to 15. Though if I do stay Barb one more level, I get that rage power though I don't gain anything from the archetype.

Also considering Dual-Cursed Metal Oracle instead with Lame, paired with Tongues as the non-improving curse. Or maybe Clouded Vision for fun RP - she'll be close-up anyway for CAGM and Oracle's Burden would be sweet. Would be a great counter to BBEGs and Mages too. If I drop the DC archetype, Lead Blades + Enlarge would rock (the former I could enchant armor with), and the Sorceror seems to be going blaster. Before she was killed by a 300-esque rain of javelin-sized scorpion arrows, this character did use a katana, so Iron Weapon could be a nice throwback.

Thanks for reading! Thoughts, suggestions? :)

In my research prior to making this thread, I saw a lot of Barbarian/Oracle builds that either dipped one level for Lame and rage-cyciling, or dipped 3-4 in Barbarian then went full Oracle. It seems like it might bet better to just go straight Oracle since I already won't have access to spells beyond 7th level?

Rage Prophet seems a natural fit for your build. Can you rarrange your class lvls before 5? It seems to me logical that your GM lets you do this, considering that this change of plans was unexpected.

Hey, Mors. Nice to see you again!!

No, I can't rearrange anything before 5 - I already know that answer without asking. I've thought of Rage Prophet certainly - Savage Seer would be pretty awesomne, Indomitable Caster would be great with the low Charisma, and Ragecaster would be amazing considering my high Con, though it wouldn't kick in til 13, though at that point the boost to DCs would be awesome - assuming I do only 1 level of Oracle.

That said, I'm giving up higher level spells, which I'm already doing by starting 5 levels in Barbarian. Had I known the GM-switching would happen, I'd have probably only went with 3. I saw a lot of hate for Rage Prophet on the boards due to what it sacrifices in return for what it grants.

Anyway, thoughts?

Nice to see you too! Consider this. Invest in UMD (you should already have I suppose). Buy a wand of CLW. Heal when you need to. Keep your planned barbarian build intact. What do you think? No in-combat healer, but incombat healing is sub-par in the first place unless you specialized in that and you definately won't with your five lvls of Barbarian.

Off-topic: Other ways to add natural attacks:

-Wand of monstrous extremities
-Tentacle cloak
-Helm of the mammoth lord

Hm. I've kept UMD maxed-out though I'm finding that our WBLs aren't nearly half of what they should be for level 5. (We just hit 6.) I've been trying to look into a want of CLW but I don't have the 750g... May talk to the new GM about that issue before next session.

I actually wasn't looking to do In-Combat healing but since our cleric exists in the GM's bag of holding she still sort of takes care of all the out-of-combat healing. That sort of renders the healing reason to multi-class null and void, and while I do kind of want to multi-class, maybe Oracle isn't the best thing to multi-class into, if I'm going to at all - obviously being a full BAB class, staying in Barbarian would be incredibly useful.

Hm. I remember seeing those bottom two, among others, in that short pdf you linked me in the other thread, but I've not heard of that spell. Looking into it, it's rather useful for a natural attack build! Thank you!

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